Map Editor - Objects

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This article refers to the Map Editor. For the list of Adventure Map Objects, see List of adventure map objects.

Tools -> Objects menu

Objects appropriate for each Terrain can be found in Tools -> Objects, on the Mode bar, as well as by pressing pressing a key from Q to A Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom), depending on the placement of the Object Terrain type on the Mode bar:

  • Q: Dirt objects
  • W: Sand objects
  • E: Grass objects
  • R: Snow objects
  • T: Swamp objects
  • Y: Rough objects
  • U: Subterranean objects
  • I: Lava objects
  • O: Highland objects
  • P: Wasteland objects
  • [: Water objects
  • ]: Miscellaneous decorations
  • A: Miscellaneous active objects

Note, that without Hota, the order ignores the Highland and Wasteland objects, as well as Miscellaneous decorations and active objects, instead placing "All-Terrain Objects" at the end Map Editor.

Objects appear on the Object Bar on the right and can be scroled through using the slider on the right (or with the mouse scroll Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom)). Pressing right-click on an object on the Object bar shows its description and default effect.

Opening an object on the wiki will show 4 types of cells on it or around it:

  • Red cells: These cells are part of the object and are not passable. Heroes cannot move onto them. Identical cells appear around the object when using the View -> Passability option.
  • Yellow cells: These cells are part of the object and may be visited. If there is more than one yellow cell in an object (f.e. Magic Spring), a hero can move from one of the yellow cells to another. Identical cells appear on the object when using the Passability option.
  • Arrowed cells: These cells show where a hero must stand to visit this object, and which cell they can enter.
  • Empty cells: These cells are neither a part of the object, nor can the object be visited from them.

Object Properties[edit | hide | hide all]

Object Properties can be accessed by pressing Enter once an object was chosen, by clicking on an object with the left mouse button twice (double-clicking) or by selecting an object and pressing "Properties" icon on the Toolbar (portraying a hand holding a piece of paper). The object properties can be used to modify the object. If an object or some of its properties remain unaltered, the object will have either the default property or a randomly chosen one, depending on the object. Randomly chosen properties will change every time the scenario is start (or restarted).

All-Terrain Objects[edit | hide]

This category of objects includes all Creature Dwellings, non-terrain specific Adventure map locations, Random Creature generators, Creature Banks, Monoliths, Garrisons, Border Guards and Gates, Quest Guards and Gates, Magical Terrains, and Events.

In HotA Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom), the All-Terrain objects are divided into 5 categories: "Miscellaneous active objects" (A), "Creature Generators" (J), "Teleporters" (K), "Garrisons, Border Guards and Tents" (L), as well as "Magical Terrain" (;).

Note that many all-terrain objects have their terrain-specific counterparts in Terrain Object sections.

List of All-Terrain Objects and their properties

Terrain objects[edit | hide]

Despite their name and placement on the Toolbar, Terrain objects can be placed on any Terrain, except for Rock (where no object may be placed) and Water (where only some of the objects may not be placed, notably Towns, Heroes (changed in HotA Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom), where Heroes appear in Ships if placed on water) and Shipyards). Some (but not all) Water objects may be placed on land.

List of Sand objects

List of Snow objects

List of Rough objects

List of Wasteland Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom) objects

List of Water objects

Uneditable Terrain objects[edit | hide]

Some terrain-specific objects may not be edited in any way.

List of Uneditable Terrain objects

Towns[edit | hide]

Towns are accessible in Tools -> Objects -> Towns, and on the Mode bar, as well as by pressing S Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom). Each of the standard Towns is available, as well as a Random Town.

Town Properties[edit | hide]

List of Town Properties

Random Towns[edit | hide]

The way a random town appears in the map editor.

Random Towns can be used by the mapmaker to replace any other town. Except for standard town properties, their Alignment can be customized to be one of the following:

  • Same as Owner or Random - If an owner has a specified alignment (either by choice, randomly chosen when the map is generated or set in the Map Specifications), a Town of this Alignment will replace the Random Town when the map is generated or restarted. If the Town is unowned, the Alignment is random, and a random town will replace the Random Town when the map is generated or restarted.
  • Same as player (number) (color) - Only works if the player has a specified alignment, otherwise the town alignment will be randomly chosen instead. Note, that the player does not have to be the owner of the Town for this setting to apply.
  • Not as player (number) (color) Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom) - Only works if the player has a specified alignment. The town will be replaced with a randomly chosen town but not the one assigned to the player. The player may still be the owner of the Town, even if that setting is chosen (but it will be a differently aligned town).

Random Towns can be used to give a player a town of their choice. By setting the alignment to "Same as Owner or Random" and marking a player as the owner, the player may choose the town when they choose their alignment before the game.

Random Town buildings customization is different than normal: instead of enabling, forbidding, building or demolishing specific buildings, the mapmaker may do all of the above on building alternatives: Level i Creature Generators, Level i Creature Hordes, etc. As a result, unique buildings may not be built, and neither can some non-special buildings (such as: Gunpowder Warehouse, Gantry or the Vault of Ashes).

In HotA Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom), this has been fixed and expanded, and Random Towns can be customized to enable, forbid, build or demolish any unique and special buildings.

Monsters[edit | hide]

Monsters are accessible in Tools -> Objects -> Monsters, on the Mode bar, and by pressing D Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom). Monsters include all Faction-related and Neutral creatures in the order of their level, upgrade, with towns in the order of their alignment (with Cove and Factory placed last, right before the Neutral alignment), as well as Random Monsters.

Note, that all Monsters (both 1-hex and 2-hex ones) occupy only one cell on the map. All monsters guard all cells that directly neighbour their cell, either vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Monsters only guard water cells if they are on water and vice versa.

Pressing Right-Click on a Monster shows their level, alignment and default quantity.

Monster Properties[edit | hide]

Monsters may be customized in the Monster Properties.

List of Monster Properties

Random Monsters[edit | hide]

Random Monsters can be of a specified or a non-specified level. Specified-level random monsters will be replaced with the random monster, of the appropriate level (randomly upgraded or unupgraded), when the map is generated or restarted. Their quantity will be randomly generated from the quantity pool for that monster (which is visible when right-clicking the appropriate monsters on the right). Note, that a random monster's properties may be customized just like any other monster's. Note, that the chosen quantity will override any default quantity, and thus if the random monster is particularly stronger than their equivalent-level comrades, the chosen quantity will pose an extra threat to the payer. Value option Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom) may be used to alter the quantity of monsters to always as closely resemble a chosen Value as possible (remember, that Value = AI_value / 2.5 +2300). This is particularly noticeable on lower-level creatures - since they have lower AI value per unit, the map editor will more readily replace them with the appropriate AI value. At the same time, a difference of up to a few thousand points of value can have no impact on the quantity of very powerful creatures, such as Crystal Dragons, whose Value of 34000 and 41500 would produce 2 Crystal Dragons in each case, despite a 7500 Value difference.

Non-specified level random monsters increase the pool of available monsters to all creatures, from a Peasant to an Azure Dragon. It is recommended to avoid using this feature.

Heroes[edit | hide]

Heroes can be found in Tools -> Objects -> Heroes, on the Mode bar (helmet icon), or by pressing F Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom). Heroes (selected by class) may not be placed without first assigning a player in the Player setting, (or by pressing Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, etc. appropriately for each respective player). Heroes may not be placed on water (changed in HotA Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom), where heroes placed on water are automatically placed inside a ship).

Instead of selecting a hero by class, a Random Hero or a Hero Placeholder may be used.

Note, that only one of each hero identity may exist on the map. If a hero is located in a Prison, Hero Camp, or are located somewhere on the map, there may not be a second hero with the same identity added.

Hero Properties[edit | hide]

List of Hero Properties

Random Heroes[edit | hide]

Instead of placing a hero, a Random hero may be chosen. Random heroes will be randomly chosen from the available heroes of the player's faction when the scenario is started or restarted. Note, that one Random Hero may be customized by a player before the start of the game, during scenario selection. If there isn't enough available hero's from the player's faction to replace all Random heroes, a random available hero from any faction will be chosen.

Random heroes may be customized just like normal heroes, except for their class, identity, name, portrait, gender and biography.

Instead of adding specific creatures to the army of a Random Hero, instead the mapmaker may add random creatures of a chosen level (upgraded or unupgraded) to the hero's army. These creatures will be replaced with the appropriate creatures from the Town the random hero belongs to.

Hero Placeholder[edit | hide]

Hero Placeholders are used in campaign maps, following the first one, to allow a Hero to move on from one map to another, while retaining everything chosen in Crossover Options. When a scenario with Hero Placeholders is started or restarted, the heroes from the previous map will be replace the Hero Placeholders. When used outside of the campaign, Hero Placeholders are removed from the map when the scenario is started or restarted. The player's starting hero, however, may not be a Hero assigned to a Hero Placeholder, even if the hero Placeholder will be removed from the map anyway. As a result, in non-campaign scenarios, Hero Placeholders may be used to limit the starting Hero pool without placing heroes in Prisons or Hero Camps.

Hero placeholders may be customized only in the following ways:

  • General:
    • Owner: See: Hero Properties
    • Identity: See: Hero Properties
      • Any Hero -> Power rating: This option allows for placement of heroes in a next map of a campaign in order of their power, calculated using their experience level and primary skills.
      • Specific Hero: Here, a hero may be chosen (by class and identity).
  • Creatures: See: Hero Properties
  • Artifacts: See: Hero Properties. Note that unlike normal heroes, Hero placeholders may not be given War Machines as artifacts, but may instead start with Spell Scrolls.

Artifacts[edit | hide]

Artifacts can be accessed by using Tools -> Objects -> Artifacts, on the Mode bar (trophy icon), or by pressing G Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom). Artifacts placed on the map don't have to be allowed with the Map Specifications.

Artifact Properties[edit | hide]

  • General:
    • Message: This message will play out every time the artifact is interacted with. If the artifact is guarded, the player will be able to choose yes/no. The message should be worded in such a way, where answering "yes" should designate combat for the artifact, and "no" backing out. In Shadow of Death, this feature is bugged and as a result the player may only choose to initiate combat (fixed in Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom)).???
    • Special artifact pickup conditions Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom): The artifact may be made inaccessible to heroes without a certain skill (Wisdom or Leadership), or require payment of gold (and possibly resources). Each special artifact pickup condition chosen will be added to a pool, and one of the available conditions will be randomly chosen at the start (or restart) of a scenario. Note, that if "Combat with monsters" is not the applying pickup condition, the guards will not attack.
  • Guardians: Here, the artifact's guardians may be added. They will attack once combat is initiated, following an agreement to the artifact's message.

Spell Scrolls[edit | hide]

On top of normal properties, Spell Scroll's spell may be customized (including spells banned on the map). By default, it's a random spell allowed in the Map Specifications.

Random Artifacts[edit | hide]

Instead of a specific artifact, a Random Artifact may be chosen. Random Artifacts are replaced with a random, available on the map artifact when the scenario is started (or restarted), while the Random Artifacts of a specified level (1-4, where 1 is treasure, 2 is minor, 3 is major and 4 is relic) are instead replaced by a random artifact available on the map of the appropriate level. They may be customized, just like any other artifact. It is recommended to avoid using Random Artifacts without a specified level, as they're a source of extraordinary variance (a Random Artifact may be replaced with a Centaur's Axe or an Armageddon's Blade, provided both are allowed in the Map Specifications).

The Grail[edit | hide]

The Grail, even though technically an artifact, differs from others. It may not be placed freely or guarded on the map; it may not be placed in any other object, as owned by a hero, or in any other way like all other artifacts. The Grail also may not be placed on Water. The only way to place it is to place it buried. The Grail will be available to dig-up from the spot it is placed on or any random, non-occupied, non-visitable, non-blocked by an obstacle spot within the "allowable placement radius", 0 by default. The Grail is placed once the scenario is started or restarted. Note, that allowed cells are those that are neither red nor yellow when checking for Passability and may be unreachable by players if a hole exists between different obstacles and the Grail randomly spawns there. There may be only 1 Grail on the map.

Remember, that in order to uncover and dig out the Grail, the players will need to visit Obelisks. Obelisks uncover 1/N part of the puzzle, where N is the number of Obelisks.

Treasures[edit | hide]

Available through Tools -> Objects -> Treasures, on the Mode bar (Treasure chest icon), or by pressing H Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom), this tab is primarily comprised of resources.

Campfires[edit | hide]

In the Shadow of Death Map Editor Map Editor, campfires are only available as Terrain Objects and cannot be edited, always providing the default 400-600 gold and 4-6 of a random resource other than gold. In HotA, campfires are available as Treasures and may be customized to provide a chosen amount of gold and chosen amount of a single resource (minimum 1, maximum 32767) and the exact amount of a chosen resource other than gold (again, minimum 1, maximum 32767).

Additional campfires with different graphics appear as a Sand, Snow, Subterranean and Lava objects.

Treasure Chests[edit | hide]

Without HotA Horn of the Abyss, Treasure Chests may not be customized and instead provide the default reward of 32% chance of 1000 gold Gold or 500 XP Experience, 32% chance of 1500 gold Goldor 1000 XP Experience, 31% chance of 2000 gold Gold or 1500 XP Experience and 5% chance of a random Treasure class artifact. With HotA, one of the aforementioned rewards can be chosen to always appear, and if the Treasure Artifact is chosen, it can be chosen to be Random or customized, including artifacts that are not allowed in the Map Specifications. Note, that unlike other resource-providing objects, the exact reward may not be customized.

Ancient Lamps[edit | hide]

This object allows a player to hire Master Genies. Once all of them have been recruited, it will disappear from the map. This can be used to block/open a path. The number of available Master Genies is by default 4-7, but can be customized to be any value from 1 to 32767.

Scholars[edit | hide]

Scholars provide to the first visiting hero a random Spell, Primary or Secondary Skill. The reward can be customized, including banned Spells and banned Secondary Skills in the Map Specifications.

Without HotA Horn of the Abyss, Scholars are available as All-Terrain objects Map Editor.

Resources[edit | hide]

Resources include Wood Wood, Mercury Mercury, Ore Ore, Sulfur Sulfur, Crystal Crystal, Gems Gem and Gold Gold. They can be customized in the following ways:


  • Quantity: By default, "Random" is chosen and corresponds to 5-10 Wood Wood and Ore Ore, 3-6 Rare Resources or 500 - 1000 Gold Gold. Instead, the value may be customized to equal a chosen amount of the particular resource, from 1 to 99999. Note, that for gold the chosen value will be multiplied by 100.
  • Message: This message will play out every time the resource is interacted with. If the resources is guarded, the player will be able to choose yes/no. The message should be worded in such a way, where answering "yes" should designate combat for the resource, and "no" backing out. In Shadow of Death Map Editor, this feature is bugged and as a result the player may only choose to initiate combat (fixed in Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom)).???

Guardians: Here, the resource's guardians may be added. They will attack once combat is initiated, following an agreement to the message.

Random resources[edit | hide]

Random resources are replaced by a randomly chosen resource when the scenario is created or restarted. They can be customized the same way Resources are customized.

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Gallery[edit | hide]

See also:[edit | hide]