Template:Cape artifacts
Cloak of the Undead King
neck, feet
Effect: For heroes without Necromancy, it works the same as expert level Necromancy. If a hero already has Necromancy, the level of the skill determines what type of creatures are resurrected: basic – walking dead; advanced – wights; expert – liches. Components effect: not active.
Requires to combine:
Amulet of the Undertaker
Dead Man's Boots
Vampire's Cowl
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You trip over the Cloak of the Undead King, dust it off, and stick it in your pack.
Cloak of the Undead King is a relic class combination artifact and is equipped in the shoulders slot. Combination artifacts were first added in the Shadow of Death expansion. The artifact allows the raising of killed enemy troops as skeletons after battle, as if the hero had Necromancy. The power of the skill is 30% (15% in HotA)
, which is equal to the total Necromancy buff provided by all of the components. Unlike the real Necromancy secondary skill, the basic effect cannot be increased by the Necromancy Amplifier, Soul Prison or the Necromancy specialty, - it's always 30% in Shadow of Death and 15% in Horn of the Abyss.
For heroes with Necromancy, the artifact effect is different. They get all the skill buffs available (except for the cloak's components effect), and the level of the skill determines which kind of undead will rise:
If there are only upgraded creatures in the army and no empty slots available, Zombies, Wraiths or Power Liches will be raised, but just 66.6% compared to the number of unupgraded ones.
If the tournament rules are turned on, this artifact can still be assembled and will display its description, but it does not work.
Requires the following artifacts to create: Amulet of the Undertaker, Dead Man's Boots, and Vampire's Cowl
In Horn of the Abyss, the power of the Cloak of the Undead King was cut in half, as Necromancy itself. It gives heroes without Necromancy just 15% skill instead of 30%.
See also: