
From Heroes 3 wiki
Revision as of 16:25, 14 June 2018 by (talk) (Advanced effect was "Same as Basic Effect, except troop cannot teleport over walls.", which is fully the same as basic effect so I changed cannot to can as it makes more sense.)
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School of Water Magic
Symbol for School of Water Magic
Level 1
 Magic Arrow *
 Protection from Water
 Summon Boat
Level 2
 Ice Bolt
 Remove Obstacle
 Scuttle Boat
 Visions *
Level 3
 Frost Ring
Level 4
 Water Walk
Level 5
 Summon Water Elemental
School of Air Magic
School of Earth Magic
School of Fire Magic
School:  Water Magic
Level:  3rd
Cost:  15/12/6/3
Duration:  instant
 Basic effect
Target allied troop instantly moves to an unoccupied target hex. Troop cannot teleport over walls or moats.
 Advanced effect
Same as Basic Effect, except troop can teleport over walls.
 Expert effect
Troop can move to any unoccupied hex.
 Probability of occurrence (%):
Castle   24
Rampart   24
Tower   32 (24*)
Inferno   32
Necropolis   25
Dungeon   24
Stronghold   24
Fortress   40
Conflux   24
Cove Horn of the Abyss   30
Factory Horn of the Abyss   
* Without Library

Teleport is the only spell with mana cost depending on every step of magic element secondary skill.