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DraconDracon Dracon Armageddon's Blade Map Editor
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
Dracon the Wizard
Basic Information:
DraconDracon Class: Wizard
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Dracon is a Human Wizard. Considered by many to be a magical genius, Dracon seeks to become history's greatest Dragon Slayer. Unlike his fellow Wizards, Dracon eschews decorative attire for more practical battle gear.
Specialty: Enchanters
Specialty EnchantersSpecialty Enchanters Can upgrade monks or zealots and magi or arch magi to enchanters.
Primary Skills:
Attack 0 Defense 0 Spell Power 2 Knowledge 3
Secondary Skills:
Wisdom Advanced Wisdom
[[File:{{{skill_2}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_2}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_3}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_3}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_4}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_4}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_5}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_5}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_6}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_6}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_7}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_7}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_8}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_8}}} [[]]
Enchanter Enchanter 6 Always
Enchanter Enchanter 3 Always Horn of the Abyss88% Shadow of Death
Enchanter Enchanter 1 Always Horn of the Abyss25% Shadow of Death
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_4}}} small.gif|{{{troop_4}}}|link={{{troop_4}}}]] [[{{{troop_4}}}|{{{troop_4}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_5}}} small.gif|{{{troop_5}}}|link={{{troop_5}}}]] [[{{{troop_5}}}|{{{troop_5}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_6}}} small.gif|{{{troop_6}}}|link={{{troop_6}}}]] [[{{{troop_6}}}|{{{troop_6}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_7}}} small.gif|{{{troop_7}}}|link={{{troop_7}}}]] [[{{{troop_7}}}|{{{troop_7}}}]] Always
Haste Haste
War Machine:
[[File: Creature portrait small.gif link=]] [[|]] Always Horn of the Abyss88% Shadow of Death
Starting Movement Points:

Only available in the campaigns and in standard scenarios if the map-maker has enabled him.

Not to be confused with Beastmaster DrakonDrakon Drakon the Beastmaster.

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Dracon's special ability is formidable. Even so powerful that he is typically disabled in custom made maps. While you should have no reasonable difficulty using Dracon as a main hero during the single player campaign, he could also be used as an enchanter-upgrading-support-hero sitting in a town garrison or following your main hero.


He is featured in the Dragon Slayer campaign from Armageddon's Blade, taking appearance in all four scenarios as the main hero.


In the Dragon Slayer campaign, he managed to slay all kinds of dragons, from Faerie Dragons to Azure Dragons, accomplishing only what veteran Dragon Slayers could.

According to Jennifer Bullard's development documents, Dracon is the one who finally slayed Mutare the Dragon Queen in one-on-one combat. He didn't survive the battle, but still freed the dragons from Mutare's influence and was also going to be remembered as the greatest Dragon Slayer of all time.

In Russian, Dracon and Drakon have the same name spelling (Дракон), since letters C and K are transliterated in the same way (e.g. Korbac is "Корбак" in Russian).

See Also: