Water Magic
1 rnd/sp
Basic effect
Creates a duplicate of target, allied troop level 1-5. The duplicate can attack but is dispelled if it receives any damage.
Advanced effect
Same as Basic Effect, except the duplicate may be of a level 1-6 troop.
Expert effect
Same as Basic Effect, except the duplicate may be of a level 1-7 troop.
Probability of occurrence (%):
It creates an exact replica of the target creature stack, which has all of the original stacks features and special abilities. For example, cloning Pit Lords will create a Pit Lord that can summon Demons. Although only one clone of a single unit stack can exist at a time, it is possible to clone a unit stack multiple times if its clone is dispelled. The clone will disappear immediately (no retaliation) when it receives any damage. It will also be dispelled if the unit that the Clone-spell was casted on dies. Unlike other spells that summon a new creature, Clone's duration depend on the casters spell power as the clone lasts for 1 turn for each rank in spell power the caster has.
Heroes starting with Clone:
Heroes that specialize in Clone: