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Revision as of 00:01, 5 June 2021 by Imahero (talk | contribs)
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IgnissaIgnissa Ignissa
LacusLacus Lacus
MonereMonere Monere
ErdamonErdamon Erdamon
FiurFiur Fiur
KaltKalt Kalt
LunaLuna Luna
BrissaBrissa Brissa
CieleCiele Ciele
LabethaLabetha Labetha
InteusInteus Inteus
AenainAenain Aenain
GelareGelare Gelare
GrindanGrindan Grindan
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
Brissa the Elementalist
Basic Information:
BrissaBrissa Class: Elementalist
Gender: Female
Race: Genie
A young genie, even by their standards, Brissa joined the Restoration War before she completed her training. What she lacks in training, she makes up in experience.
Specialty: Haste
Specialty HasteSpecialty Haste Brissa's proficiency in the Haste spell allows her to cast it with increased effect, based on the level of the target (greater bonus on weaker units).
Primary Skills:
Attack 0 Defense 0 Spell Power 3 Knowledge 3
Secondary Skills:
Wisdom Basic Wisdom
Air Magic Basic Air Magic
[[File:{{{skill_3}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_3}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_4}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_4}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_5}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_5}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_6}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_6}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_7}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_7}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_8}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_8}}} [[]]
Pixie Pixie 15–25 Always
Air Elemental Air Elemental 3-5 Always Horn of the Abyss88% Shadow of Death
Water Elemental Water Elemental 2-3 Always Horn of the Abyss25% Shadow of Death
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_4}}} small.gif|{{{troop_4}}}|link={{{troop_4}}}]] [[{{{troop_4}}}|{{{troop_4}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_5}}} small.gif|{{{troop_5}}}|link={{{troop_5}}}]] [[{{{troop_5}}}|{{{troop_5}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_6}}} small.gif|{{{troop_6}}}|link={{{troop_6}}}]] [[{{{troop_6}}}|{{{troop_6}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_7}}} small.gif|{{{troop_7}}}|link={{{troop_7}}}]] [[{{{troop_7}}}|{{{troop_7}}}]] Always
Haste Haste
War Machine:
[[File: Creature portrait small.gif link=]] [[|]] Always Horn of the Abyss88% Shadow of Death
Starting Movement Points:


Her specialty gives in addition to normal Haste speed bonuses
     +3 to creatures on level 1–2
     +2 to creatures on level 3–4
     +1 to creatures on level 5–6
     No additional bonus for creatures on level 7.
Although the description of the specialty states, "based on hero level compared to the level of the target unit", the hero's level has no effect on the specialty.

Speed of Conflux creatures with normal Haste and Brissa's Haste:

Name Level Speed Basic Haste Adv./Expert Haste Brissa Basic Haste Brissa Adv./Expert Haste
Phoenix Phoenix 7+ 21 24 26 24 26
Firebird Firebird 7 15 18 20 18 20
Magic Elemental Magic Elemental 6+ 9 (12) (14) (13) (15)
Sprite Sprite 1+ 9 12 14 15 17
Energy Elemental Energy Elemental 4+ 8 11 13 13 15
Storm Elemental Storm Elemental 2+ 8 11 13 14 16
Psychic Elemental Psychic Elemental 6 7 10 12 11 13
Air Elemental Air Elemental 2 7 10 12 13 15
Pixie Pixie 1 7 10 12 13 15
Magma Elemental Magma Elemental 5+ 6 9 11 10 12
Ice Elemental Ice Elemental 3+ 6 9 11 11 13
Fire Elemental Fire Elemental 4 6 9 11 11 13
Water Elemental Water Elemental 3 5 8 10 10 12
Earth Elemental Earth Elemental 5 4 7 9 8 10

Changed turn order for Brissa:

This is a quite welcome change since Sprites have no retaliation, Storm Elementals can now weaken a stack for the Energy Elementals and Ice Elementals can weaken a stack for the Magma Elementals.

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Some may find the information in this section subjective or irrelevant.

Magic Elementals are immune to Haste and Phoenixes won't benefit much from it.

See Also:
