Air Magic
1 rnd/sp
Basic effect
Target, allied troop's speed is increased by three hexes/turn.
Advanced effect
Target, allied troop's speed is increased by five hexes/turn.
Expert effect
All allied troops' speed is increased by five hexes/turn.
Probability of occurrence (%):
It increases speed of target allied creature stack, or in expert level, all allied creature stacks.
Contrary to what some sources claim, haste does not strictly speaking counter the spell slow. This is due the fact, that haste increses speed of the creature stacks by three of five, while slow decreases speed by a precentage (25% or 50%).
Heroes with a specialty in this spell:
If you have the fastest unit on the battlefield, giving you the initiative, this is an excellent spell to start with, giving you lots of moves before the enemy can move, especially on Expert level.