- Help clear the Maintenance Reports for unused/broken/wanted items!
- Check out and verify Trivia#Unverified Claims
- Look for pages that need help and report them here (e.g. unreadable color scheme, missing info)
- Use {{unk}} to mark text we need to fill in. That way all the unknown text will link to that template!
- Also, help clear the pages linking to the template by filling in the missing info.
- Record any in-game bugs found here: List of bugs (HotA)
Community Requests
- Write tips on campaign scenario pages (
- Sometimes there are tips on the main campaign pages under User Commentary. (e.g. Dragon's Blood)
- I've noticed there are a bunch of strategy/tips on Should/Can we cite/copy that info here or leave a link to them?
- The CC BY-SA seems like a very open license. I would just add attribution using the appropriate link (to the edit summary)
- A page (perhaps Maps/extra) with links to resources with extra maps and overall other external resources (such as h3 assist, etc) could be useful, especially for beginners. Is that allowed with the wiki, though? Can we link f.e. Xenofex's h3assist or maps4heroes and write how they're popular among players? - Csaros
- Add banned spells/artifacts/heroes/secondary skills (except banned for default) to campaign/single scenario pages.
- Suggestions for wiki coverage:
- Concept art, pre-release screenshots, and other such promotional material.
- Here are some websites/galleries we can use to add material from:
17:59, 25 April 2024 (UTC)
- George Almond's portfolio: Heroes sketchbook & Hero portraits
- Phelan Sykes' portfolio is dead, some content may be salvageable through the Internet Archive: Heroes 3 and Heroes 3 expansions
- Here are some websites/galleries we can use to add material from:
- Developer interviews and other articles with important information about the game and its universe.
- An article about the board game. Especially since it has effectively canonized Horn of the Abyss!
- The first two because a lot of this material is now lost or hard to find, and this will only get worse as time passes. Some other wikis for other franchises have been pretty good at safekeeping such documents (I'm thinking for example of the UESP for Elder Scrolls games). --Turnam (talk) 16:51, 25 April 2024 (UTC)
- Concept art, pre-release screenshots, and other such promotional material.
Research/Explain game concepts (HIGH priority)
- Breath Attack could use a diagram of how it works (specifically when attacking straight up or down)
- I found this, but I have no idea the accuracy or completeness. --Legate (talk) 03:43, 8 December 2023 (UTC)
- This may be affected by Mechanics and Engineers as these are the first 1-tile creatures with a breath attack.
- ANECDOTE: I did notice a...bug? nuance?...with attacker's Engineers attacking in the down-left direction vs. a 2-tile enemy not hitting the expected second tile. --Legate (talk) 16:11, 4 January 2024 (UTC)
- Actually, this is related to the pic just above. In the pic, top row, second from the left, I expected there to be a 2nd red arrow going in the down-left direction. The diagram does not have one, which matched the in-game behavior I saw. --Legate (talk) 15:32, 5 January 2024 (UTC)
- There is a bug (perhaps intended) that if a Mechanic attacks a two hex creature (usually I found it when attacking from the hex right above or right below the 2-hex monster) with the sword-arrow pointing to the direction from which she came to attack, the fire attack follows the direction of her movement and not the direction of the sword-arrow. - Csaros
- This behavior matches the picture above, which was made a while ago...implying that this bug exists for dragons as well. Testing needed. --Legate (talk) 18:13, 25 March 2024 (UTC)
- ANECDOTE: I did notice a...bug? nuance?...with attacker's Engineers attacking in the down-left direction vs. a 2-tile enemy not hitting the expected second tile. --Legate (talk) 16:11, 4 January 2024 (UTC)
- I found this, but I have no idea the accuracy or completeness. --Legate (talk) 03:43, 8 December 2023 (UTC)
- I think it would be worth adding a page or two about AI behaviour in detail, such as how it affects kiting, etc. -- Csaros (talk)
- Does petrification / stone gaze affect damage taken from a moat? - Csaros (talk) 13:52, 25 February 2024 (UTC)
Content: Page Creation/Updating
- Create a Campaign Editor page.
- Include the no-campaign map watercolor paintings (e.g. File:Cmap hota 4.png).
Missing Info
- Single scenarios: Add all the timed/object events like seen on the campaign scenarios. (See All for One)
- Finish updating campaign scenario pages:
- Add remaining right-click text to: HC,
HotAcampaigns- This text can either be found in-game or under "regionText" in the json export from FreeHeroes tool.
- Upload/add remaining campaign maps: HC
- Add victory_hint (e.g. # creatures to accumulate) & loss_hint (e.g. amount of time expires) to any scenarios that need it.
- Status (Campaigns):
roe, ab,sod, hc, hota - Status (Single Scen.): roe, ab, sod, hc, hota
- Status (Campaigns):
- Add remaining right-click text to: HC,
- Some campaign scenarios are missing items (e.g. artifacts/quest guards/etc)
- Update campaign heroes pages with base hero + modifications.
- See list in Template:Campaign hero table (reskins).
- Status:
roe, ab,sod (done through Duke Alarice), hc, hota
- Reformat some campaign scenario tables
- Rumor and Timed Event tables (See: Template:Rrow, Template:TErow). Status:
roe, ab, sod,hc (done through The Boatman),hota Seer and Quest Guard/Gate tables (See: Template:SorQrow).
- Rumor and Timed Event tables (See: Template:Rrow, Template:TErow). Status:
- Check if List of bugs (HotA) are fixed in Horn of the Abyss (Changelog)#Version 1.7.1
- Switch pages under Adventure Map to Tan color palette (See Template: Color Templates).
- Poison fit for a King, Kreegan Alliance: Loss condition doesn't match description. Is this correct? Either fix the hint or the loss condition.
- Timeline: Move Horn of the Abyss to be halfway between Terror of the Seas and Armageddon's Blade (so as not to look concurrent).
- Add a page with a map of Enroth, showing the continents and countries found there.
- There are at least maps of Antagarich found in the Campaign Editor.
- Could even add clickable regions to navigate to the pages for the countries.
- Add story info to hero pages.
- Standard heroes. Complete with exceptions:
- Factory:
, Any updates from Homecoming (HotA)
- Factory:
- Campaign heroes with profiles: See Template:Campaign hero (profile) table
- Status: roe, ab,
sod, hc,hota
- Status: roe, ab,
- Campaign heroes with portraits: See Template:Campaign hero (pic) table. Complete with exceptions:
Reskins: See list in Template:Campaign hero table (reskins).
- Standard heroes. Complete with exceptions:
- Go through the campaign videos and copy them into an "Appearance" section of the pages of the heroes/creatures/etc. that they depict. (See Behemoth).
File upload/editing
• In a command terminal run: "oxipng -o 6 -s -r ." to losslessly compress all png images:
• Animated png files will play on pages if they are full size. Animated gif files will play regardless.
- Add pics of the buttons
/menusfrom the Map Editor and Campaign Editor. That way Csaros doesn't have to just have a wall of text on Map Editor!- I've already uploaded a ton of appropriate pictures a few days ago, just didn't have time to place them in the Map Editor entry itself. I'll gladly use some help with them. The Map Editor file is also not finished, but I should be done with it soon. -- Csaros (talk) 21:41, 26 January 2024 (UTC)
- I sorted most of them. I still think it would be helpful to have the pics of the toolbar/mode bar buttons to add to the appropriate sections --Legate (talk) 21:28, 6 February 2024 (UTC)
- I think we should add the intro video of Heroes 4 to The Reckoning with a note. Although this isn't part of Heroes 3, that video is really the final event in the Heroes 3 timeline/story. --Legate (talk) 14:55, 6 March 2024 (UTC)
- The adventure map sprites for factory creatures (see Creatures on adventure map table (HotA)) could use some more downtime between animation loops to better match all the other creatures.
- Add missing pics for Factory puzzle map to Obelisk#Factory
- Add factory heroes to Adventure map hero sprites (may just need to rename files/convert to gifs).
- Some visiting schemes from List of adventure map objects (HotA) (See Special:WantedFiles)
Template (advanced)
- Template:SmCost does not work when placed in the "effect=" parameter of Template:TErow.
- NOTE: Also happens in the "rew=" param or Template:SorQrow.
- Doesn't seem to work properly when it is the first thing in a parameter. WORKAROUND: add "{{-}}" before using the template --Legate (talk) 19:47, 15 April 2024 (UTC)
- Add secondary loss condition (and loss hint) to Template: Scenario. Note: Don't need all cases...maybe just lose hero and/or time?
- Scenarios to update once complete: Oblivion's Edge, Dragon Slayer Campaign, Festival of Life Campaign, March of the Undead, On the Run, Fall of Sandro
Wiki settings (advanced)
- Looking at the campaign videos again, I don't think we fully solved the problem. Some videos look good, but at least Warlords of the Wasteland still looks bad.
- Maybe was an issue of the cc or something? I deleted it to check. Maybe undelete if it doesn't actually fix the problem. –imahero 23:10, 20 March 2024 (UTC)
- Dead or Alive epilogue video is currently the one voiced in Russian.
Low Priority/Backburner
Content: Page Creation/Updating
- Update Factory's build tree to match other towns
- Find all the random colors (e.g. "color:#d8d8eb", rgb(253, 253, 253)) then do one of the following 1) switch them to our template colors (Template:Color templates), 2) switch them to [| standard wiki colors], or 3) add colors to Template:Color templates and switch to using the standard template (e.g. {{Blue 0}})
File upload/editing
- Replace Town Build Trees with interactable build trees (similar coding to the main page with visuals linking to appropriate objects) to easily navigate objects from the Build Tree itself. - Csaros (talk)
- I think that is a pretty cool idea. Sounds like a job for Phasma! --Legate (talk) 18:12, 1 February 2024 (UTC)
- I can certainly give that a go, but I have no idea how the arrows would work in that case. This is definitely a fun idea but a long-term one that might have to wait until a solution for that is found.
00:03, 6 February 2024 (UTC)
- Did you ever get your image map thing figured out? Maybe this would work well with that (so only the building pics are clickable and the background/lines are not)? --Legate (talk) 21:31, 6 February 2024 (UTC)
- I can certainly give that a go, but I have no idea how the arrows would work in that case. This is definitely a fun idea but a long-term one that might have to wait until a solution for that is found.
- Maybe use the pictures/names found in the town hall build screen? Could change the background on the text to match our current scheme (i.e. green=dwellings, teal=unique, red=fortifications, etc.) --Legate (talk) 22:24, 2 February 2024 (UTC)
- I think that is a pretty cool idea. Sounds like a job for Phasma! --Legate (talk) 18:12, 1 February 2024 (UTC)
Template (advanced)
- I wonder if it would be possible to change the hover-over text for {{An}}/{{Cn}}/{{Hn}} to be what the effect/stats/specialty is? --Legate (talk) 13:55, 30 January 2024 (UTC)
- Off the top of my head, I thought of a massive switch statement in the template, but that would be a pain to build/maintain and may slow down the page loads.
- I suppose it would probably be easier to build/maintain as a lua script. –imahero 22:23, 30 January 2024 (UTC)
[[File:Armageddon's Blade_am-artif.gif|]] –imahero 22:23, 30 January 2024 (UTC)
- Ok, here with another pie-in-the sky/probably a ton of work idea. For campaign scenarios, the coordinates located on the pages are generally helpful only if you have the scenario editor open (and have the campaign broken into scenarios). I think it would be possible to make a map that has things like the seer's huts labelled with numerical overlays. ([[1]] - Brisbane example). We may even be able to do this somewhat programmatically - make a template that takes in the map file and coordinates for what we want to label. Since the size of the map is known (e.g. Medium is 72x72), then a hut at (50, 15, 0) would be 50/72 of the way across the image in the x-direction and 15/72 of the way down in the y-direction, in the upper-world. --Legate (talk) 02:46, 17 March 2024 (UTC)
- So as not to clutter things up or increase loading time, we could only show this map on some kind of button press.
- We should already have the tools for this. We already have the map files and coordinates, and we already used overlays in Template:BonusCr.
- Consider making extra templates to clean up the scenario pages (e.g. Town template (Template:Trow), some kind of location/message template) (See Template:TErow for example)
- Also switch templates to the correct color palette (See Template:Color templates)
- Use "#*" to add a comment to an item without breaking the numbering.
- Use <li value="your_number_here"></li> to restart a numeric list if there are breaks in between the numbers (e.g. comments).
- For discussion surrounding current changes, use Changelog Chat.