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Horn of the Abyss Only available when the unofficial expansion, Horn of the Abyss, is installed.
Campaign heroes
(portrait only)
Kendal Kendal Restoration of ErathiaArmageddon's Blade
Christian Christian Armageddon's Blade
Tarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
Tarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
Ordwald Ordwald Armageddon's Blade
Gem Gem Shadow of Death
Yog Yog Shadow of Death
Tarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
Death Knights
Boyd Boyd Horn of the Abyss
Maximus Maximus Horn of the Abyss
Finneas Finneas Shadow of Death
Sandro Sandro Shadow of Death
Kydoimos Kydoimos Horn of the Abyss
Tarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
Athe Athe Horn of the Abyss
Miseria Miseria Horn of the Abyss
Tarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
Gruezak Gruezak Horn of the Abyss
Battle Mages
Zog Zog Horn of the Abyss
Alkin Alkin Horn of the Abyss
Areshrak Areshrak Horn of the Abyss
Pactal Pactal Horn of the Abyss
Tarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
Balfour Balfour Horn of the Abyss
Jangaard Jangaard Horn of the Abyss
Stina Stina Horn of the Abyss
Valquest Valquest Horn of the Abyss
Winzells Winzells Horn of the Abyss
Elderian Elderian Horn of the Abyss
Umender Umender Horn of the Abyss
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
Pactal the Beastmaster
Receives a 5% per level bonus to Armorer skill percentage.
Starting Exp.
Level 25
297 Ayssid

Pactal is a campaign exclusive hero, and though not playable in custom made maps. He is based off the hero Tazar. However, his portrait is available in map editor and can be chosen if a custom hero is created on the map.

Story[edit | hide | hide all]

Pactal Child Eater is the Lizardman Lizardman chief of the Nightcrawlers of the Couatl Islands. Descendent of Tepotl Hollow Eye.

He is strong and flexible, as hard and sharp as a bloodsucker frog's tooth, but his mind is malleable and receptive to anything that might benefit his tribe. -- Tlamac Hundred Thoughts

Anxious to begin his rule of the Nightcrawlers, Pactal killed his father and uncles by siccing a herd of frenzied Gorgon Gorgons on them during a hunt and assumed chieftainship. After he became chief, he created the Hollow Eye - the current artifact of the Great Woe of the Crawlers. With it, Pactal is able to see the hidden and scry through the ground - allowing him to find and ravage caves with clutches and young Bloodied Feathers. Every time that happens, Pactal appears there himself, sucks out the eggs and devours the young lizardfolk, thus earning him his sobriquet.

Under Pactal's leadership, the armies of the Nightcrawlers grew to include Gnoll Gnolls and Wyvern Wyverns. They now claim nearly all of the Couatl Islands and are fiercely protective of their domain. To solidify his claim of leadership of the lizardmen, he stole the clutch laid by the fifth wife of the Bloodied Feathers’ old chieftain and is raising one of the girls to be his wife. Children by her will be his key to unlimited power over all the lizardmen of the Couatl Islands. Still bitter at the defeat of their ancestors by the Stone Children and the Couatls, the Nightcrawlers under Pactal have nearly hunted the local Couatl Couatls to extinction.

Pactal has a powerful distrust of outsiders (with the possible exception of the pirates he pays to supply his troops). When ambassadors appeared from the Lizardman Lizardman tribes of the Dagger Wound Islands, Pactal attacked them and forced them to flee for their lives. His armies have also dealt ruthlessly with the Bloodied Feathers, sometimes even denying them an honorable death in battle and instead selling them as slaves. Most recently, when Henrietta Henrietta and Wynona Wynona expedition appeared to explore the islands, he sent his wyverns to attack and down their airships. After a drawn-out confrontation with Henrietta's forces, Pactal was defeated and Henrietta seized the Hollow Eye.

Appearances[edit | hide]

Forged in Fire
Tarred and Feathered as an enemy.

See Also:[edit | hide]