Earth Magic

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This article refers to the secondary skill. For the school of magic, see School of Earth Magic.

Secondary skills
 Air Magic
 Eagle Eye
 Earth Magic
 Fire Magic
 First Aid
 Interference Horn of the Abyss
 Water Magic
Earth Magic
Basic Earth Magic: allows your hero to cast earth spells at reduced cost.
Advanced Earth Magic: allows your hero to cast earth spells at reduced cost and increased effectiveness.
Expert Earth Magic: allows your hero to cast earth spells at reduced cost and maximum effectiveness.

Earth Magic is a secondary skill, that increases the effectiveness and reduces costs of spells from the School of Earth Magic.

Earth Magic is a school of magic, along with Water, Fire and Air Magic. There is a special rule in place that offers schools of magic more often as a choice when leveling up than the secondary skill learning percentages suggest: A new school of magic will be offered at least every 4 levels for Might heroes and every 3 levels for Magic heroes. If can be offered more often by chance. Example: The Might hero was not offered a school of magic when reaching levels 2 and 3. The hero will then be guaranteed to be offered a magic school at level 4. At level 8, the hero will be offered again a new magic school if none was offered at levels 5, 6 and 7.

Heroes with Earth Magic as a starting skill:


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Earth Magic is one of the most important secondary skills, as some of spells from the School of Earth Magic are really crucial. Expert Slow can make enemy's troops fully incompetitive (or disallow someone extremely fast, like Archangels or Phoenixes, to rush through the battlefield), Implosion may destroy a strong stack completely (even with Spell Power 10, Expert Implosion will do 1050 damage, which would kill e.g 10 Champions), Resurrection cannot be permanent without Earth Magic skill, and Town Portal will get the hero without the skill only to the nearest town (while sometimes it's very important to visit a particular one, e.g. to defend it when a strong enemy comes close, to get troops, to learn spells, or to improve skills in buildings like Hall of Valhalla or Wall of Knowledge. Town Portal can allow a hero to travel between all his towns). Moreover, Animate Dead is also an Earth spell. These spells can make a game really easier. Other magic schools are useful, but Earth Magic rocks.

Chance to get

Town Class Chance to learn
Castle  Knight   2 (lowest)
Castle  Cleric   3
Rampart  Ranger   3
Rampart  Druid   4
Tower  Alchemist   3
Tower  Wizard   3
Inferno  Demoniac   3
Inferno  Heretic   4
Necropolis  Death Knight   4
Necropolis  Necromancer   8 (highest)
Dungeon  Overlord   3
Dungeon  Warlock   5
Stronghold  Barbarian   3
Stronghold  Battle Mage   3
Fortress  Beastmaster   3
Fortress  Witch   3
Conflux  Planeswalker   3
Conflux  Elementalist   6
Cove Horn of the Abyss     Captain   4
Cove Horn of the Abyss     Navigator   5
Factory Horn of the Abyss     Mercenary  {{{21}}}
Factory Horn of the Abyss     Artificer  {{{22}}}


See also: