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Horn of the Abyss Only available when the unofficial expansion, Horn of the Abyss, is installed.
HenriettaHenrietta Henrietta
SamSam Sam
TancredTancred Tancred
MelchiorMelchior Melchior
FloribertFloribert Floribert
WynonaWynona Wynona
DuryDury Dury
MortonMorton Morton
TavinTavin Tavin Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom)
MurdochMurdoch Murdoch Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom)
CelestineCelestine Celestine
ToddTodd Todd
AgarAgar Agar
BertramBertram Bertram
WrathmontWrathmont Wrathmont
ZiphZiph Ziph
VictoriaVictoria Victoria
EanswytheEanswythe Eanswythe
FrederickFrederick Frederick Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom)
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
Tavin the Mercenary
Basic Information:
TavinTavin Class: Mercenary
Gender: Male
Race: Halfling
Tavin is barely the only halfling who joined the army of Erathia. Other halflings disapprove his way of living as these creatures do not like adventures. however, his folks respect Tavin, even if they fear a bit and tend to avoid him. When Kreegans invaded Eeofol, Tavin quickly became a leader of local resistance, and is still ready to defend his homeland.
Specialty: Offense
Specialty OffenseSpecialty Offense Receives a 5% per level bonus to Offense skill percentage.
Primary Skills:
Attack 3 Defense 1 Spell Power 1 Knowledge 1
Secondary Skills:
Offense Basic Offense
Scouting Basic Scouting
[[File:{{{skill_3}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_3}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_4}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_4}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_5}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_5}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_6}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_6}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_7}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_7}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_8}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_8}}} [[]]
Halfling (Factory) Halfling (Factory) 15-25 Always
Mechanic Mechanic 6-8 Always
Armadillo Armadillo 4-6 Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_4}}} small.gif|{{{troop_4}}}|link={{{troop_4}}}]] [[{{{troop_4}}}|{{{troop_4}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_5}}} small.gif|{{{troop_5}}}|link={{{troop_5}}}]] [[{{{troop_5}}}|{{{troop_5}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_6}}} small.gif|{{{troop_6}}}|link={{{troop_6}}}]] [[{{{troop_6}}}|{{{troop_6}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_7}}} small.gif|{{{troop_7}}}|link={{{troop_7}}}]] [[{{{troop_7}}}|{{{troop_7}}}]] Always
[[File:.png link={{{spell}}}]] [[{{{spell}}}|{{{spell}}}]]
War Machine:
[[File: Creature portrait small.gif link=]] [[|]] Always Horn of the Abyss88% Shadow of Death
Starting Movement Points:

Tavin is typically only available in the campaigns, unless the map-maker has enabled him in custom scenarios.

See Also: