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School of Air Magic
Symbol for the School of Air Magic
Level 1
 Magic Arrow *
 View Air
Level 2
 Disrupting Ray
 Lightning Bolt
 Protection from Air
 Visions *
Level 3
 Air Shield
 Destroy Undead
Level 4
 Chain Lightning
Level 5
 Dimension Door
 Magic Mirror
 Summon Air Elemental
 Titan's Lightning Bolt
School of Earth Magic
School of Fire Magic
School of Water Magic
School:  Air Magic
Level:  1st
Cost:  6/5
Duration:  1 rnd/sp
 Basic effect
Increases the speed of the selected allied unit by 3.
 Advanced effect
Increases the speed of the selected allied unit by 5.
 Expert effect
Increases the speed of all allied units by 5.
 Probability of occurrence (%):
Castle   32
Rampart   54
Tower   39 (31*)
Inferno   31
Necropolis   32
Dungeon   52
Stronghold   31
Fortress   53
Conflux   53
Cove Horn of the Abyss   53
Factory Horn of the Abyss   53
* Without Library

It increases the speed of the target allied creature(s). Haste is a counter to the spell Slow and will remove it when cast upon an affected creature.

Heroes starting with Haste:

Heroes specialising in Haste:

Creatures immune to Haste:

Creatures capable of casting Haste:

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If you have the fastest unit on the battlefield, giving you the initiative, this is an excellent spell to start with, giving you lots of moves before the enemy can move, especially on Expert level.