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School of Water Magic
Symbol for School of Water Magic
Level 1
 Magic Arrow *
 Protection from Water
 Summon Boat
Level 2
 Ice Bolt
 Remove Obstacle
 Scuttle Boat
 Visions *
Level 3
 Frost Ring
Level 4
 Water Walk
Level 5
 Summon Water Elemental
School of Air Magic
School of Earth Magic
School of Fire Magic
School: Water Magic
Level: 1st
Cost: 5/4
Duration: 1 rnd/sp
Basic effect
Causes the selected friendly unit to inflict maximum damage when it attacks.
Advanced effect
Causes the selected friendly unit to inflict (maximum damage +1) when it attacks.
Expert effect
Causes all friendly units to inflict (maximum damage +1) when they attack.
Probability of occurrence (%):
Castle 54
Rampart 32
Tower 39 (31*)
Inferno 0
Necropolis 0
Dungeon 19
Stronghold 20
Fortress 31
Conflux 31
Cove Horn of the Abyss 53
Factory Horn of the Abyss 20
* Without Library

The Bless spell counters the Curse spell.

This spell is most effective on creatures which have a large damage range and, at Advanced and Expert level, stacks of troops with low damage but large numbers of creatures in them.

The +1 extra damage bonus from Advanced Water Magic is more beneficial to units that normally deal low damage as it's greater percentage of their base damage, so it's even more useful to low level units with high numbers and large damage bracket. Many 1st level units deal 1-3 damage values - Pikemen, Troglodytes, Sprites (Skeletons too, but as Undead, they cannot be Blessed). Harpies & Harpy Hags with 1-4 damage are perhaps most affected, as Advanced Bless causes them to deal 5 damage instead of 1-4, average 2,5, doubling their output. Air Elementals & Storm Elementals deal similarly proportioned 2-8 damage.

Because of its mechanic, normal and basic Bless is useless to cast on troops with fixed damage value: Angels, Nagas, Peasants, Enchanters, Rust Dragons, and Automatons Horn of the Abyss. Advanced Bless has a very minor effect, as 1 point of damage is more or less a negligible amount on such troops. With the exception of peasants; where +1 basically doubles their damage output. This boost could be a game changer in numbers massive enough. However, getting to that point is only reasonable on paper and even then, it is really hard to keep them alive.

Heroes starting with Bless:

Heroes specialising in Bless:

Creatures immune to Bless:

Creatures capable of casting Bless:

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