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Secondary Skills
 Air Magic
 Eagle Eye
 Earth Magic
 Fire Magic
 First Aid
 Interference Horn of the Abyss
 Water Magic
Artillery (HotAHorn of the Abyss
    Basic Artillery (HotAHorn of the Abyss: gives control of the ballista, defense towers and the cannon to the hero. The ballista has 50% chance to inflict 2x damage. The cannon inflicts additional damage to fortifications.
    Advanced Artillery (HotAHorn of the Abyss: gives control of the ballista, defense towers and the cannon to the hero. The ballista has 2 shots with a 75% chance to inflict 2x damage. The cannon inflicts 2x damage and additional damage to fortifications.
    Expert Artillery (HotAHorn of the Abyss: gives control of the ballista, defense towers and the cannon to the hero. The ballista inflicts double damage and shoots twice. The cannon inflicts triple damage and maximum damage to fortifications.
    Basic Artillery: gives control of the ballista to the hero, allowing one shot with a 50% chance to inflict double damage.
    Advanced Artillery: gives control of the ballista to the hero, allowing two shots with a 75% chance to inflict double damage.
    Expert Artillery: gives control of the ballista to the hero, allowing two shots which inflict double damage.

Artillery is a secondary skill that gives the hero manual control over war machine Ballista (or CannonHorn of the Abyss during combat and control over the arrow towers when defending a town during siege. Artillery provides control over the arrow towers also in the original game, even though it's not mentioned in the in-game description of the skill. It's interesting that Ballista is controlled by Artillery secondary skill rather than Ballistics, which is responsible for Catapult.

Effects on ballista:

Basic Artillery provides a 50% chance that ballista inflicts double damage. For Advanced Artillery this is a 75% chance and for Expert Artillery a 100% chance. Advanced and Expert Artillery also enable the ballista to shoot twice in a row, instead of once.

Effects on cannon Horn of the Abyss:

With Basic Artillery or Advanced Artillery the cannon does randomly 1 or 2 points of damage to fortifications. With Expert Artillery the cannon always does 2 points of damage to fortifications. With Advanced Artillery the cannon does double damage and with Expert Artillery triple damage to enemies. As opposed to ballistae, cannons always shoot once.

Heroes with Artillery as a starting skill:

Heroes with Ballista as specialty:

Chance to get

Out of total 112 for Shadow of Death, and of (112 + Interference chance) for Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss.
Banned skills change the probability.

Town Class Chance to learn
Castle  Knight   5
Castle  Cleric   2
Rampart  Ranger   6
Rampart  Druid   1 (lowest)
Tower  Alchemist   4
Tower  Wizard   1 (lowest)
Inferno  Demoniac   5
Inferno  Heretic   4
Necropolis  Death Knight   5
Necropolis  Necromancer   3
Dungeon  Overlord   8 (highest)
Dungeon  Warlock   1 (lowest)
Stronghold  Barbarian   8 (highest)
Stronghold  Battle Mage   4
Fortress  Beastmaster   8 (highest)
Fortress  Witch   1 (lowest)
Conflux  Planeswalker   8 (highest)
Conflux  Elementalist   1 (lowest)
Cove Horn of the Abyss     Captain   5
Cove Horn of the Abyss     Navigator   1 (lowest)
Factory Horn of the Abyss     Mercenary  {{{21}}}
Factory Horn of the Abyss     Artificer  {{{22}}}



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Artillery is useful if you have access to Ballista, and even better choice would be selecting a hero with this speciality as your "number one", especially on small maps. If the Blacksmith of your home town doesn't produce Ballistae, but you have an opportunity to get it (by capturing a town with Ballista, on the map, or building a Ballista Yard in a Stronghold), Artillery is a good choice. Moreover, it allows you to fully control the town's defense (as sometimes arrow towers kill enemy's least valuable troops, i.e. neither ranged nor flying). High price of a Ballista is "the other side of the medal". A secondary hero may learn Artillery so as to shoot wandering creatures and weak enemy troops, avoiding melee attack and thus decreasing losses. Always learn Artillery if you rely much on Blind spell, as otherwise Ballista may shoot blinded creatures, making them able to fight.

See also: