Fire Wall

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School of Fire Magic
School of Earth Magic
Level 1
 Magic Arrow *
 Protection from Fire
Level 2
 Fire Wall
 Visions *
Level 3
 Land Mine
Level 4
 Fire Shield
Level 5
 Summon Fire Elemental
School of Air Magic
School of Earth Magic
School of Water Magic
Fire Wall
School:  Fire Magic
Level:  2nd
Cost:  8/6
Duration:  2 rounds
 Basic effect
Places a 2-hex wildfire on the battlefield at a point specified by the caster. Any units passing through the wall take (10 + (power x 10 (15 Horn of the Abyss)) damage.
 Advanced effect
Places a 3-hex wildfire on the battlefield at a point specified by the caster. Any units passing through the wall take (20 + (power x 10 (15 Horn of the Abyss))) damage.
 Expert effect
Places a 3-hex wildfire on the battlefield at a point specified by the caster. Any units passing through the wall take (50 + (power x 10 (15 Horn of the Abyss))) damage.
 Probability of occurrence (%):
Castle   25
Rampart   25
Tower   33 (25*)
Inferno   47
Necropolis   24
Dungeon   25
Stronghold   25
Fortress   25
Conflux   37
Cove Horn of the Abyss   25
Factory Horn of the Abyss   25
* Without Library

Produces a wall of fire. Any unit that's not immune to its effect that passes through it or ends their turn in it will take damage. Can only be removed by advanced/expert Remove Obstacle or expert Dispel.

Note: Spell duration is NOT increased by any of the spell-duration boosting artifacts (Ring, Collar & Cape of Conjuring).

AI cannot cast this spell.

Heroes starting with Fire Wall:

Heroes specialising in Fire Wall:

Creatures immune to Fire Wall:

Damage Increases:

Damage Reductions:

See also:[edit | hide]