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Gelu the Ranger
Vori Elf/Human
Little is known about Gelu. Gelu was found and raised by General Morgan Kendal when he was serving under Catherine Ironfist. Gelu now commands Erathia's guerilla forces known as the Forest Guard. He is believed to be half Human, half Vori Elf.
6 Sharpshooter (100%)
3 Sharpshooter (100%) Horn of the Abyss
1 Sharpshooter (100%) Horn of the Abyss

He is not an original Restoration of Erathia hero, but was added in Armageddon's Blade and is also available in Shadow of Death.

By default, Gelu is not playable, but he may be enabled in custom scenarios in the map-editor.

Gelu's name is Latin for "cold" and is pronounced with a soft G, like gel.

Story[edit | hide | hide all]

"Gelu had barely graduated from the Forest Guard, ready for a fight and eager to prove himself. His seriousness was surprising in one so young and contrasted greatly against the boisterous Crag Hack." - Yog's letter to the Wizards of Bracada SoD manual

According to Gregory Fulton, Gelu and Catherine are relatives, both being red-haired being a hint about this[src], though it is unsaid how closely they are related.

Alternative biography Lost Lore[edit | hide]

The following biography appeared on the official (now-defunct) 3DO website:

Little is known about Gelu's origins. History reports he was a baby found by Morgan Kendal during his military service as a lieutenant under the command of Captain Catherine Gryphonheart during her original tour of duty with the Talon brigade.
Essentially born into the Erathian military, the Talon brigade raised Gelu as their own. At an early age, Gelu chose to serve with the Erathian military and quickly rose through the ranks. Currently, he serves as Captain of the elite special forces company called Forestguard. At home in the wilderness, Gelu has made the Forestguard company into the best 'guerilla' unit in the Erathian military. Known for their stealthy approach and quick strike attacks, Forestguard overwhelmed enemies three and four times their size in the course of the Restoration War. With the war's end, Catherine Ironfist bestowed upon Gelu, the highly prized Erathian Medal of Gallantry.

Specialty[edit | hide]

The cost of upgrading units to Sharpshooters is:

Archer Archer 300 Gold Sharpshooter 
Marksman Marksman 250 Gold Sharpshooter 
Wood Elf Wood Elf 200 Gold Sharpshooter 
Grand Elf Grand Elf 175 Gold Sharpshooter 

Appearances[edit | hide]

Armageddon's Blade
Shadows of the Forest as a player hero.
A Blade in the Back as a player hero.
To Kill A Hero as a player hero.
Oblivion's Edge as a player hero.
Elixir of Life
Graduation Exercise as a player hero.
Cutthroats as a player hero.
Valley of the Dragon Lords as a player hero.
A Thief in the Night as a player hero.
Unholy Alliance
Search for a Killer as a player hero.
Agents of Vengeance as a player hero.
Invasion as an enemy.
To Strive, To Seek as a player hero.
Union as a player hero.
Fall of Sandro as a player hero.
The Sword of Frost
The Protectors of the Sword as an enemy.

Official Renders[edit | hide]

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See Also:[edit | hide]