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At least one artifact must be allowed. If all artifacts are banned, the [[Blackshard of the Dead Knight]] will automatically be allowed. If all artifacts of a certain class are banned, then artifacts of other classes will be generated instead (except for [[Seer's Hut]] quest artifacts, which can only belong to "treasure artifacts" class).
At least one artifact must be allowed. If all artifacts are banned, the [[Blackshard of the Dead Knight]] will automatically be allowed. If all artifacts of a certain class are banned, then artifacts of other classes will be generated instead (except for [[Seer's Hut]] quest artifacts, which can only belong to "treasure artifacts" class).
Combination artifacts can also be banned. This prevents the assembly/disassembly of them on the template.

=== Spells ===
=== Spells ===
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Then, as long as the value sum '''group_value''' of already generated objects meets one of the conditions '''total_value - group_value >= 1500''' or '''group_value < total_value / 2''', another object with a value between '''0.25*(total_value - group_value)''' and '''1.25*(total_value - group_value)''' is randomly selected and added to the group. This process is repeated until none of the 2 conditions are met, or no valid object can be found within the requested value range. Object groups can be made of a single object.
Then, as long as the value sum '''group_value''' of already generated objects meets one of the conditions '''total_value - group_value >= 1500''' or '''group_value < total_value / 2''', another object with a value between '''0.25*(total_value - group_value)''' and '''1.25*(total_value - group_value)''' is randomly selected and added to the group. This process is repeated until none of the 2 conditions are met, or no valid object can be found within the requested value range. Object groups can be made of a single object.

In HotA strength of treasure object guards that can block the road is limited to one third of zone maximum treasure value (possible bug - it looks like right now the limit is rather ~42,25% instead of 33%. Also take into an account, that number of creatures will always be lower than final value, f.e. if max value in zone is 10000, then max road block is ~4225. However, 76 pixies * 55 = 4180 < 4225, so pixies will block the road).
In HotA strength of treasure object guards that can block the road is configurable. The default is one third of zone maximum treasure value (possible bug - it looks like right now the default is rather ~42.25% instead of 33%. Also take into an account, that number of creatures will always be lower than final value, f.e. if max value in zone is 10000, then max road block is ~4225. However, 76 pixies * 55 = 4180 < 4225, so pixies will block the road).

=== Objects and Connections Guards ===
=== Objects and Connections Guards ===

Latest revision as of 18:04, 14 January 2025

Horn of the Abyss Only available when the unofficial expansion, Horn of the Abyss, is installed.

Introduction[edit | hide | hide all]

Random maps are not fully random. Behind every random map, there is a template that describes the structure and the main features of the map.

Horn of the Abyss includes:

  • An editor to create custom templates;
  • An extension to the original template format, allowing for deeper customization of random maps;
  • Various bugfixes of the original random map generator (RMG).

Templates are packed in text files called "template packs". A pack can contain one or more templates. To create a random map, the random map generator takes a template pack as input. When you press "Begin" to start a game, RMG randomly picks from the pack a template that matches the game settings (map size, number of players, etc). Then the random map is generated based on this particular template.

RMG template editor only creates template packs. But most of the time, for custom templates, a pack contains only a single template. So the notions of template pack and template are often mixed (including in game interface), and "template packs" are simply called "templates". In this article, both concepts will be clearly separated.

Disclaimer: water maps

Despite the fact that water objects are supported by RMG, and despite the fact this article frequently describes how certain options work with water maps, it should be kept in mind that the mechanism of water generation on random maps is imperfect and usually creates non-playable maps. At the moment, it is hardly possible to create a worth-playing template for water maps.

Template Pack Settings[edit | hide]

In addition to template pack name and description, this section contains some settings that may restrict the choice of starting options that is performed by player before the template is chosen from template pack.

Name[edit | hide]

The name is the identifier of the templates pack, just like non-random maps have their own name. It is displayed in the description of the generated map, along with the name of the particular template selected for this map. However, in the future, the name of the template pack may be used more extensively in the template selection menu (unlike the name of the template, which is only needed to show which template was selected from the pack). If the template pack is added to the HoMM 3 HD selection list, it is recommended that the template pack name matches the template folder name. Currently, only the template folder name is displayed in the selection list in HD. If the template pack contains only one template, it is recommended that both the template and the pack have the same name.

Description[edit | hide]

The template description is intended to play the same role as the map description does for non random maps. If it is non-empty, it is displayed in game on the place of the map description.

Allowed Towns[edit | hide]

This setting allows you to restrict the towns that can be selected at the start of the game, before generating the map. It applies equally to all players.

Note that it only restricts the starting towns that can be selected. All towns can still appear on the map, and all towns remain available as starting towns if the player selects "Random". To completely ban a town from the template pack, you need to ban it from all zones of all templates of the pack.

It is recommended to synchronize the list of banned towns of the pack with the list of banned towns of every starting zone of every template.

If all towns are banned, Castle will automatically be allowed.

Heroes[edit | hide]

This setting controls which heroes can:

  • Be selected (randomly or not) at the start of the game;
  • Appear in taverns or prisons.

By default, the following are banned:

Any hero can be allowed or banned. Template pack settings always take precedence over default settings (regardless what the "water content" is). However, the choice of the starting hero will always be limited to a list of 16. If the heroes count is higher for a town, only the first 16 will be available for manual selection. The others will still available through random selection, though.

You can ban any number of heroes, but if the total heroes count is not greater than 10 * (number of players) + 48 heroes, no Prisons will be generated. And if the total count is smaller, there may be a situation where you can hire only one hero from the Tavern, or where you just cannot hire any. If all heroes of a certain class are banned, heroes from other classes will be generated instead.

If the hero Gem is allowed, her starting spell will be either Summon Boat, if water content is "Normal" or "Islands", or Bless, if water content is "None".

Template Settings[edit | hide]

A template defines the structure and main features of a random map. One of them is randomly selected from the pack before map generation.

Special Weeks[edit | hide]

This setting allows you to enable or disable the weeks and months of monsters (except when Deity of Fire is constructed), as well as the months of the plague. By default, special weeks are enabled.

Spell Research[edit | hide]

This setting allows you to enable or disable spell research, which allows you to change spells in the Mage Guilds for a cost. It applies equally to all towns and players. By default, spell research is turned on.

Rock Blocks[edit | hide]

By default, zones will always stretch to cover the entire non-underground area of the map. RMG proceeds in two steps. First, zones are laid out without forcing all the space to be occupied. At this stage, zones tend to have regular, circular shapes, and do not cover the whole map: there are usually unoccupied cells next to the border and at the corners of the map. In a second step, all unoccupied cells are claimed by the nearby zones. As a result, these zones may expand significantly, regardless their size setting. When "rock blocks radius" option is enabled, some of the unoccupied cells are filled with obstacles, so they do not contribute to extend the playable area of the nearby zones. It results in zones that are more uniform in size and shape. The "rock block radius" setting controls the relative radius of the playable zone. Default value is 1.0. The smaller the value, the more cells are filled with obstacles, resulting in smaller playable zones, but with more regular shape. However, if the value is too small, the option will be automatically disabled.

For underground zones, a similar algorithm is always enabled, with a radius of 4.0. This value will be overwritten by "rock blocks radius" value, if enabled.

For templates with water content, water will be generated instead of obstacles. Water zones are not affected by rock block radius option.

Rock block radius can be tuned, by trial and error, to adjust zone sizes and/or zone size ratios. Note that a radius value will only be suitable for a given map size and a given template structure. If you change these, you may have to manually adjust the radius again.

Zone Sparseness[edit | hide]

When creating zones, RMG sets a reference square, and tries to ensure, as much as possible, that all zone shapes individually fit into it. Zone sparseness option allows to adjust the size of this reference square by a scaling factor. Default value is 1.0. If value is less than 1.0, zones will be constrained to individually fit into a smaller reference square, so they will tend to be more even and more circular and proportionally sized, but there will be less diversity in shapes and less randomness in placement. If value is more than 1.0, zone shapes will be less constrained, so there will be more randomness in shapes and placement, but zones will tend to be less circular and to have irregular sizes.

Zones sparseness can be tuned, by trial and error, to adjust zone sizes and/or zone size ratios. Note that effect depends on template structure, map size, and water content. So if you change those, you may have to manually adjust zone sparseness again.

Artifacts[edit | hide]

This setting controls which artifacts can, or cannot, appear during the game. Banned artifact will not appear on the map, nor in any situation, including: as random artifact on map, as starting artifact, in map objects and Artifact Merchants, and as Seer's Hut quest artifact. Special artifacts (Spell book, Spell Scrolls, War Machines and Grail) are not affected by this setting. By default, the following artifacts are prohibited:

Any artifact can be allowed or banned. Template settings always take precedence over default settings (regardless the water level). However, it should be noted that if spell Summon Boat or Scuttle Boat is banned, then the Captain's Hat is automatically banned. Also, Seer's Hut quest artifacts are automatically disabled on the map and exist only in a single copy.

At least one artifact must be allowed. If all artifacts are banned, the Blackshard of the Dead Knight will automatically be allowed. If all artifacts of a certain class are banned, then artifacts of other classes will be generated instead (except for Seer's Hut quest artifacts, which can only belong to "treasure artifacts" class).

Combination artifacts can also be banned. This prevents the assembly/disassembly of them on the template.

Spells[edit | hide]

This setting controls which spells can or cannot appear. Banned spells will not appear in Mage Guilds, Shrines, Pyramids, Spell Scrolls, Pandora's Box and Scholars, and will not be granted by Tomes of Magic and Spellbinder's Hat. But they will still be available as hero starting spells. In particular, note that if the hero Gem is allowed, her starting spell will always be Summon Boat if water content setting is "Normal" or "Islands", and Bless otherwise. Special spells (Titan's Lightning Bolt and creature abilities: Stone, Poison, Bind, Disease, Paralyze, Aging, Death Cloud, Lightning Strike (Thunderbirds), Dispel Good, Death Stare and Acid Breath) are not affected by this setting. By default, the following spells are disabled:

Any spell can be allowed or banned. Template settings always take precedence over default settings (regardless the water level). If Summon Boat or Scuttle Boat are banned, the Sea Captain's Hat it automatically banned.

At least least one spell of each level should always be allowed. If you ban all spells of a level, one of those will automatically be enabled:

Pandora's Box and Spell Scroll types that contain only forbidden spells will be automatically banned.

Secondary Skills[edit | hide]

This setting controls which secondary skills can be learned. Banned skills will not appear when a hero levels up, nor anywhere else on the map, including Witch Huts, Universities and Scholars, but they will still be available as heroes starting skills. By default, the following skills are banned:

  • Navigation if a random map is generated with a water level of "None".

Any secondary skill can be allowed or banned. Template settings always take precedence over default settings (regardless the water level).

At least four secondary skills should always be allowed. If less than four skills are allowed, the missing ones will automatically be taken from the beginning of the list.

Zone Settings[edit | hide]

Random maps are made of interconnected zones. Each zone is a self-coherent piece of land, containing a single terrain type. Zone settings control zone size, location, terrain, objects content, and much more.

Size[edit | hide]

Controls the relative size of the zone. The actual size depends on additionnal factors such as:

  • Map size;
  • Number of zones;
  • Sizes of other zones;
  • Zone sparseness setting;
  • Rock blocks setting. So zone size must be adjusted by trial and error until the right size is obtained. Adjusting zone sparseness and rock blocks may also help to have better control over zone sizes.

Note: Template generation works best when all zones are the same size. Size for Junction zone may differ and interfere with neighbour zones' sizes.

Placement[edit | hide]

This option allows you to specify on which level of the map (ground or underground) the zone must be generated. By default, zones can be generated on any level, except player's starting zones, that can be generated only on ground level for non-evil factions. When playing without underground, placement option is ignored. If placement is set to "ground only" or "underground only", it takes precedence over default behavior, forcing zone to belong to the specified level.

Allow Non-Coherent Roads[edit | hide]

By default, all the roads passing through a zone are connected: all road tails, towns and shipyards can be accessed without leaving the road and without leaving the zone. Enabling the option "Allow non-coherent roads" will allow disconnected roads to coexist in the same zone. In most cases, all roads of the zone will still be connected, but if there are many zones with several towns in the template, zones with disconnected roads may appear frequently, making the entire road network of the template more unpredictable.

Zone Repulsion[edit | hide]

If Zone Repulsion is enabled, RMG will try to place this zone as far as possible (by summary travel distance) from all other zones where "Zone Repulsion" is also turned on. Note that zone location depends on many other factors, including connections with other zones. Of all these factors, Zone Repulsion is the one with the lowest priority. So if zone location is already very constrained, this option may have no tangible effect. See advanced zone placement for more details about how the RMG prioritizes constraints.

Force Neutral Creatures[edit | hide]

This option is labeled as "Dwellings / creature rewards: only neutral" in template editor. When enabled, it sets the zone faction to be neutral:

  • only dwellings of neutral creatures can be generated
  • only neutral creatures can be found in Pandora's Box that contain creatures
  • if the prize for a quest artifact generated in this zone is creatures, they can only be neutral (note that the Seer's Hut for this artifact will be located in another zone, see here for more information about the quest artifact mechanism).

In case this option is not activated, zone faction is determined by the default rules and depends on main town type or terrain type.

Connection Settings[edit | hide]

Connections are ways to move from one zone to another. It includes direct land contact between zones, but also contact through underground gates or monoliths. On maps with water, it also includes contact through shipyards. However, this last type of connection often violates the structure of the map and will not be considered in detail in this article. The only possible connections between zones are the ones described in the template.

Connection Types[edit | hide]

  • Standard connections are typically guarded by monsters, whose strength depends on connection value. If the value is too low, monsters may not be generated. If the connection takes the form of a direct land contact between zones, there may be, depending on the length of the common boundary, several contact points, each of them being guarded by its own monster stack. If the connection takes the form of a monolith, there always will be a single monolith guarded from both sides. Idem for underground gates.
  • Wide connections are never guarded. If the connection takes the form of a direct land contact, and if both zones are located on ground level (as opposed to underground), then the passage between zones is wide, practically covering the entire common boundary. In any other case, the connection is similar to a standard connection without monsters.
  • Connections with Border Guard are blocked by two successive Border Guard objects, with different colors (instead of normal monsters guard). Both zones will have the Keymaster's Tent (without monster protection) that unlocks the Border Guard of the opposite side. So in order to pass through, one must first visit the Keymaster's Tent on the other side (as well as the local one). In the case of a direct land connection, more than two colors of Border Guard can be used. The number of Border Guard colors is limited. If there are no colors left, the remaining border guard connections will be generated as standard connections (you can set the value for these links). Note that each Border Guard color can only be dedicated to a single purpose, which is either guarding a connection or guarding Keymaster Tent treasure (see here). In case there are not enough Border Guard colors available to fulfill the template needs, Border Guards dedicated to connections will take precedence over the ones dedicated to treasure. Using Border Guard connections is not recommended.
  • Fictive connections, unlike regular connections, will not materialize into some way of traveling from one zone to another. However, like other connections, they will affect the placement of zones, increasing the chances for connected zones to be close to each other (given that they have adequate zone placement settings, and compatible connection placement settings).

Placement[edit | hide]

Placement setting affects the location of the connected zones. Note that in most cases, this setting only acts as a hint: there is no guarantee that zones will actually meet the requested placement (RMG may not always be able to fulfill your requests). However, RMG creates zones one after another, in ascending zone number, so choosing adequate zone ID is often an efficient way to achieve the desired placement. For example, connected zones that have successive numbers are more likely to follow the placement request.

Placement options are:

  • Free: This is the default setting. RMG tries to place connected zones either next to each other with direct land contact, or one on top of the other with underground gate contact. Monoliths are avoided as much as possible.
  • Ground: RMG will try to place zones on the same level, next to each other so they can have direct land connection. If a zone has both "Ground" and "Free" connections, "Ground" setting takes precedence for zone placement.
  • Underground: RMG will try to place connected zones one under the other so that they can be connected by an Underground Gate. If a zone has both "Underground" and "Free" connections, "Underground" setting takes precedence for zone placement. If the map has no underground level, this setting is automatically replaced by "Free".
  • Monolith: connection will not affect zone placement, and zones will always be connected via a monolith (even if they are close enough to be connected by direct land connection or Underground Gate).
  • Random: connection will not affect zones placement. If zones end up being close enough, they will be connected by direct land contact or underground gates. Otherwise, they will be connected via a monolith.

The more links with "Ground" or "Underground" option, the more difficult it will be for RMG to comply with all the placement hints, and the more difficult it will be to lay out zones tightly (as a result, zone sizes will fluctuate more). "Monolith" and "Random" options, on the contrary, simplify RMG's task, favoring the respect of other placement constraints, and allowing tight zone placement.

Roads[edit | hide]

This setting allows to control the generation of roads from one zone to another.

Roads options are:

  • "Random" (default): the roads a generated under the default mechanism. The possibility of their presence depends on the template structure and includes a random element.
  • "Yes" (obligatory road): if the connection is part of a simple path (without zone and connection reoccurrence) between two zones with towns, and all the connections along this path have their road option set to "Yes", then a road will always go through this path. Otherwise this setting works like "Random". Less formal, obligatory roads must always connect zones with towns (possibly through intermediate zones without towns), otherwise they are ignored.
  • "No": no roads will pass through this connection. This option is automatically turned on for connections through water (from shipyard to shipyard).

RMG first creates obligatory roads. Then it connects resulting road networks with each other and with remaining towns and shipyards with the default algorithm (one that connects towns in the original game) using some of the connections with "Random" road setting.

In case there are several parallel connections between two zones, they are considered one connection with the "maximum" road option ("Yes" > "Random" > "No") from all gathered connections.

For connections that take the form of a one-way monolith, a road will go to their enters.

By default, all the roads passing through a single zone are connected: all road tails, towns and shipyards can be accessed without leaving the road and without leaving the zone. If the option allow non-coherent roads in zone settings is turned on this rule can be not fulfilled. In this case obligatory roads connect the closest towns or shipyards of the zones, and all other towns and shipyards are connected to the road network with the default algorithm.

Advanced Zone Placement[edit | hide]

Controlling zones placement is one of the most difficult tasks when creating a template. By nature, zones are randomly laid out, based on template structure, and template format does not offer direct control over zone placement. However, several tricks can be used to control zone placement better, improving the playability of the map:

  • For any zone, you can specify whether it should be generated on the ground or underground. Unlike other placement options, this one always works. It is thus an efficient way to separate zones.
  • You can ask the generator to place zones side by side by using standard or fictive connections together with placement hints "Default", "Ground" or "Underground Gate". Note that zone placement will be much more strongly affected by placement hints "Ground" and "Underground gate" than "Default". Connections with placement hint "Ground" or "Underground gate" put strong placement constraints on the RMG, and should be used carefully: it should be always possible for RMG to fulfill these hints. Otherwise RMG may sacrifice other important layout constraints in order to meet those, which could lead to unreliable map generation.
  • Zone numbering is important. RMG creates zones one after another, in ascending zone number order. Each zone is placed as best as possible considering its relationship with zones already in place. After laying down all zones, RMG randomly mixes them, but only if it helps to implement connection settings better. Thus, in a number of cases, it is possible to mentally picture zone layout process, and choose zone numbers so that each zone ends up in a well-known position, clearly identified by the connections.
  • Zone locations are affected by zone sparseness setting. If RMG finds several layouts that equally fulfill connection settings, the final layout is chosen either randomly (if there are few enough zones), or in such way that the largest zone dimension (height or width) is minimal. "Zone sparseness" setting affects the point from which zones will begin to be packed more tightly. If zone sparseness is small enough, the first two zones will always be placed diagonally from each other (since such configuration best fits into a square).
  • Zones can have the zone repulsion option. The RMG will try to place them as far as possible from each other. This option has the lowest priority: when laying a the zone, the generator first selects, among all possible locations, the ones that implement connection settings best. Then, it selects, among these locations, the ones where the zone best fits into the reference square controlled by zone sparseness. Then only comes zone repulsion: the final location is the one that, among the remaining locations, has the largest sum of (travel) distances to other zones that also have zone repulsion turned on.

Let us illustrate some of these mechanisms by an example. Let us assume that we want to create a map without underground, where a central zone is surrounded by peripheral zones laid out in a predetermined order.

A first obvious way to achieve this is to create fictive connections between the central zone and peripheral zones, and between adjacent peripheral zones. However, this will not work as expected unless proper zone numbering is set. For example, if the central zone has the largest number, then peripheral zones will be laid out first, and map configuration will unlikely be exactly a central zone surrounded by a ring of peripheral zones. With a small "zone sparseness" settings, zones will be packed tightly together without large gaps, so the central zone will not fit in the middle: it will be put on the side. During zone shuffling process, RMG may manage to fix the layout - and is actually likely to succeed for simple configurations - but in our case there are too many constraints to fulfill them with the simple shuffling.

So the right approach is to give central zone the smallest number. But the numbering of other zone matters, too. Lets us assume that the next two zones (by numbers) are peripheral zones that are not adjacent in the connection circle. After laying out the first two zones (the center and one peripheral zone), the third one can be placed anywhere around the center, including near the second zone. In fact, with a small zone sparseness setting, third zone will always be next to the second zone. In such case, it becomes impossible for zone 2 and 3 to have two neighbors each, so RMG will have to tear off some zones from the center, which will disrupt zones layout.

In order to avoid that, peripheral zones must be numbered so that adjacent zones have consecutive numbers. This way, RMG will always place peripheral zones correctly in its first attempt. Every peripheral zone will have a common boundary with the previous one, as well as free boundary available to welcome the next zone.

There is one more difficulty with such circular zone layout: to ensure that all zones are placed in a circle around the center and there are no gaps between them, you need to choose appropriate zone dimensions. In practice, due to the random factor, it is almost impossible to avoid a gap between zones. Thus, with the numbering approach described above, one of the fictive connections will not be implemented properly. To avoid this, you must first select a pair of adjacent peripheral zones and remove their fictive connection (or put the recommended location to "Random", if the connection is not fictive). It will result in a gap between these two zones, and both will have an increased size, because they will spread over some of the cells of this gap. From this point, zone sizes can be adjusted in order to make the gap as small as possible, in such way that most cells from the gap are distributed to peripheral zones and not the center, without affecting the appearance of the map. But enough gap should be kept to eliminate the chance that peripheral zones will not fit around the central zone.

This method works if there are at least 6 peripheral zones. If there are less, you have to make the central zone small enough, otherwise is will take the most of the cells of the gap between the peripheral zones.

If you want to solve a similar problem for 4 peripheral zones around a central zone, you can use the option "Zone Repulsion". Zone numbering should then be as follows: the first zone is the central one, the second one is any of the peripheral zones, and the third one is on the opposite side of the second one. All zones except the center must use the option "Zone Repulsion". "Zone Sparseness" of the template must be large enough. Links between peripheral zones must either be removed or set to "Random" placement. Each peripheral zone must be connected to the center by a normal or fictive connection.

With such zone numbering, RMG will first lay down the central zone and the first peripheral zone. Then, the second peripheral zone will be placed on the opposite side (due to zone repulsion option). The third peripheral zone will be put in between the first and second, and the fourth in the remaining spot.

If you choose the appropriate zone dimensions and if you use a small enough Zone Sparseness, you can force peripheral zones to be located in the corners: the first peripheral zone will be placed diagonally from the center due to the small Zone Sparseness, and the second peripheral zone will be put in the adjacent corner, due to both Zone Sparseness and Zone Repulsion settings.

About Objects and Guards[edit | hide]

To effectively control how objects appear on a map, one must understand the general principles of object generation. They are described in this section.

Object Options[edit | hide]

General[edit | hide]

Each object has the following set of parameters:

  • Value: it defines both the protection of the object and the treasure range required for a zone to be able to host the object. In essence, it usually represents how valuable the object is to the player.
  • Frequency: determines the probability of an object to be selected over other objects of similar value.
  • Maximum number on the map.
  • Maximum number in the zone.
  • Allowed terrain types: determines what type of terrain the object can appear on.

Object settings can be defined either at template level (whole map) or at zone level (zone only). Rules defined at zone level prevail over rules defined at template level.

Value and frequency can be customized for most objects. Maximum number per zone/map can be customized, but some objects have hard-coded count limitations that cannot be exceeded. Allowed terrains cannot be customized. Object-specific restrictions are listed below. Some objects are disabled by default: they will never appear on the map unless you explicitly enable them.

The default object settings are listed below.

Object Types[edit | hide]

Ordinary objects.

  • Altar of Sacrifice
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Arena
    • Value: 3000.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Black Market
    • Value: 8000.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Buoy
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: water.
  • Campfire
    • Value: 2000.
    • Frequency: 500.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Swan Pond
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: dirt, grass, swamp.
  • Cover of Darkness (disabled by default)
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 25.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Corpse
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: sand, rough.
  • Derrick
    • Value: 750.
    • Frequency: 30.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited*.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: wasteland.
  • Marletto Tower
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Eye of the Magi (disabled by default)
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Faerie Ring
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: dirt, grass, swamp, highlands.
  • Flotsam
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 1000.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: water.
  • Fountain of Fortune
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: dirt, grass, swamp.
  • Fountain of Youth
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: dirt, grass, swamp, water.
  • Garden of Revelation
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: dirt, grass, swamp, subterranean, highlands.
  • Grave
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 30.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: wasteland.
  • Hut of the Magi (disabled by default)
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 25.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Idol of Fortune
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Lean To
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: snow.
  • Library of Enlightenment
    • Value: 12000.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • School of Magic
    • Value: 1000.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any (including water).
  • Magic Spring (this object has several trigger cells, so it is never guarded even if value is increased, and it can not be part of an object group)
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: rough.
  • Magic Well
    • Value: 250.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Mercenary Camp
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Mermaids
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: water.
  • Mystical Garden
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 30.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: dirt, grass, swamp.
  • Oasis (this object has several trigger cells, so it is never guarded even if value is increased, and it can not be part of an object group)
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: sand.
  • Obelisk
    • Value: 350.
    • Frequency: 200.
    • Maximum on the map: 48 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Star Axis
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Prospector
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 30.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited*.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: wasteland.
  • Pyramid
    • Value: 5000.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: sand.
  • Rally Flag
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Random treasure artifact
    • Value: 2000.
    • Frequency: 150.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Random minor artifact
    • Value: 5000.
    • Frequency: 150.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Random major artifact
    • Value: 10000.
    • Frequency: 150.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Random relic artifact
    • Value: 20000.
    • Frequency: 150.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Random resource (at the start of the game, this object is randomly replaced by any specific resource, among wood, ore, mercury, crystal, sulfur, gem and gold. Objects for specific resources also exist, with other generation parameters)
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 2000.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Refugee Camp
    • Value: 5000.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Sanctuary (disabled by default)
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Scholar
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Sea Chest
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 500.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: water.
  • Shipwreck Survivor
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: water.
  • Shrine of Magic Incantation
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: 32.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any (including water).
  • Shrine of Magic Gesture
    • Value: 2000.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any (including water).
  • Shrine of Magic Thought
    • Value: 3000.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any (including water).
  • Shrine of Magic Mystery
    • Value: 7000.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: 32.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Sirens
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: water.
  • Stables
    • Value: 200.
    • Frequency: 40.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: dirt, grass, rough.
  • Tavern
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
    • Terrain types: any (including water).
  • Temple
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Den of Thieves
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Trading Post
    • Value: 3000.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: dirt, grass, rough, highlands.
  • Trailblazer
    • Value: 200.
    • Frequency: 40.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited*.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
    • Terrain types: wasteland.
  • Learning Stone
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 200.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Treasure Chest
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 1000.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Tree of Knowledge
    • Value: 2500.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: dirt, grass, snow.
  • University
    • Value: 2500.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Wagon
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: rough.
  • School of War
    • Value: 1000.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Warlock's Lab
    • Value: 10000.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited*.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
    • Terrain types: wasteland, snow.
  • Warrior's Tomb
    • Value: 6000.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Water Wheel
    • Value: 750.
    • Frequency: 30.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: dirt, grass, snow, swamp.
  • Watering Hole (this object has several trigger cells, so it is never guarded even if value is increased, and it can not be part of an object group)
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: rough.
  • Windmill
    • Value: 2500.
    • Frequency: 90.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Witch Hut
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 80.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: 3 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Freelancer's Guild
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1 (cannot be increased).
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Temple of Loyalty
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Skeleton Transformer
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 15.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
    • Terrain types: subterranean.
  • Colosseum of the Magi
    • Value: 3000.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Watering Place
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
    • Terrain types: rough.
  • Mineral Spring
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
    • Terrain types: highlands.
  • Hermit's Shack
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 80.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
    • Terrain types: highlands.
  • Gazebo
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: 32 (cannot be increased).
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: highlands.
  • Junkman
    • Value: 200.
    • Frequency: 40.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
    • Terrain types: highlands.
  • Ancient Lamp (disabled by default)
    • Value: 5000.
    • Frequency: 200.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Sea Barrel
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 400.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: water.
  • Jetsam
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 600.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: water.
  • Vial of Mana
    • Value: 3000.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: water.
  • Seafaring Academy
    • Value: 8000.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
    • Terrain types: none (this object is temporarily not available: it will never be generated).
  • Observatory
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
    • Terrain types: water.
  • Altar of Mana (this object has several trigger cells, so it is never guarded even if value is increased, and it can not be part of an object group)
    • Value: 100.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
    • Terrain types: water.
  • Town Gate
    • Value: 10000.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
    • Terrain types: any except water.

Pandora's Box.

  • Maximum on the map: 200 (common count for all kinds of content, can not be increased).
  • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
  • Terrain types: any except water.

Pandora's Box with creatures. There is one kind of Pandora's Box object per creature type. The amount of creatures inside the box depends on the creature level and the creature AI Value. It is adjusted in such way that the stack of creatures has roughly the same total AI Value that depends on the creature level. Pandora's Box with creatures can only be generated in zones where zone faction is the same as creatures' faction. It is recommended to enable/disable entire levels of creatures, rather than individual creatures for this object.

  • Value cannot be changed, calculated as: (AI Value of the creature)*(Number of creatures)*(1 + n/N), where:
    • N is the number of zones with at least one town or castle;
    • n is the number of zones with the main town faction the same as dwelling's faction.
  • Frequency: 3.

Pandora's Box with experience.

  • 5000 experience
    • Value: 6000.
    • Frequency: 20.
  • 10000 experience
    • Value: 12000.
    • Frequency: 20.
  • 15000 experience
    • Value: 18000.
    • Frequency: 20.
  • 20000 experience
    • Value: 24000.
    • Frequency: 20.
  • You can also add Pandora's Box with custom experience amount, from 0 to 99999999, but there are no default settings for such object.

Pandora's Box with gold.

  • 5000 gold
    • Value: 5000.
    • Frequency: 5.
  • 10000 gold
    • Value: 10000.
    • Frequency: 5.
  • 15000 gold
    • Value: 15000.
    • Frequency: 5.
  • 20000 gold
    • Value: 20000.
    • Frequency: 5.
  • You can also add Pandora's Box with custom amount of gold, from 0 to 99999, but there are no default settings for such object.

Pandora's Box with spells.

  • All 1st level spells
    • Value: 5000.
    • Frequency: 2.
  • All 2nd level spells
    • Value: 7500.
    • Frequency: 2.
  • All 3rd level spells
    • Value: 10000.
    • Frequency: 2.
  • All 4th level spells
    • Value: 12500.
    • Frequency: 2.
  • All 5th level spells
    • Value: 15000.
    • Frequency: 2.
  • All Air spells
    • Value: 15000.
    • Frequency: 2.
  • All Water spells
    • Value: 15000.
    • Frequency: 2.
  • All Fire spells
    • Value: 15000.
    • Frequency: 2.
  • All Earth spells
    • Value: 15000.
    • Frequency: 2.
  • All spells
    • Value: 30000.
    • Frequency: 2.
  • You can also add a Pandora's Box with a custom level range and a custom set of magic schools, but there are no default settings for such object.

If all spells of some Pandora's Box are banned at template level, then that Pandora's Box is automatically banned too.

Keymaster's Tent (disabled by default). When generating a Keymaster's Tent in a zone, a reward is created in another zone, behind a Border Guard that matches the color of the tent. The reward is a group of objects, with a value equal to 1.5 times the value of the Keymaster's Tent itself. Objects are generated according to the rules of the zone where the Keymaster's Tent is, without consideration for the terrain type, object rules, and treasure value ranges of the zone that hosts the objects. There can be only one tent of each color per map. There are no restrictions on the amount of tents per zone. Tents can be generated on any terrain except water. The frequency is 10 (all colors together). Default values of Keymaster's Tents are:

  • 5000
  • 7500
  • 10000
  • 15000
  • 20000
  • You can also use a custom value, but there are no default settings for such object.

Using this object is not recommended.

Cartographer (disabled by default). The maximum amount per map is not limited. The maximum number per zone is 1 (cannot be increased).

  • Ground Cartographer
    • Value: 10000.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Terrain types: any except subterranean and water.
  • Underground Cartographer
    • Value: 7500.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Terrain types: subterranean.
  • Water Cartographer
    • Value: 5000.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Terrain types: water.

Creature Banks.

  • Derelict Ship
    • Value: 4000.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: water.
  • Dragon Utopia
    • Value: 10000.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Crypt
    • Value: 1000.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: dirt, sand, grass, snow, swamp.
  • Shipwreck
    • Value: 2000.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: water.
  • Cyclops Stockpile
    • Value: 3000.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Dwarven Treasury
    • Value: 2000.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Griffin Conservatory
    • Value: 2000.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Imp Cache
    • Value: 5000.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Medusa Stores
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except subterranean and water.
  • Naga Bank
    • Value: 3000.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Dragon Fly Hive
    • Value: 9000.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Beholders' Sanctuary
    • Value: 2500.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: water.
  • Temple of the Sea
    • Value: 10000.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: water.
  • Pirate Cavern (disabled by default)
    • Value: 3500.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: rough.
  • Mansion
    • Value: 5000.
    • Frequency: 50.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Spit (disabled by default)
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: swamp.
  • Red Tower
    • Value: 4000.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Black Tower
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Ivory Tower (disabled by default)
    • Value: 7000.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: sand, snow.
  • Churchyard
    • Value: 1500.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Experimental Shop
    • Value: 3500.
    • Frequency: 80.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Wolf Raider Picket
    • Value: 9500.
    • Frequency: 70.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: any except water.
  • Ruins
    • Value: 1000.
    • Frequency: 100.
    • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
    • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
    • Terrain types: highlands.

Creature Dwellings (each dwelling is a separate object). The amount per map and per zone is not limited. Dwellings can be generated on any type of terrain (except water), but each zone can only host dwellings from a single faction, in accordance with its zone faction. It is recommended to enable or disable entire levels of creatures, rather than individual dwellings.

  • Value cannot be changed, calculated as: (AI Value of the creature)*((Creature growth)*(1 + n/N) + n/2), where:
    • N is the number of zones with at least one town or castle;
    • n is the number of zones with the main town faction the same as dwelling's faction;
    • total value is tripled for the Estate (Vampires' dwelling) and the Hovel (Peasants' dwelling).
  • Frequency: 40.

Composite Creature Dwellings (Golem Factory and Elemental Conflux). The amount per map and per zone is not limited. Can be generated on any land except water. Can be generated only in zones that have the same zone faction as (at least one of the) creatures.

  • Value: half-sum of the values of the dwelling creatures, each calculated same as regular dwellings. It cannot be changed.
  • Frequency: 20.

Hill Fort. The maximal map count is not limited, the maximum count per zone is 1 and cannot be increased (there can be only one version of Hill Fort per zone).

  • Old Hill Fort for 1-7 level creatures, with reduced cost for 1-4 level creatures (this object is disabled by default)
    • Value: 7000.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Terrain types: dirt, grass, snow.
  • New Hill Fort for 1-5 level creatures, with double cost
    • Value: 7000.
    • Frequency: 20.
    • Terrain types: any except water.

Observation towers. Value is 750. Frequency is 100. The amount on the map is not limited. Maximum per zone is 1 (cannot be increased).

Prison. The amount per map is limited in such way that remaining free heroes count is at least 10*(number of players) + 48. The amount per zone is not limited. It can be generated on any terrain except water.

  • Hero of level 1 (0 experience)
    • Value: 2500.
    • Frequency: 30.
  • Hero of level 5 (5000 experience)
    • Value: 5000.
    • Frequency: 30.
  • Hero of level 10 (15000 experience)
    • Value: 10000.
    • Frequency: 30.
  • Hero of level 20 (90000 experience)
    • Value: 20000.
    • Frequency: 30.
  • Hero level 30 (500000 experience)
    • Value: 30000.
    • Frequency: 30.
  • You can also add a Prison with a hero with any other amount of experience (0-99999999), but for this object there are no default settings.

Resource. The amount on map and per zone is not limited. It can be generated on any terrain except water.

  • Wood
    • Value: 1400.
    • Frequency: 300.
  • Mercury
    • Value: 2000.
    • Frequency: 300.
  • Ore
    • Value: 1400.
    • Frequency: 300.
  • Sulfur
    • Value: 2000.
    • Frequency: 300.
  • Crystal
    • Value: 2000.
    • Frequency: 300.
  • Gems
    • Value: 2000.
    • Frequency: 300.
  • Gold
    • Value: 750.
    • Frequency: 300.

There is also a Random Resource object, with its own settings, which is replaced by a specific resource at the start of the game.

Seer's Hut quest artifact. This object is a random artifact of level 1 (treasure artifact), which is not part of any compound artifact. This artifact is unique on the map. When this object is generated, an unguarded Seer's Hut is created in another zone on the map, looking for the artifact. Usually seer is placed in a neighbour zone or 2 zones away. This object is divided in several categories depending on the reward given by the Seer's Hut.

  • Maximum on the map: unlimited.
  • Maximum per zone: unlimited.
  • Terrain types: any except water.

Seer's Hut with creature reward (one object for each type of creature). The amount of creatures depends on the creature level and the creature AI Value. It is adjusted in such way that the stack of creatures has roughly the same total AI Value that depends on the creature level. Seer's Huts with creature reward can only be generated in zones where zone faction is the same as creature faction. It is recommended to enable/disable entire levels of creatures, rather than individual creatures for this object.

  • Value cannot be changed, calculated as: (2*(AI Value Creatures)*(Number of creatures)*(1 + n/N) - 4000) / 3, where:
    • N is the number of zones with at least one town or castle;
    • n is the number of zones with the main town faction the same as dwelling's faction.
  • Frequency: 3.

Seer's Hut with experience reward.

  • 5000 experience
    • Value: 2000.
    • Frequency: 10.
  • 10000 experience
    • Value: 5333.
    • Frequency: 10.
  • 15000 experience
    • Value: 8666.
    • Frequency: 10.
  • 20000 experience
    • Value: 12000.
    • Frequency: 10.
  • You can also add an object with custom experience reward (from 0 to 99999999), but there are no default settings for such object.

Seer's Hut with gold reward.

  • 5000 gold
    • Value: 2000.
    • Frequency: 10.
  • 10000 gold
    • Value: 5333.
    • Frequency: 10.
  • 15000 gold
    • Value: 8666.
    • Frequency: 10.
  • 20000 gold
    • Value: 12000.
    • Frequency: 10.
  • You can also add an object with custom gold reward (from 0 to 99999), but there are no default settings for such object.

Spell Scroll. The amount on the map / per zone is not limited. It can be generated on any terrain except water.

  • Level 1 spell
    • Value: 500.
    • Frequency: 30.
    • Maximum per zone: 6.
  • Level 2 spell
    • Value: 2000.
    • Frequency: 30.
    • Maximum per zone: 5.
  • Level 3 spell
    • Value: 3000.
    • Frequency: 30.
    • Maximum per zone: 4.
  • Level 4 spell (except Town Portal and Water Walk)
    • Value: 8000.
    • Frequency: 30.
    • Maximum per zone: 3.
  • Level 5 spell (except for the Dimension Door and Fly)
    • Value: 10000.
    • Frequency: 30.
    • Maximum per zone: 2.
  • Spell Scroll with Town Portal, Water Walk, Dimension Door, or Fly
    • Value: 20000.
    • Frequency: 30.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.

If all spells of one of these categories are disabled, the spell scroll for this category is automatically disabled.

War Machine Shops. The amount on the map is unlimited, the maximum per zone is 1 (there can be only one type of machine shop per zone). It can be generated on any terrain except water.

Warehouses. The amount on the map is not limited. It can be generated on any terrain except water.

  • Wood
    • Value: 2250.
    • Frequency: 30.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
  • Mercury
    • Value: 2500.
    • Frequency: 25.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
  • Ore
    • Value: 2250.
    • Frequency: 30.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
  • Sulfur
    • Value: 2500.
    • Frequency: 25.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
  • Crystal
    • Value: 2500.
    • Frequency: 25.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
  • Gems
    • Value: 2500.
    • Frequency: 25.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.
  • Gold
    • Value: 6000.
    • Frequency: 15.
    • Maximum per zone: 1.

Mines. Mines are not part of the standard object settings system, and are configured separately. But each mine has a value that defines its protection, like for regular objects. Each mine can be surrounded by 1-3 resources of its own type. These resources are not guarded.

  • Sawmill
    • Value: 1500.
  • Alchemist's Lab
    • Value: 3500.
  • Ore Pit
    • Value: 1500.
  • Sulfur Dune
    • Value: 3500.
  • Crystal Cavern
    • Value: 3500.
  • Gem Pond
    • Value: 3500.
  • Gold Mine
    • Value: 7000.

* This is probably a bug. If you select unlimited in the settings of this object on the map, there will be no more than 32 of them.

Creature Rewards[edit | hide]

Creature count in Pandora's Box and Seer's Hut

The total AI Value of the awarded creature stack depends on creature level:

  • Level 1: 5000
  • Level 2: 7000
  • Level 3: 9000
  • Level 4: 12000
  • Level 5: 16000
  • Level 6: 21000
  • Level 7: 27000

First, a preliminary creature count is calculated as (total AI Value) / (single creature AI Value). Result is rounded down, but is always at least 1.

Then, creature count is rounded using the following rules:

  • 1-5: no extra rounding.
  • 6-12: rounded up to the even number.
  • 13-50: rounded to the nearest multiple of 5.
  • More than 50: rounded to the nearest multiple of 10 (multiples of 5 are rounded to the larger nearest multiple of 10).

If this count exceeds 150, the actual creature count will be reduced to 150, but the value of Pandora's Box will still be calculated based on the raw count.

Zone faction - conditions for the generation of dwellings and Pandora's Box and quest artifacts for the Seer's Hut with creatures

Each zone has a town faction that determines:

  • Which dwelling objects can be hosted.
  • Which kind of creature can be found in Pandora's Box.
  • Which kind of creature reward can be obtained from quest artifacts generated in this zone (the reward is located in another zone).

Zone faction is determined as follows:

Note that the value calculation of dwellings, Pandora's Box with creatures and Seer's Hut quest artifacts with creatures counts only zones with towns and the types of the main towns of the zones. Zone faction does not influence value, although it is usually the same as zone main town type.

Treasure Generation[edit | hide]

Zone treasures are generated as groups of objects. All objects of a group are adjacent, and share the same protection (if any). Each group falls into one of the three treasure categories that you can specify in zone settings. Each category is defined by a value range and a frequency. Value range control the value of the object group (defined as the sum of individual object values), and frequency controls the amount of object groups that will be generated (the amount of object groups is proportional to the frequency, but it also depends on zone size).

Each group is generated as follows. A random number total_value is generated within the value range of the group's treasure category. Then, an object with a value between total_value / 4 and total_value is randomly selected among valid objects for this zone. The probability for an object to be selected is proportional to its frequency.

Then, as long as the value sum group_value of already generated objects meets one of the conditions total_value - group_value >= 1500 or group_value < total_value / 2, another object with a value between 0.25*(total_value - group_value) and 1.25*(total_value - group_value) is randomly selected and added to the group. This process is repeated until none of the 2 conditions are met, or no valid object can be found within the requested value range. Object groups can be made of a single object.

In HotA strength of treasure object guards that can block the road is configurable. The default is one third of zone maximum treasure value (possible bug - it looks like right now the default is rather ~42.25% instead of 33%. Also take into an account, that number of creatures will always be lower than final value, f.e. if max value in zone is 10000, then max road block is ~4225. However, 76 pixies * 55 = 4180 < 4225, so pixies will block the road).

Objects and Connections Guards[edit | hide]

Objects and connections protection is calculated as follows.

A protection index is calculated as protection_index = monsters_strength_zone + monsters_strength_map, where:

  • monsters_strength_zone is 0 for connections, and depends on the "monsters strength" option of zone settings for objects:
    • if weak, -1;
    • if average, 0;
    • if strong, 1;
  • monsters_strength_map depends on the monsters strength set in game menu, before starting the game:
    • if weak, 2;
    • if normal, 3;
    • if strong, 4.

The protection_index varies from 1 to 5, and fully determines monsters strength, regardless the terms it derives from.

The monster stack is generated based on a total AI value, calculated as follows: total_AI_Value = ( object_value - minimal_value_1)* coefficient_1 + ( object_value - minimal_value_2)* coefficient_2

object_value is the value of the protected object, group of objects, or connection.

Minimal values and coefficients depends on the protection_index:


  • 1: 2500
  • 2: 1500
  • 3: 1000
  • 4: 500
  • 5: 0


  • 1: 0.5
  • 2: 0.75
  • 3: 1
  • 4: 1.5
  • 5: 1.5


  • 1: 7500
  • 2: 7500
  • 3: 7500
  • 4: 5000
  • 5: 5000


  • 1: 0.5
  • 2: 0.75
  • 3: 1
  • 4: 1
  • 5: 1.5

object_value - minimal_value is nulled if negative.

If total_AI_Value is less than 2000, then no guard is generated. Otherwise, a random type of monster is selected, and an average monsters count is calculated as total_AI_Value / monster_AI_value. If the average number of monsters is less than (( minimal_random_monster_count + maximal_random_monster_count) / 2 rounded down) or greater than or equal to 100, then the monster type is invalid and another one is chosen. The minimum and maximum random monsters counts are monster-specific. They can be retrieved, for example, in map editor, by right clicking a monster in the monster selection panel.

After the type of monster is selected, the actual monsters count is set as follows:

  • an Average_count is calculated as total_AI_Value / monster_AI_value, rounded to the nearest whole number (rounded up if equally close to upper and lower whole numbers).
  • If Average_count < 4, then the actual number of monsters is Average_count.
  • Otherwise, the number of monsters is Average_count + random_number_1 - random_number_2. Both random numbers are generated within the range from 0 to Average_count / 4 (rounded down). Thus, the actual monster count can be from 75% to 125% of the average, with a higher probability of being close to the average.

Example 1.

  • Global monsters strength: Strong, Monsters strength in zone: Strong, Object: Serpent Fly Hive (value 9000).
  • protection_index = 1 + 4 = 5.
  • 9000 > minimal_value_1 (0), 9000 > minimal_value_2 (5000).
  • total_AI_Value = (9000 - 0)*1.5 + (9000 - 5000)*1.5 = 19500.
  • 19500 > 2000, so monsters are generated. For example, 26 Zealots (single creature AI Value: 750).

Example 2.

  • Global monsters strength: Weak, Monsters strength in zone: Weak, Object: Serpent Fly Hive (value 9000).
  • protection_index = -1 + 2 = 1.
  • 9000 > minimal_value_1 (2500), 9000 > minimal_value_2 (7500).
  • total_AI_Value = (9000 - 2500)*0.5 + (9000 - 7500)*0.5 = 4000.
  • 4000 > 2000, so monsters are generated. For example, 26 Harpies (single creature AI Value: 154).

Example 3.

  • Global monsters strength: Normal, Monsters strength in zone: Average. Object: Gold mine (value 7000).
  • protection_index = 0 + 3 = 3.
  • 7000 > minimal_value_1 (1000), 7000 < minimal_value_2 (7500).
  • total_AI_Value = (7000 - 1000)*1 = 6000.
  • 6000 > 2000, so monsters are generated. For example, 24 Wights (single creature AI Value: 252).

Example 4.

  • Global monsters strength: Weak, Monsters strength in zone: Weak. Object: Prison with a level 5 hero (value 5000).
  • protection_index = -1 + 2 = 1.
  • 5000 > minimal_value_1 (2500), 5000 < minimal_value_2 (7500).
  • total_AI_Value = (5000 - 2500)*0.5 = 1250.
  • 1250 < 2000, so no protection is generated.

Example 5

  • Global monsters strength: Strong. Connection with a value of 6000.
  • protection_index = 4.
  • 6000 > minimal_value_1 (500), 6000 > minimal_value_2 (5000).
  • total_AI_Value = (6000 - 500)*1.5 + (6000 - 5000)*1 = 9250.
  • 9250 > 2000, so monsters are generated. For example, 56 Stone Gargoyles (single creature AI Value: 165).

Object Settings[edit | hide]

General[edit | hide]

The list of allowed objects can be customized, as well as object generation parameters. Object customization can be set at template level - settings will apply to the whole map - and/or at zone level. It takes the form of an ordered list of rules.

RMG has an initial, default list of available objects, along with default parameters for objects. You can add custom rules to amend this list or/and these parameters. There are two types of rules you can add:

  • "Disable" rules: remove an object (or a group of objects) from the list;
  • "Enable / Edit" rules: add an object to the list and/or change the parameters for this object. Rules are applied in the order they are listed, each rule taking precedence over the previous ones. In some cases, rules order matters. For example, if you want to disable all objects except a few, you need to first add a "disable everything" rule, and then add rules to re-allow specific objects. Whereas if the "disable everything" rule is at the end of the list, all objects will be disabled regardless what the previous rules are.

Rules defined at template level apply before rules defined at zone level. It means that zone-specific rules always override general rules.

Rules of type "Disable" can target a single object, but also groups of objects of the same kind (for example, all Pandora's Box, all Creature Banks, etc). You can also disable all objects at once.

However, only objects that follow the regular generation process can be disabled. Object rules cannot be used to disable:

Rules of type "Allow / Edit" require to set object parameters: value, frequency, maximum count on the map and per zone (maximum count on the map can only be set at template level, and not at zone level). If the object is already part of the allowed objects list, then its parameters will be overridden by the custom ones. Otherwise, the object will be added to the list with the custom parameters.

Parameters can be left unchanged by setting them to "default". A parameter set to "default" will not be changed when the rule is applied. If the new object is added, "defaulted" parameters will have the values from the template settings (the list of objects that is created by adjusting only template level rules to default list). If there is no such object in this list, "defaulted" parameters will have the default, hard-coded value (see here). Thus, by setting all parameters to "default", you can simply allow the object to be generated in a standard way.

Dwellings, Pandora's Box with creature reward, and Seer's Hut quest artifacts with creature reward can be disabled, enabled, or customized individually (for each creature type), but also by entire level. If so, parameters defined for an entire creature level will be individually applied to each object, for each creature. It is recommended to use this mechanism instead of customizing individual objects, because each zone can only host objects with creatures from a single faction.

Restrictions[edit | hide]

Adding an object to the list of allowed objects does not guarantee that it will actually appear on the map / in the zone. Here are some of the limitations that should be considered when managing objects:

  • Many objects can only be generated on specific terrain types (see this section). This cannot be changed. However, it is possible to select appropriate terrain types in zone settings, in order to guarantee that a specific object can be hosted in a specific zone.
  • Many objects have restrictions on the maximal count on the map and per zone. These cannot be changed.
  • As stated in this previous section, objects are always selected within a range of values. If an object has a value that exceeds all three treasure ranges of a zone, then the object cannot be selected when filling the zone. And even if object value exactly matches the maximum of the treasure range, the chances for the object to be selected for this range are very small, unless both minimum and maximum values of the treasure range are the same. If an object has a value lower than one quarter of the lowest treasure maximum, then the object cannot be generated as "first choice", but only as a complement for an object group. If the minimum value of all ranges is greater than 500, then objects of value 100 are almost never generated, because they cannot be selected as "first choice", and can hardly be selected as a complement for an object group, due to the generation rules described before.
  • When setting the list of objects in a zone, one must ensure that for any value in any treasure range, there is at least one object that fits between 25% and 100% of this value, and is not limited in number. Otherwise, RMG may not be able to create any object for a given random value, and after several failed attempts, zone filling will stop, even if more objects could eventually have been generated with other random values. To avoid such situation, it is recommended to always enable a sufficient number of objects of different values. It is also recommended to avoid very wide treasure ranges (like 100-30000), because it increases the chances of randomly picking a value that is not suitable for any object. Instead, try to use several shorter ranges that match the values of allowed objects.
  • It is recommended to ensure that in each zone, there is a sufficient number of one-cell objects - that is, with a single trigger cell and without obstacle cells (for example, Resources, Artifacts, Pandora's Box, Serpent Fly Hive and fit into treasure ranges. Otherwise, due to the amount of obstacles in the zone, RMG cannot place large objects properly, and may interrupt object generation, leaving some areas empty.
  • For external dwellings, for Pandora's Box with creatures, and for Seer's Hut quest artifacts with creatures, value cannot be customized. It is calculated based on the number of zones with towns/castles of different factions. But you can adjust the treasure ranges of zones so they include required values.
  • When maximal number per zone is defined for Pandora's Box with creatures and for Seer's Hut quest artifacts with creatures, it could be doubled if only level of unit is selected. F.e. if only 1 level 2 pandora is allowed, two will be created instead - one with archers and one with marksman (upgraded level 2). Similarly, selecting f.e. max of 1 quest artifact for level 5 may create 3 boxes on neutral zone - troll, gold golem and fangarm.
  • External dwellings, Pandora's Box with creatures and Seer's Hut quest artifacts with creatures can be generated only in zones where zone faction is the same as creature faction. But it is possible to force zone faction to be neutral.
  • Sometimes an object is rarely generated due to its low frequency. Increasing object frequency increases the probability of generation.
  • Entrance to a building will not be generated directly above another building entrance, at least 1 square will be left. F.e. shrine will not be placed directly on top of another shrine. This doesn't count pickable objects or terrain. [pending for tests]

See also[edit | hide]