Fire Shield
Fire Magic
1 rnd/sp
Basic effect
20% of hand-to-hand damage inflicted on target, allied troop is counter-inflicted on attackers of the troop.
Advanced effect
25% of hand-to-hand damage inflicted on target, allied troop is counter-inflicted on attackers of the troop.
Expert effect
30% of hand-to-hand damage inflicted on target, allied troop is counter-inflicted on attackers of the troop.
Probability of occurrence (%):
Target allied stack gains a shield of fire, that damages all units trying to attack it in melee. Damage is based on damage done to enchanted unit. If the enchanted unit is totally destroyed, only the damage needed to kill it is used as a base for calculations.
Damage taken by the enchanted unit must be greater than 3 or the fire shield will have no effect.
It should be noted, that even creatures that are normally immune to (fire) magic, for example black dragons, gold dragons or magic elementals, can take damage from this spell.
Units immune to its effects:
- 100 Archangels attack 1 imp with expert fire shield. 14K damage is done by the archangels. 4 health multiplied by 30% equals 1.2 health. The fire shield will do 1 damage to the archangels.
- 100 Archangels attack 100 imps with expert fire shield. 14K damage is done by the archangels. 400 health multiplied by 30% equals 120 health. The fire shield will do 120 damage to the archangels.