Stone Skin

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School of Earth Magic
Symbol for School of Earth Magic
Level 1
 Magic Arrow *
 Stone Skin
 View Earth
Level 2
 Death Ripple
 Visions *
Level 3
 Animate Dead
 Force Field
 Protection from Earth
Level 4
 Meteor Shower
 Town Portal
Level 5
 Summon Earth Elemental
School of Air Magic
School of Fire Magic
School of Water Magic
Stone Skin
School:  Earth Magic
Level:  1st
Cost:  5/4
Duration:  1 rnd/sp
 Basic effect
Increases the selected friendly unit's defense strength by 3.
 Advanced effect
Increases the selected friendly unit's defense strength by 6.
 Expert effect
Increases the defense strength of all friendly units by 6.
 Probability of occurrence (%):
Castle   32
Rampart   32
Tower   63 (53*)
Inferno   31
Necropolis   54
Dungeon   30
Stronghold   53
Fortress   31
Conflux   31
Cove Horn of the Abyss   31
Factory Horn of the Abyss   
* Without Library

It increases the target allied troop's defense.

Heroes starting with Stone Skin:

Heroes specialising in Stone Skin:

Creatures immune to Stone Skin:

Creatures capable of casting Stone Skin:

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Some may find the information in this section subjective or irrelevant.

Stone skin is often compared to shield, which has similar effects. They both reduce the amount of damage creature stacks receives. The main difference between these two spells are, that stone skin also works against ranged creatures while shield only reduces hand-to-hand damage. A rule of thumb whether to use shield or stone skin in hand-to-hand combat is, that if enemy's attack skill is greater than your defense skill, use stone skin. Of course, with both spells active, your troops will receive considerably less damage.

Advanced/Expert Stone Skin is only strictly better than equal-skill Shield if the difference between your unit's defense and the opponent's attack is exactly 21 or 22. That means Shield is almost always preferable, unless you expect ranged attacks.