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School of Earth Magic
Symbol for School of Earth Magic
Level 1
 Magic Arrow *
 Stone Skin
 View Earth
Level 2
 Death Ripple
 Visions *
Level 3
 Animate Dead
 Force Field
 Protection from Earth
Level 4
 Meteor Shower
 Town Portal
Level 5
 Summon Earth Elemental
School of Air Magic
School of Fire Magic
School of Water Magic
School:  Earth Magic
Level:  1st
Cost:  5/4
Duration:  1 rnd/sp
 Basic effect
Shields a selected friendly unit, reducing the amount of damage it received from hand-to-hand attacks by 15%.
 Advanced effect
Shields a selected friendly unit, reducing the amount of damage it received from hand-to-hand attacks by 30%.
 Expert effect
Shields all friendly units, reducing the amount of damage they received from hand-to-hand attacks by 30%.
 Probability of occurrence (%):
Castle   54
Rampart   20
Tower   39 (31*)
Inferno   20
Necropolis   54
Dungeon   30
Stronghold   31
Fortress   31
Conflux   31
Cove Horn of the Abyss   20
Factory Horn of the Abyss   31
* Without Library

It reduces melee damage done to the target allied stack(s).

Heroes that start with Shield:

Creatures immune to Shield:

Creatures capable of casting Shield:

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