User:Phasma/Creature portraits

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Source files table[edit | hide | hide all]

Located in the Data folder in your Heroes of Might and Magic III install directory.

Shadow of Death Shadow of Death
H3sprite.lod > TwCrPort.def
Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss
(Portrait fixes)
Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss
HotA.lod > twcrport.def
Day of Reckoning Day of Reckoning
DoR.lod > twcrport.def
Portrait File name Creature Portrait Creature Portrait Creature Portrait Creature
CPrL000C.pcx Pikeman Pikeman Nymph Templar
CPrL001C.pcx Halberdier Halberdier Oceanid Paladin
CPrL002C.pcx Archer Crew Mate Dryad
CPrL003C.pcx Marksman Seaman Oak Dryad
CPrL004C.pcx Griffin Pirate ???
CPrL005C.pcx Royal Griffin Royal Griffin Corsair Simurgh
CPrL006C.pcx Swordsman Sea Dog Succubus
CPrL007C.pcx Crusader Stormbird Lilim
CPrL008C.pcx Monk Ayssid ???
CPrL009C.pcx Zealot Zealot Sea Witch ???
CPrL010C.pcx Cavalier Sorceress Illithid
CPrL011C.pcx Champion Champion Nix Alhoon
CPrL012C.pcx Angel Angel Nix Warrior ???
CPrL013C.pcx Archangel Archangel Sea Serpent ???
CPrL014R.pcx Centaur Haspid ???
CPrL015R.pcx Centaur Captain Halfling (Factory) ???
CPrL016R.pcx Dwarf Dwarf Halfling Grenadier Metal Elemental
CPrL017R.pcx Battle Dwarf Battle Dwarf Mechanic Magnetic Elemental
CPrL018R.pcx Wood Elf Wood Elf Engineer Nisse
CPrL019R.pcx Grand Elf Armadillo Tomte
CPrL020R.pcx Pegasus Pegasus Bellwether Armadillo Viking
CPrL021R.pcx Silver Pegasus Automaton Einheri
CPrL022R.pcx Dendroid Guard Dendroid Guard Sentinel Automaton Ice Maiden
CPrL023R.pcx Dendroid Soldier Dendroid Soldier Sandworm Yuki Onna
CPrL024R.pcx Unicorn Olgoi-Khorkhoi White Tiger
CPrL025R.pcx War Unicorn Gunslinger Sabertooth
CPrL026R.pcx Green Dragon Bounty Hunter Snow Elf
CPrL027R.pcx Gold Dragon Dreadnought High Elf
CPrL028T.pcx Gremlin Juggernaut ???
CPrL029T.pcx Master Gremlin Couatl Yeti
CPrL030T.pcx Stone Gargoyle Crimson Couatl ???
CPrL031T.pcx Obsidian Gargoyle Obsidian Gargoyle Leprechaun ???
CPrL032T.pcx Stone Golem Satyr Frost Giant
CPrL033T.pcx Iron Golem Iron Golem Steel Golem Jotun
CPrL034T.pcx Mage Fangarm Triton
CPrL035T.pcx Arch Mage Cannon Dark Elemental
CPrL036T.pcx Genie Light Elemental
CPrL037T.pcx Master Genie ???
CPrL038T.pcx Naga ???
CPrL039T.pcx Naga Queen ???
CPrL040T.pcx Giant ???
CPrL041T.pcx Titan Titan ???
CPrL042I.pcx Imp Imp ???
CPrL043I.pcx Familiar ???
CPrL044I.pcx Gog ???
CPrL045I.pcx Magog ???
CPrL046I.pcx Hell Hound ???
CPrL047I.pcx Cerberus ???
CPrL048I.pcx Demon ???
CPrL049I.pcx Horned Demon ???
CPrL050I.pcx Pit Fiend ???
CPrL051I.pcx Pit Lord ???
CPrL052I.pcx Efreeti ???
CPrL053I.pcx Efreet Sultan ???
CPrL054I.pcx Devil ???
CPrL055I.pcx Arch Devil ???
CPrL056N.pcx Skeleton
CPrL057N.pcx Skeleton Warrior
CPrL058N.pcx Walking Dead
CPrL059N.pcx Zombie Zombie
CPrL060N.pcx Wight
CPrL061N.pcx Wraith
CPrL062N.pcx Vampire
CPrL063N.pcx Vampire Lord
CPrL064N.pcx Lich
CPrL065N.pcx Power Lich
CPrL066N.pcx Black Knight Black Knight
CPrL067N.pcx Dread Knight
CPrL068N.pcx Bone Dragon
CPrL069N.pcx Ghost Dragon Ghost Dragon
CPrL070D.pcx Troglodyte
CPrL071D.pcx Infernal Troglodyte
CPrL072D.pcx Harpy
CPrL073D.pcx Harpy Hag
CPrL074D.pcx Beholder
CPrL075D.pcx Evil Eye
CPrL076D.pcx Medusa
CPrL077D.pcx Medusa Queen
CPrL078D.pcx Minotaur
CPrL079D.pcx Minotaur King
CPrL080D.pcx Manticore
CPrL081D.pcx Scorpicore Scorpicore
CPrL082D.pcx Red Dragon
CPrL083D.pcx Black Dragon
CPrL084S.pcx Goblin
CPrL085S.pcx Hobgoblin
CPrL086S.pcx Wolf Rider
CPrL087S.pcx Wolf Raider
CPrL088S.pcx Orc Orc
CPrL089S.pcx Orc Chieftain Orc Chieftain
CPrL090S.pcx Ogre
CPrL091S.pcx Ogre Mage
CPrL092S.pcx Roc
CPrL093S.pcx Thunderbird Thunderbird
CPrL094S.pcx Cyclops
CPrL095S.pcx Cyclops King Cyclops King
CPrL096S.pcx Behemoth
CPrL097S.pcx Ancient Behemoth Ancient Behemoth
CPrL098F.pcx Gnoll
CPrL099F.pcx Gnoll Marauder
CPrL100F.pcx Lizardman
CPrL101F.pcx Lizard Warrior
CPrL102F.pcx Serpent Fly
CPrL103F.pcx Dragon Fly
CPrL104F.pcx Basilisk
CPrL105F.pcx Greater Basilisk
CPrL106F.pcx Gorgon
CPrL107F.pcx Mighty Gorgon
CPrL108F.pcx Wyvern
CPrL109F.pcx Wyvern Monarch
CPrL110F.pcx Hydra
CPrL111F.pcx Chaos Hydra
CPrL112E.pcx Air Elemental
CPrL113E.pcx Earth Elemental
CPrL114E.pcx Fire Elemental Fire Elemental
CPrL115E.pcx Water Elemental
CPrL116E.pcx Gold Golem
CPrL117E.pcx Diamond Golem
CPrL118E.pcx Pixie Pixie
CPrL119E.pcx Sprite Sprite
CPrL120E.pcx Psychic Elemental
CPrL121E.pcx Magic Elemental
CPrL123E.pcx Ice Elemental
CPrL125E.pcx Magma Elemental
CPrL127E.pcx Storm Elemental
CPrL129E.pcx Energy Elemental
CPrL130E.pcx Firebird Firebird
CPrL131E.pcx Phoenix Phoenix
CPrL132N.pcx Azure Dragon
CPrL133N.pcx Crystal Dragon Crystal Dragon
CPrL134N.pcx Faerie Dragon Faerie Dragon
CPrL135N.pcx Rust Dragon Rust Dragon
CPrL136N.pcx Enchanter Enchanter
CPrL137N.pcx Sharpshooter Sharpshooter
CPrL138N.pcx Halfling Halfling
CPrL139N.pcx Peasant
CPrL140N.pcx Boar
CPrL141N.pcx Mummy
CPrL142N.pcx Nomad
CPrL143N.pcx Rogue
CPrL144N.pcx Troll Troll
CPrL145M.pcx Catapult
CPrL146M.pcx Ballista
CPrL147M.pcx First Aid Tent
CPrL148M.pcx Ammo Cart

Horn of the Abyss creature portrait fixes[edit | hide]

[Switch to Shadow of Death]

[[category: creatures|*]]