Spell immunity

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Revision as of 22:11, 30 March 2020 by FirePaladin2 (talk | contribs)
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Spell immunity is creature specialty which makes them unable to be target of the specific spell or a range of spells. The immunity also regards creature specialties which cause the same effect as the specific spell or spells. For example, Troglodytes are immune to the Blind spell as well as Unicorns' blinding special ability.

Creatures immune to spells Creatures immune to mind spells
Skeleton Skeleton Warrior Skeleton and Skeleton Warrior
Walking Dead Zombie Walking Dead and Zombie
Wight Wraith Wight and Wraith
Vampire Vampire Lord Vampire and Vampire Lord
Lich Power Lich Lich and Power Lich
Black Knight Dread Knight Black and Dread Knights
Bone Dragon Ghost Dragon Bone and Ghost Dragons
Mummy Mummy
Air Elemental Storm Elemental Air and Storm Elementals
Water Elemental Ice Elemental Water and Ice Elementals
Fire Elemental Energy Elemental Fire and Energy Elementals
Earth Elemental Magma Elemental Earth and Magma Elementals
Psychic Elemental Magic Elemental Psychic and Magic Elementals


Many creature abilities can be classified as magical or similar to magical. The question arises: if the ability is magical, then how is it influenced by various factors limiting the use of magic? The next table explains how all the creature abilities are working against various magic immunities.

Ability Spell immunity (Dragons, Power of the Dragon Father, Magic Elemental) Spell Inhibition (Orb of Inhibition, Anti-Magic Garrison) Level 2-5 Spell Inhibition (Cursed Ground) Level 3-5 Spell Inhibition (Recanter's Cloak) Level 1-2 Spell Inhibition (Cape of Silence Horn of the Abyss) Fire Immunity Mind Immunity Undead Elemental Golem Gargoyle War Machine Troglodyte
Resurrection (Archangel) Works only for Green Dragons, Red Dragons and Azure Dragons Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Works Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works
+1 Morale (Archangel, Mirth) Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Works
Binding (Dendroid) Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works
Blind (Unicorn) Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Doesn't work
Master Genie's random spell Works according to level of a Spell Doesn't work Doesn't work Works according to level of a Spell Works according to level of a Spell Works, except for Fire Spells Works, except for Mind Spells Works, except Mirth, Bless, Frenzy Works, except Mirth, Frenzy Works, except Mirth, Frenzy Works Works, except Haste, Fortune (except Ballista and Cannon Horn of the Abyss), Frenzy, Bless, Counterstrike, Slayer(except Ballista and Cannon Horn of the Abyss) and Mirth Works
Disease (Zombie) Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Works Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works
Regeneration (Wight) Works Works Works Works Works - - - - - - - -
Mana drain (Wraith) Works Works Works Works Works - - - - - - - -
Life drain (Vampire Lord) Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works
Death cloud (Lich) Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works
Curse (Mummy, Black Knight) Doesn't work Works Works Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Works Works Works Works
Death blow (Dread Knight) Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works
-1 Morale (Bone Dragon) Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Works
Aging (Ghost Dragon) Works only for Green Dragons, Gold Dragons, Red Dragons and Azure Dragons Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Works Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works
Petrify (Medusa, Basilisk) Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Doesn't work Doesn't work
Paralyzing Venom (Scorpicore) Works only for Green Dragons, Red Dragons and Azure Dragons Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Doesn't work Works
Magic channel (Familiar) Works Works Works Works Works - - - - - - - -
Fireball Attack (Magog) Works Works Works Works Works Works (only for central hex in HotA Horn of the Abyss) Works Works Works Works Works Works Works
Summon demons (Pit Lord) Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Works Works Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works
Fire Shield (Efreet Sultan) Works Works Works Works Works Doesn't work Works Works Works Works Works - Works
-1 Luck (Devil) Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works only for Ballista and Cannon Horn of the Abyss Works
Dispel (Serpent Fly) Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works
Weakness (Serpent Fly, Sea Witch Horn of the Abyss) Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works
Death stare (Mighty Gorgon) Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works
Poison (Wyvern Monarch, Sea Serpent Horn of the Abyss) Doesn't work Works Works Works Works Works Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works
Bloodlust (Ogre Mage) Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Works Works Works Works Works Works
Lightning strike (Thunderbird) Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works
Protection from Air (Storm Elemental) Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works
Protection from Water (Ice Elemental) Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works
Protection from Fire (Energy Elemental) Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Works Works, except for Fire Elementals, and Energy Elementals Works Works Works Works
Protection from Earth (Magma Elemental) Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works
Rebirth (Phoenix) Works Works Works Works Works - - - - - - - -
Accurate shot Horn of the Abyss (Sea Dog Horn of the Abyss) Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Doesn't work Works
Disrupting Ray (Sea Witch Horn of the Abyss) Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works
Spying (Rogue) - Works with Orb of Inhibition Works Works Works - - - - - - - -
Fortune (Leprechaun Horn of the Abyss) Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works
Mirth (Satyr Horn of the Abyss) Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Works
Hypnotize (Fangarm Horn of the Abyss) Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works
Enchanter's random spell Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works Doesn't work Works, except for Fire Spells Works Works, except for Bless Works Works, except for Mirth and Frenzy Works Works, except for Haste, Slow and Bless Works
Faerie Dragon's random spell Works according to level of a Spell Works only with pressed "G" hotkey Works only Magic Arrow with pressed "G" hotkey Works according to level of a Spell Works according to level of a Spell Works, except for Fire Spells Works Works Works Works Works Works Works
Magic Mirror (Faerie Dragon) Works - Works Works Works - - - - - - - -
Acid breath (Rust Dragon) Works Works Works but the effect animation from bonus acid damage is missing Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works
Fear (Azure Dragon) Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Doesn't work Works