Summon Boat |
Summons an existing, neutral or own, unoccupied boat from anywhere in the world to your location.
Chances for success are 50%. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Summons an existing, neutral or own, unoccupied boat from anywhere in the world to your location. If no such boats exist, one is created.
Chances for success are 75%. |
Summons an existing, neutral or own, unoccupied boat from anywhere in the world to your location. If no such boats exist, one is created. |
Scuttle Boat |
Destroys a boat of caster's choice in hero visibility zone. Use with caution, the effects are permanent.
Chances for success are 50%. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Destroys a boat of caster's choice in hero visibility zone. Use with caution, the effects are permanent.
Chances for success are 75%. |
Destroys a boat of caster's choice in hero visibility zone. Use with caution, the effects are permanent. |
Visions |
Provides you with exact numbers of wandering monsters and tells you if they would be willing to join your hero, flee or be acquired via Diplomacy skill (exact fee will be revealed). Range is equal to Spell Power or three, whichever is greater. Valid for 1 turn. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Provides you with exact numbers of wandering monsters and tells you if they would be willing to join your hero, flee or be acquired via Diplomacy skill (exact fee will be revealed). Allows you to view a nearby enemy hero's general statistics, creature type and quantity, as if the hero was part of your kingdom. Range is (Spell Power × 2) or three, whichever is greater. Valid for 1 turn. |
Provides you with exact numbers of wandering monsters and tells you if they would be willing to join your hero, flee or be acquired via Diplomacy skill (exact fee will be revealed). Allows you to view a nearby enemy hero's general statistics, creature type and quantity, as if the hero was part of your kingdom, as well as a nearby town's statistics, garrison creatures and quantity. Range is (Spell Power × 3) or three, whichever is greater. Valid for 1 turn. |
View Earth |
Reveals the location of all resources to the caster. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Reveals the location of all resources and mines to the caster. |
Reveals the location of all resources and mines and reveals all terrain to the caster. |
Disguise |
Makes all units in your hero army look like your most powerful unit to enemies trying to view your hero for 1 turn. Numbers in each group are unchanged. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Makes all units in your hero army look like your most powerful unit to enemies trying to view your hero for 1 turn. Numbers in each group appear as zero. |
Makes all units in your hero army look like the most powerful unit affiliated to player starting town to enemies trying to view your hero for 1 turn. Numbers in each group appear as zero. |
View Air |
Reveals the location of all unclaimed artifacts to the caster. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Reveals the location of all unclaimed artifacts, plus enemy heroes to the caster. |
Reveals the location of all unclaimed artifacts, plus enemy heroes and all towns to the caster. |
Fly |
Allows your army to fly over obstacles and rough terrain with 40% penalty to movement cost. Valid for 1 turn. You must land at the end of the turn. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Allows your army to fly over obstacles and rough terrain with 20% penalty to movement cost. Valid for 1 turn. You must land at the end of the turn. |
Allows your army to fly over obstacles and rough terrain without any penalty. Valid for 1 turn. You must land at the end of the turn. |
Water Walk |
Allows your army to walk across bodies of water with 40% penalty to movement cost. Valid for 1 turn. You must end your movement on dry land. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Allows your army to walk across bodies of water with 20% penalty to movement cost. Valid for 1 turn. You must end your movement on dry land. |
Allows your army to walk across bodies of water without any penalty. Valid for 1 turn. You must end your movement on dry land. |
Dimension Door |
Once per day (for each hero), you may teleport your hero to an unoccupied location on the adventure map in hero visibility zone. This spends 300 movement points. |
Twice per day (for each hero), you may teleport your hero to an unoccupied location on the adventure map in hero visibility zone. This spends 300 movement points. |
Three times per day (for each hero), you may teleport your hero to an unoccupied location on the adventure map in hero visibility zone. This spends 300 movement points. |
Four times per day (for each hero), you may teleport your hero to an unoccupied location on the adventure map in hero visibility zone. This spends 200 movement points. |
Town Portal |
Teleports your hero to the nearest friendly town. Requires 300 movement points. The town must be unoccupied. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Teleports your hero to any chosen friendly town. Requires 300 movement points. The town must be unoccupied. |
Teleports your hero to any chosen friendly town. Requires 200 movement points. The town must be unoccupied. |
Quicksand |
Randomly places four small patches of quicksand on the battlefield which are only visible to the caster and creatures native to the terrain. Walking into quicksand ends a non-flying unit's movement for the turn and makes quicksand visible to all. Quicksand duration is unlimited. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Randomly places six small patches of quicksand on the battlefield which are only visible to the caster and creatures native to the terrain. Walking into quicksand ends a non-flying unit's movement for the turn and makes quicksand visible to all. Quicksand duration is unlimited. |
Randomly places eight small patches of quicksand on the battlefield which are only visible to the caster and creatures native to the terrain. Walking into quicksand ends a non-flying unit's movement for the turn and makes quicksand visible to all. Quicksand duration is unlimited. |
Land Mine |
Randomly places four small areas of landmines on the battlefield which are only visible to the caster and creatures native to the terrain. It inflicts (Spell Power × 10 + 25) damage to any unit walking over it, which doesn’t see it, and disappears. Otherwise landmine duration is unlimited. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Randomly places six small areas of landmines on the battlefield which are only visible to the caster and creatures native to the terrain. It inflicts (Spell Power × 10 + 50) damage to any unit walking over it, which doesn’t see it, and disappears. Otherwise landmine duration is unlimited. |
Randomly places eight small areas of landmines on the battlefield which are only visible to the caster and creatures native to the terrain. It inflicts (Spell Power × 10 + 100) damage to any unit walking over it, which doesn’t see it, and disappears. Otherwise landmine duration is unlimited. |
Force Field |
Places a 2-hex Force Field on the battlefield at a point specified by the caster for 2 rounds. Movement through these hexes is blocked. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Places a 3-hex Force Field on the battlefield at a point specified by the caster for 2 rounds. Movement through these hexes is blocked. |
(Text identical to the Advanced column) |
Fire Wall |
Places a 2-hex wildfire on the battlefield at a point specified by the caster for 2 rounds. Any units passing through the wall take (Spell Power × 10 + 10) damage. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Places a 3-hex wildfire on the battlefield at a point specified by the caster for 2 rounds. Any units passing through the wall take (Spell Power × 10 + 20) damage. |
Places a 3-hex wildfire on the battlefield at a point specified by the caster for 2 rounds. Any units passing through the wall take (Spell Power × 10 + 50) damage. |
Earthquake |
Randomly damages two sections of castle wall, gate or tower in combat. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Randomly damages three sections of castle wall, gate or tower in combat. |
Randomly damages four sections of castle wall, gate or tower in combat. |
Magic Arrow |
Causes a bolt of magical energy to strike the selected enemy unit. Inflicts (Spell Power × 10 + 10) damage. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Causes a bolt of magical energy to strike the selected enemy unit. Inflicts (Spell Power × 10 + 20) damage. |
Causes a bolt of magical energy to strike the selected enemy unit. Inflicts (Spell Power × 10 + 30) damage. |
Ice Bolt |
Ice drains the body heat from the selected enemy unit. Inflicts (Spell Power × 20 + 10) damage. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Ice drains the body heat from the selected enemy unit. Inflicts (Spell Power × 20 + 20) damage. |
Ice drains the body heat from the selected enemy unit. Inflicts (Spell Power × 20 + 50) damage. |
Lightning Bolt |
Causes a bolt of lightning to strike the selected enemy unit. It takes (Spell Power × 25 + 10) damage. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Causes a bolt of lightning to strike the selected enemy unit. It takes (Spell Power × 25 + 20) damage. |
Causes a bolt of lightning to strike the selected enemy unit. It takes (Spell Power × 25 + 50) damage. |
Implosion |
Inflicts (Spell Power × 75 + 100) damage to a single enemy creature stack. Does not affect War Machines. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Inflicts (Spell Power × 75 + 200) damage to a single enemy creature stack. Does not affect War Machines. |
Inflicts (Spell Power × 75 + 300) damage to a single enemy creature stack. Does not affect War Machines. |
Chain Lightning |
Fires a bolt of lightning at the selected enemy unit for (Spell Power × 40 + 25) damage which then travels to the nearest adjacent unit, inflicting half damage before traveling to the next adjacent unit, again inflicting half of previous target damage, etc. Strikes four units. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Fires a bolt of lightning at the selected enemy unit for (Spell Power × 40 + 50) damage which then travels to the nearest adjacent unit, inflicting half damage before traveling to the next adjacent unit, again inflicting half of previous target damage, etc. Strikes five units. |
Fires a bolt of lightning at the selected enemy unit for (Spell Power × 40 + 100) damage which then travels to the nearest adjacent unit, inflicting half damage before traveling to the next adjacent unit, again inflicting half of previous target damage, etc. Strikes five units. |
Frost Ring |
Ice drains the body heat of any units adjacent to the target location. Each unit takes (Spell Power × 10 + 15) damage. Target hex is unaffected. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Ice drains the body heat of any units adjacent to the target location. Each unit takes (Spell Power × 10 + 30) damage. Target hex is unaffected. |
Ice drains the body heat of any units adjacent to the target location. Each unit takes (Spell Power × 10 + 60) damage. Target hex is unaffected. |
Fireball |
Causes the selected target to burst into flames, inflicting (Spell Power × 10 + 15) fire damage to the target and any units adjacent to target location. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Causes the selected target to burst into flames, inflicting (Spell Power × 10 + 30) fire damage to the target and any units adjacent to target location. |
Causes the selected target to burst into flames, inflicting (Spell Power × 10 + 60) fire damage to the target and any units adjacent to target location. |
Inferno |
Causes a huge blast of fire to strike the selected target and any units 1 and 2 hexes away from target location. Each unit takes (Spell Power × 10 + 20) damage. Don't be near this when it goes off! |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Causes a huge blast of fire to strike the selected target and any units 1 and 2 hexes away from target location. Each unit takes (Spell Power × 10 + 40) damage. Don't be near this when it goes off! |
Causes a huge blast of fire to strike the selected target and any units 1 and 2 hexes away from target location. Each unit takes (Spell Power × 10 + 80) damage. Don't be near this when it goes off! |
Meteor Shower |
Causes a meteor shower to rain down on the selected target and any units adjacent to target location. Each unit takes (Spell Power × 25 + 25) damage. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Causes a meteor shower to rain down on the selected target and any units adjacent to target location. Each unit takes (Spell Power × 25 + 50) damage. |
Causes a meteor shower to rain down on the selected target and any units adjacent to target location. Each unit takes (Spell Power × 25 + 100) damage. |
Death Ripple |
Sends a wave of death across the battlefield which damages all units except undead and War Maсhines for (Spell Power × 5 + 10) hit points. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Sends a wave of death across the battlefield which damages all units except undead and War Maсhines for (Spell Power × 5 + 20) hit points. |
Sends a wave of death across the battlefield which damages all units except undead and War Maсhines for (Spell Power × 5 + 30) hit points. |
Destroy Undead |
Attempts to destroy any undead creatures on the battlefield. Each undead unit takes (Spell Power × 10 + 10) damage. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Attempts to destroy any undead creatures on the battlefield. Each undead unit takes (Spell Power × 10 + 20) damage. |
Attempts to destroy any undead creatures on the battlefield. Each undead unit takes (Spell Power × 10 + 50) damage. |
Armageddon |
Rains fire down upon the battlefield, damaging all units for (Spell Power × 40 + 30) hit points. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Rains fire down upon the battlefield, damaging all units for (Spell Power × 40 + 60) hit points. |
Rains fire down upon the battlefield, damaging all units for (Spell Power × 40 + 120) hit points. |
Shield |
Shields a selected friendly unit, reducing the amount of damage received from hand-to-hand attacks by 15%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Shields a selected friendly unit, reducing the amount of damage received from hand-to-hand attacks by 30%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Shields all friendly units, reducing the amount of damage received from hand-to-hand attacks by 30%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Air Shield |
Shields a selected friendly unit, reducing the amount of damage received from ranged attacks by 25%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Shields a selected friendly unit, reducing the amount of damage received from ranged attacks by 50%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Shields all friendly units, reducing the amount of damage received from ranged attacks by 50%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Fire Shield |
Cast on a friendly unit, it does not provide any additional protection, but any enemy making hand-by-hand attack through the fire shield will suffer damage equal to 20% of what it inflicts. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Cast on a friendly unit, it does not provide any additional protection, but any enemy making hand-by-hand attack through the fire shield will suffer damage equal to 25% of what it inflicts. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Cast on a friendly unit, it does not provide any additional protection, but any enemy making hand-by-hand attack through the fire shield will suffer damage equal to 30% of what it inflicts. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Protection from Air |
Protects the selected friendly unit, reducing damage received from Air spells by 50%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Protects the selected friendly unit, reducing damage received from Air spells by 75%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Protects all friendly units, reducing damage received from Air spells by 75%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Protection from Fire |
Protects the selected friendly unit, reducing damage received from Fire spells by 50%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Protects the selected friendly unit, reducing damage received from Fire spells by 75%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Protects all friendly units, reducing damage received from Fire spells by 75%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Prot. from Water |
Protects the selected friendly unit, reducing damage received from Water spells by 50%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Protects the selected friendly unit, reducing damage received from Water spells by 75%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Protects all friendly units, reducing damage received from Water spells by 75%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Prot. from Earth |
Protects the selected friendly unit, reducing damage received from Earth spells by 50%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Protects the selected friendly unit, reducing damage received from Earth spells by 75%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Protects all friendly units, reducing damage received from Earth spells by 75%. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Anti-Magic |
Protects the selected friendly unit from all 1-3 level spells except Dispel. Removes negative spells level 1-3 except Disrupting Ray. Does not affect duplicates created with Clone spell. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Protects the selected friendly unit from all 1-4 level spells except Dispel. Removes negative spells level 1-4 except Disrupting Ray. Does not affect duplicates created with Clone spell. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Protects the selected friendly unit from all spells except Dispel. Removes all negative spells except Disrupting Ray. Does not affect duplicates created with Clone spell. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Dispel |
Removes all spells and effects except Disrupting Ray and poison from a friendly unit. Ignores target creature natural immunities to magic. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Removes all spells and effects except Disrupting Ray and poison from a friendly or hostile unit. Ignores target creature chances to resist a spell and natural immunities. |
Removes all spells and effects except Disrupting Ray and poison from all units on the battlefield and destroys all magic obstacles. Ignores target creature chances to resist a spell and natural immunities. |
Magic Mirror |
Reflects hostile spells from selected friendly unit towards a random enemy creature 20% of the time. Protects from Hypnotize spell. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Reflects hostile spells from selected friendly unit towards a random enemy creature 30% of the time. Protects from Hypnotize spell. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Reflects hostile spells from selected friendly unit towards a random enemy creature 40% of the time. Protects from Hypnotize spell. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Cure |
Removes all negative spells and effects except Disrupting Ray and dendroid binding and heals (Spell Power × 5 + 10) hit points on the selected friendly unit. Restores health decremented with poison. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Removes all negative spells and effects except Disrupting Ray and dendroid binding and heals (Spell Power × 5 + 20) hit points on the selected friendly unit. Restores health decremented with poison. |
Removes all negative spells and effects except Disrupting Ray and dendroid binding and heals (Spell Power × 5 + 30) hit points on all friendly units. Restores health decremented with poison. |
Resurrection |
Resurrects units in the selected friendly group of living creatures until the end of the battle by restoring (Spell Power × 50 + 40) hit points to the target. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Resurrects units in the selected friendly group of living creatures permanently by restoring (Spell Power × 50 + 80) hit points to the target. |
Resurrects units in the selected friendly group of living creatures permanently by restoring (Spell Power × 50 + 160) hit points to the target. |
Animate Dead |
Re-animates any destroyed undead in the selected friendly group by restoring (Spell Power × 50 + 30) hit points to the target. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Re-animates any destroyed undead in the selected friendly group by restoring (Spell Power × 50 + 60) hit points to the target. |
Re-animates any destroyed undead in the selected friendly group by restoring (Spell Power × 50 + 160) hit points to the target. |
Sacrifice |
Permanently destroys a friendly living creature group in order to resurrect another friendly living creature group. Resurrection power is ((Spell Power + Sacrificed Troop's Creature Base Health + 3) × Number of Creatures Sacrificed) hit points. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Permanently destroys a friendly living creature group in order to resurrect another friendly living creature group. Resurrection power is ((Spell Power + Sacrificed Troop's Creature Base Health + 6) × Number of Creatures Sacrificed) hit points. |
Permanently destroys a friendly living creature group in order to resurrect another friendly living creature group. Resurrection power is ((Spell Power + Sacrificed Troop's Creature Base Health + 10) × Number of Creatures Sacrificed) hit points. |
Bless |
Causes the selected friendly unit to inflict maximum damage in combat. Removes Curse effect. Does not affect undead. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Causes the selected friendly unit to inflict damage, greater than their normal maximum damage in combat by 1. Removes Curse effect. Does not affect undead. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Causes all friendly units to inflict damage, greater than their normal maximum damage in combat by 1. Removes Curse effect. Does not affect undead. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Curse |
Causes the selected enemy unit to inflict minimum damage in combat. Removes Bless effect. Does not affect undead. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Causes the selected enemy unit to inflict damage, less than their normal minimum damage in combat by 1. Removes Bless effect. Does not affect undead. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Causes all enemy units to inflict damage, less than their normal minimum damage in combat by 1. Removes Bless effect. Does not affect undead. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Bloodlust |
Increases the hand-to-hand attack strength of the selected friendly unit by 3. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Increases the hand-to-hand attack strength of the selected friendly unit by 6. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Increases the hand-to-hand attack strength of all friendly units by 6. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Precision |
Increases the attack strength of the selected friendly unit ranged attack by 3. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Increases the attack strength of the selected friendly unit ranged attack by 6. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Increases the attack strength of any friendly units ranged attack by 6. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Weakness |
Reduces the selected enemy unit's attack strength by 3. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Reduces the selected enemy unit's attack strength by 6. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Reduces the attack strength of all enemy units by 6. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Stone Skin |
Increases the selected friendly unit's defense strength by 3. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Increases the selected friendly unit's defense strength by 6. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Increases the defense strength of all friendly units by 6. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Disrupting Ray |
Reduces the selected enemy unit's defense strength by 3. A single enemy may be targeted multiple times by this spell. Undispellable. The effect persists through death and resurrection of a unit. Disrupting Ray duration is unlimited. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Reduces the selected enemy unit's defense strength by 4. A single enemy may be targeted multiple times by this spell. Undispellable. The effect persists through death and resurrection of a unit. Disrupting Ray duration is unlimited. |
Reduces the selected enemy unit's defense strength by 5. A single enemy may be targeted multiple times by this spell. Undispellable. The effect persists through death and resurrection of a unit. Disrupting Ray duration is unlimited. |
Prayer |
Bestows a +2 bonus to the attack strength, defense strength and speed of the selected friendly unit. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Bestows a +4 bonus to the attack strength, defense strength and speed of the selected friendly unit. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Bestows a +4 bonus to the attack strength, defense strength and speed of all friendly units. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Mirth |
Mind spell. Increases the selected friendly unit's morale by 1. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Mind spell. Increases the selected friendly unit's morale by 2. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Mind spell. Increases the morale of all friendly units by 2. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Sorrow |
Mind spell. Reduces the morale of the selected enemy unit by 1. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Mind spell. Reduces the morale of the selected enemy unit by 2. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Mind spell. Reduces the morale of all enemy units by 2. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Fortune |
Increases the selected friendly unit's luck by 1. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Increases the selected friendly unit's luck by 2. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Increases the luck of all friendly units by 2. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Misfortune |
Reduces the luck of the selected enemy unit by 1. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Reduces the luck of the selected enemy unit by 2. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Reduces the luck of all enemy units by 2. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Haste |
Increases the speed of the selected friendly unit by 3. Removes Slow effect. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Increases the speed of the selected friendly unit by 5. Removes Slow effect. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Increases the speed of all friendly units by 5. Removes Slow effect. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Slow |
Reduces the speed of the selected enemy unit by 25%. Removes Haste effect. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Reduces the speed of the selected enemy unit by the formula (old speed × 0.75). Removes Haste effect. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Reduces the speed of the selected enemy unit by the formula (old speed × 0.5 + 1). Removes Haste effect. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Reduces the speed of all enemy units by the formula (old speed × 0.5 + 1). Removes Haste effect. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Slayer |
Increases the selected friendly unit's attack strength against Dragons, Behemoths, Hydras, Firebirds and Sea Serpents by 8. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Increases the selected friendly unit's attack strength against Dragons, Behemoths, Hydras, Firebirds, Sea Serpents, Devils and Angels by 8. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Increases the selected friendly unit's attack strength against Dragons, Behemoths, Hydras, Firebirds, Sea Serpents, Devils, Angels and Titans by 8. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Frenzy |
Mind spell. Selected friendly troop intentionally lowers its defenses to 0 to increase the ferocity of its attack. Bonus to attack strength is equal to unit’s former defense. The spell takes effect immediately and lasts until the closest creature turn. After that, the spell effect until the next creature turn. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Mind spell. Selected friendly troop intentionally lowers its defenses to 0 to increase the ferocity of its attack. Bonus to attack strength is 1.5 times more than unit’s former defense. The spell takes effect immediately and lasts until the closest creature turn. After that, the spell effect until the next creature turn. |
Mind spell. Selected friendly troop intentionally lowers its defenses to 0 to increase the ferocity of its attack. Bonus to attack strength is 2 times more than unit’s former defense. The spell takes effect immediately and lasts until the closest creature turn. After that, the spell effect until the next creature turn. |
Titan's Lightning Bolt |
Does 600 points of damage to selected enemy unit at no spell cost to the spellcaster. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Counterstrike |
The selected friendly unit will retaliate against one additional attack each round. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
The selected friendly unit will retaliate against two additional attacks each round. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
All friendly units will retaliate against two additional attacks each round. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Berserk |
Mind spell. The targeted unit will randomly attack the nearest unit, be it friend or foe. Hypnotize effect is dispelled from target. Spell effect is valid until target make an attack, otherwise Berserk duration is unlimited. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Mind spell. The targeted unit as well as units adjacent to the target location will randomly attack the nearest units, be they friends or foes. Hypnotize effect is dispelled from targets. Spell effect is valid until target make an attack, otherwise Berserk duration is unlimited. |
Mind spell. The targeted unit as well as any units 1 and 2 hexes away from target location will randomly attack the nearest units, be they friends or foes. Hypnotize effect is dispelled from targets. Spell effect is valid until target make an attack, otherwise Berserk duration is unlimited. |
Hypnotize |
Mind spell. Puts the selected enemy unit of not more than (Spell Power × 25 + 10) Health temporarily under your control. Removes Berserk effect. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Mind spell. Puts the selected enemy unit of not more than (Spell Power × 25 + 20) Health temporarily under your control. Removes Berserk effect. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Mind spell. Puts the selected enemy unit of not more than (Spell Power × 25 + 50) Health temporarily under your control. Removes Berserk effect. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Forgetfulness |
Mind spell. Half of the selected enemy ranged unit forgets to use its attack. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Mind spell. Causes the selected enemy ranged unit to forget to use its ranged attack in combat. Half of unit also forget to use hand-to-hand attack. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Mind spell. Causes all enemy ranged troops to forget to use their ranged attack in combat. Half of each unit also forget to use hand-to-hand attack. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Blind |
Mind spell. Temporary blinds the selected enemy unit so that it cannot move and causes it to counterattack at half its normal damage. Blindness persists until the unit is attacked or dispelled. Does not affect undead. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Mind spell. Temporary blinds the selected enemy unit so that it cannot move and causes it to counterattack at one-quarter of its normal damage. Blindness persists until the unit is attacked or dispelled. Does not affect undead. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Mind spell. Temporary blinds the selected enemy unit so that it cannot move or counterattack. Blindness persists until the unit is attacked or dispelled. Does not affect undead. Spell is active for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power. |
Teleport |
Teleports any friendly unit to any unoccupied spot on the battlefield. Removes dendroid binding effect.
Troop cannot teleport over walls or moats. |
Teleports any friendly unit to an unoccupied spot on the battlefield. Removes dendroid binding effect.
Troop cannot teleport over walls or moats. |
Teleports any friendly unit to an unoccupied spot on the battlefield. Removes dendroid binding effect.
Troop cannot teleport over walls. |
Teleports any friendly unit to any unoccupied spot on the battlefield. Removes dendroid binding effect. |
Remove Obstacle |
Removes any normal non-integrated obstacle (trees, rocks, etc.) of the caster's choice from the battlefield. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Removes any normal non-integrated obstacle (trees, rocks, etc.) or Fire Wall of the caster's choice from the battlefield. |
Removes any normal non-integrated or magical obstacle of the caster's choice from the battlefield. |
Clone |
Creates a temporary duplicate of the selected friendly unit stack. The image is dispelled if it is damaged or if prototype dies. Each unit may have only one clone. Does not affect War Machines. Clone is alive for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power.
Clones creatures of levels 1-5. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Creates a temporary duplicate of the selected friendly unit stack. The image is dispelled if it is damaged or if prototype dies. Each unit may have only one clone. Does not affect War Machines. Clone is alive for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power.
Clones creatures of levels 1-6. |
Creates a temporary duplicate of the selected friendly unit stack. The image is dispelled if it is damaged or if prototype dies. Each unit may have only one clone. Does not affect War Machines. Clone is alive for number of rounds equal to hero Spell Power.
Clones creatures of any level. |
Fire Elemental |
Allows you to summon (Spell Power × 2) fire elementals on the random position of your edge of the battlefield. Elementals will serve you until the end of the battle. Once cast, no other elemental types may be summoned in that battle. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Allows you to summon (Spell Power × 3) fire elementals on the random position of your edge of the battlefield. Elementals will serve you until the end of the battle. Once cast, no other elemental types may be summoned in that battle. |
Allows you to summon (Spell Power × 4) fire elementals on the random position of your edge of the battlefield. Elementals will serve you until the end of the battle. Once cast, no other elemental types may be summoned in that battle. |
Earth Elemental |
Allows you to summon (Spell Power × 2) earth elementals on the random position of your edge of the battlefield. Elementals will serve you until the end of the battle. Once cast, no other elemental types may be summoned in that battle. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Allows you to summon (Spell Power × 3) earth elementals on the random position of your edge of the battlefield. Elementals will serve you until the end of the battle. Once cast, no other elemental types may be summoned in that battle. |
Allows you to summon (Spell Power × 4) earth elementals on the random position of your edge of the battlefield. Elementals will serve you until the end of the battle. Once cast, no other elemental types may be summoned in that battle. |
Water Elemental |
Allows you to summon (Spell Power × 2) water elementals on the random position of your edge of the battlefield. Elementals will serve you until the end of the battle. Once cast, no other elemental types may be summoned in that battle. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Allows you to summon (Spell Power × 3) water elementals on the random position of your edge of the battlefield. Elementals will serve you until the end of the battle. Once cast, no other elemental types may be summoned in that battle. |
Allows you to summon (Spell Power × 4) water elementals on the random position of your edge of the battlefield. Elementals will serve you until the end of the battle. Once cast, no other elemental types may be summoned in that battle. |
Air Elemental |
Allows you to summon (Spell Power × 2) air elementals on the random position of your edge of the battlefield. Elementals will serve you until the end of the battle. Once cast, no other elemental types may be summoned in that battle. |
(Text identical to the Normal column) |
Allows you to summon (Spell Power × 3) air elementals on the random position of your edge of the battlefield. Elementals will serve you until the end of the battle. Once cast, no other elemental types may be summoned in that battle. |
Allows you to summon (Spell Power × 4) air elementals on the random position of your edge of the battlefield. Elementals will serve you until the end of the battle. Once cast, no other elemental types may be summoned in that battle. |