AI/Fight Value

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Town Creature AI Fight
Azure Dragon Azure Dragon 78845 56315
Crystal Dragon Crystal Dragon 39338 30260
Faerie Dragon Faerie Dragon 30501 Horn of the Abyss 16317
Rust Dragon Rust Dragon 26433 24030
Archangel Archangel 8776 6033
Black Dragon Black Dragon 8721 6783
Gold Dragon Gold Dragon 8613 6220
Titan Titan 7500 5000
Haspid Haspid  Horn of the Abyss 7220 5554
Arch Devil Arch Devil 7115 5243
Phoenix Phoenix 6721 4929
Juggernaut Juggernaut  Horn of the Abyss 6433 5361
Ancient Behemoth Ancient Behemoth 6168 5397
Chaos Hydra Chaos Hydra 5931 5272
Crimson Couatl Crimson Couatl  Horn of the Abyss 5341 3815
Devil Devil 5101 3759
Angel Angel 5019 3585
Red Dragon Red Dragon 5003 Horn of the Abyss 3762
Ghost Dragon Ghost Dragon 4919 Horn of the Abyss 3228
Green Dragon Green Dragon 4872 3654
Firebird Firebird 4336 Horn of the Abyss 3097 Horn of the Abyss
Hydra Hydra 4120 4120
Sea Serpent Sea Serpent  Horn of the Abyss 3953 3162
Dreadnought Dreadnought  Horn of the Abyss 3879 3879
Giant Giant 3718 3146
Couatl Couatl  Horn of the Abyss 3574 2521
Bone Dragon Bone Dragon 3388 2420
Behemoth Behemoth 3162 3162
Naga Queen Naga Queen 2840 2840
Dread Knight Dread Knight 2382 2029
Efreet Sultan Efreet Sultan 2343 Horn of the Abyss 1802 Horn of the Abyss
Nix Warrior Nix Warrior  Horn of the Abyss 2116 1763
Champion Champion 2100 1800
Black Knight Black Knight 2087 1753
War Unicorn War Unicorn 2030 2030
Magic Elemental Magic Elemental 2012 1724
Cavalier Cavalier 1946 1668
Naga Naga 1814 Horn of the Abyss 2016
Unicorn Unicorn 1806 1548
Efreeti Efreeti 1670 1413
Scorpicore Scorpicore 1685 Horn of the Abyss 1248
Psychic Elemental Psychic Elemental 1669 1431
Manticore Manticore 1547 1215
Cyclops King Cyclops King 1544 Horn of the Abyss 1110
Wyvern Monarch Wyvern Monarch 1518 1518
Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter  Horn of the Abyss 1454 932
Nix Nix  Horn of the Abyss 1415 1415
Gunslinger Gunslinger  Horn of the Abyss 1351 904
Wyvern Wyvern 1350 1050
Cyclops Cyclops 1266 1055
Pit Lord Pit Lord 1224 1071
Olgoi-Khorkhoi Olgoi-Khorkhoi  Horn of the Abyss 1220 894
Enchanter Enchanter 1210 805
Thunderbird Thunderbird 1106 869
Power Lich Power Lich 1079 889
Minotaur King Minotaur King 1068 890
Mighty Gorgon Mighty Gorgon 1028 1028
Roc Roc 1027 790
Troll Troll 1024 1024
Sandworm Sandworm  Horn of the Abyss 991 793
Sentinel Automaton Sentinel Automaton  Horn of the Abyss 947 631
Master Genie Master Genie 942 748
Fangarm Fangarm  Horn of the Abyss 929 929
Gorgon Gorgon 890 890
Genie Genie 884 680
Sorceress Sorceress  Horn of the Abyss 852 655
Lich Lich 848 742
Minotaur Minotaur 835 835
Cannon Cannon  Horn of the Abyss 825 900
Dendroid Soldier Dendroid Soldier 803 765
Sea Witch Sea Witch  Horn of the Abyss 790 608
Vampire Lord Vampire Lord 783 652
Diamond Golem Diamond Golem 775 775
Pit Fiend Pit Fiend 765 765
Zealot Zealot 750 500
Greater Basilisk Greater Basilisk 714 561
Arch Mage Arch Mage 680 467
Ogre Mage Ogre Mage 672 672
Automaton Automaton  Horn of the Abyss 669 398
Ayssid Ayssid  Horn of the Abyss 645 478
Sea Dog Sea Dog  Horn of the Abyss 602 376
Gold Golem Gold Golem 600 600
Ballista Ballista 600 650
Steel Golem Steel Golem  Horn of the Abyss 597 597
Crusader Crusader 588 588
Sharpshooter Sharpshooter 585 415
Monk Monk 582 Horn of the Abyss 485
Medusa Queen Medusa Queen 577 423
Mage Mage 570 418
Vampire Vampire 555 518
Basilisk Basilisk 552 506
Silver Pegasus Silver Pegasus 532 418
Satyr Satyr  Horn of the Abyss 518 471
Pegasus Pegasus 518 407
Dendroid Guard Dendroid Guard 517 690
Medusa Medusa 517 379
Stormbird Stormbird  Horn of the Abyss 502 386
Catapult Catapult 500 10
Magma Elemental Magma Elemental 490 490
Storm Elemental Storm Elemental 486 324
Horned Demon Horned Demon 480 480
Energy Elemental Energy Elemental 470 360
Royal Griffin Royal Griffin 448 364
Swordsman Swordsman 445 445
Demon Demon 445 445
Ogre Ogre 416 520
Iron Golem Iron Golem 412 412
Corsair Corsair  Horn of the Abyss 407 311
Ammo Cart Ammo Cart 400 5
Arrow Tower 400 5
Cerberus Cerberus 392 308
Ice Elemental Ice Elemental 380 315
Evil Eye Evil Eye 367 245
Hell Hound Hell Hound 357 275
Air Elemental Air Elemental 356 324
Griffin Griffin 351 324
Fire Elemental Fire Elemental 345 345
Nomad Nomad 345 415
Beholder Beholder 336 240
Grand Elf Grand Elf 331 195
Earth Elemental Earth Elemental 330 415
Wraith Wraith 315 252
Water Elemental Water Elemental 315 315
Dragon Fly Dragon Fly 312 250
Pirate Pirate  Horn of the Abyss 312 208
First Aid Tent First Aid Tent 300 10
Engineer Engineer  Horn of the Abyss 278 232
Mummy Mummy 270 270
Serpent Fly Serpent Fly 268 215
Bellwether Armadillo Bellwether Armadillo Horn of the Abyss 256 256
Wight Wight 252 231
Stone Golem Stone Golem 250 339
Magog Magog 240 210
Orc Chieftain Orc Chieftain 240 200
Harpy Hag Harpy Hag 238 196
Wood Elf Wood Elf 234 195
Battle Dwarf Battle Dwarf 209 209
Leprechaun Leprechaun  Horn of the Abyss 190 190
Wolf Raider Wolf Raider 203 174
Obsidian Gargoyle Obsidian Gargoyle 201 155
Armadillo Armadillo  Horn of the Abyss 198 248
Orc Orc 192 175
Mechanic Mechanic  Horn of the Abyss 186 186
Marksman Marksman 184 115
Seaman Seaman  Horn of the Abyss 174 174
Stone Gargoyle Stone Gargoyle 165 150
Gog Gog 159 145
Lizard Warrior Lizard Warrior 209 Horn of the Abyss 174 Horn of the Abyss
Crew Mate Crew Mate  Horn of the Abyss 155 155
Harpy Harpy 154 140
Boar Boar 145 145
Dwarf Dwarf 138 194
Centaur Captain Centaur Captain 138 115
Rogue Rogue 135 135
Wolf Rider Wolf Rider 130 130
Zombie Zombie 128 160
Archer Archer 126 115
Lizardman Lizardman 151 Horn of the Abyss 137 Horn of the Abyss
Halberdier Halberdier 115 115
Centaur Centaur 100 100
Walking Dead Walking Dead 98 140
Halfling Grenadier Halfling Grenadier  Horn of the Abyss 95 76
Sprite Sprite 95 70
Gnoll Marauder Gnoll Marauder 90 90
Skeleton Warrior Skeleton Warrior 85 85
Infernal Troglodyte Infernal Troglodyte 84 84
Pikeman Pikeman 80 100
Hobgoblin Hobgoblin 78 65
Halfling Halfling 75 60
Halfling (Factory) Halfling (Factory)  Horn of the Abyss 75 60
Oceanid Oceanid  Horn of the Abyss 75 60
Master Gremlin Master Gremlin 66 55
Familiar Familiar 60 60
Goblin Goblin 60 60
Skeleton Skeleton 60 75
Troglodyte Troglodyte 59 73
Nymph Nymph  Horn of the Abyss 57 52
Gnoll Gnoll 56 70
Pixie Pixie 55 40
Imp Imp 50 50
Gremlin Gremlin 44 55
Peasant Peasant 15 15

AI Value is characteristic of creatures "hidden" in the game mechanics. It is used to determine total army strength, which is used in the calculations for the Diplomacy secondary skill. Creatures sacrificed at the Altar of Sacrifice grant experience equal to 12.5% of their AI Value.

Fight Value is another "hidden" creature characteristic. It is used to determine unit strength, which is used in the calculations for units attack priority in battle (after Speed is taken into account) and the creature loss when visiting a whirlpool (without Sea Captain's HatSea Captain's Hat or Admiral's HatAdmiral's Hat).

Random Map Generator produces content and zone guards based on their RMG Value, which is a linear function of the AI Value: RMG_Value = AI_value / 2.5 + 2300.

Army Strength[edit | hide | hide all]

Army Strength is a number used in calculations for Diplomacy, as well as how many stacks neutral armies will be split into.

For neutral armies, Army Strength is the sum of the AI Values of the creatures in the neutral army.

For players' armies, Army Strength is the sum of the AI Values of the creatures in their army multiplied by the commanding Hero's strength.

ASp = H × Hero army Strength
   • H is hero strength value (see equation below)

   • NOTE: The army strength is the sum of AI creature values.

H = (1 + 0,05 × A) × (1 + 0,05 × D)
   • A is the hero's attack skill value
   • D is the hero's defense skill value