Template:Shadow of Death campaign map table

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Total Players / Human Players Size Underground Scenario Name Source Victory Condition Loss Condition Difficulty Campaign
2/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled Clearing the Border 3 - Shadow of Death Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. New Beginning
2/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled After the Amulet 3 - Shadow of Death Acquire Artifact Lose Hero Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. New Beginning
2/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled Retrieving the Cowl 3 - Shadow of Death Transport Artifact Lose Hero Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. New Beginning
4/1 Size 3 (108×108) - L Underground disabled Driving for the Boots 3 - Shadow of Death Transport Artifact Lose Hero Difficulty 4: Expert/Queen - The player starts with a handicap in resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. New Beginning
2/1 Size 1 (36×36) - S Underground enabled Graduation Exercise 3 - Shadow of Death Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 2: Normal/Knight - The player starts with a moderate advantage in resources, and the computer plays reasonably well. Elixir of Life
3/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground disabled Cutthroats 3 - Shadow of Death Acquire Artifact Lose Hero Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Elixir of Life
2/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground disabled Valley of the Dragon Lords 3 - Shadow of Death Acquire Artifact Lose Hero Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Elixir of Life
2/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground disabled A Thief in the Night 3 - Shadow of Death Acquire Artifact Lose Hero Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Elixir of Life
3/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled Bashing Skulls 3 - Shadow of Death Acquire Artifact or Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Hack and Slash
2/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled Black Sheep 3 - Shadow of Death Acquire Artifact or Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Hack and Slash
2/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled A Cage in the Hand 3 - Shadow of Death Acquire Artifact or Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 4: Expert/Queen - The player starts with a handicap in resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Hack and Slash
2/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled Grave Robber 3 - Shadow of Death Acquire Artifact or Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 4: Expert/Queen - The player starts with a handicap in resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Hack and Slash
2/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground disabled On the Run 3 - Shadow of Death Capture Town Time Expires Difficulty 2: Normal/Knight - The player starts with a moderate advantage in resources, and the computer plays reasonably well. Birth of a Barbarian
2/1 Size 1 (36×36) - S Underground enabled The Meeting 3 - Shadow of Death Capture Town Lose Hero Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Birth of a Barbarian
2/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled A Tough Start 3 - Shadow of Death Acquire Artifact Lose Hero Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Birth of a Barbarian
2/1 Size 1 (36×36) - S Underground enabled Falor and Terwen 3 - Shadow of Death Acquire Artifact Lose Hero Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Birth of a Barbarian
2/1 Size 1 (36×36) - S Underground enabled Returning to Bracada 3 - Shadow of Death Acquire Artifact Lose Hero Difficulty 4: Expert/Queen - The player starts with a handicap in resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Birth of a Barbarian
6/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled Target 3 - Shadow of Death Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 2: Normal/Knight - The player starts with a moderate advantage in resources, and the computer plays reasonably well. Rise of the Necromancer
4/1 Size 1 (36×36) - S Underground enabled Master 3 - Shadow of Death Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Rise of the Necromancer
7/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled Finneas Vilmar 3 - Shadow of Death Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 4: Expert/Queen - The player starts with a handicap in resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Rise of the Necromancer
3/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground disabled Duke Alarice 3 - Shadow of Death Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 4: Expert/Queen - The player starts with a handicap in resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Rise of the Necromancer
2/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground disabled Harvest 3 - Shadow of Death Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Unholy Alliance
3/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled Gathering the Legion 3 - Shadow of Death Transport Artifact Lose Hero Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Unholy Alliance
2/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled Search for a Killer 3 - Shadow of Death Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Unholy Alliance
2/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled Final Peace 3 - Shadow of Death Defeat Hero or Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Unholy Alliance
3/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground disabled Secrets Revealed 3 - Shadow of Death Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 4: Expert/Queen - The player starts with a handicap in resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Unholy Alliance
3/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled Agents of Vengeance 3 - Shadow of Death Capture Town Lose Hero Difficulty 4: Expert/Queen - The player starts with a handicap in resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Unholy Alliance
3/1 Size 1 (36×36) - S Underground enabled Wrath of Sandro 3 - Shadow of Death Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 4: Expert/Queen - The player starts with a handicap in resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Unholy Alliance
3/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground disabled Invasion 3 - Shadow of Death Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 4: Expert/Queen - The player starts with a handicap in resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Unholy Alliance
3/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground disabled To Strive, To Seek 3 - Shadow of Death Acquire Artifact Lose All Your Towns and Heroes Difficulty 4: Expert/Queen - The player starts with a handicap in resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Unholy Alliance
4/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled Barbarian Brothers 3 - Shadow of Death Acquire Artifact Lose All Your Towns and Heroes Difficulty 4: Expert/Queen - The player starts with a handicap in resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Unholy Alliance
2/1 Size 3 (108×108) - L Underground disabled Union 3 - Shadow of Death Defeat All Enemies Lose All Your Towns and Heroes Difficulty 5: Impossible/King - The player starts with no resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Unholy Alliance
2/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled Fall of Sandro 3 - Shadow of Death Defeat All Enemies Time Expires Difficulty 5: Impossible/King - The player starts with no resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Unholy Alliance
2/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground disabled Poison Fit for a King 3 - Shadow of Death Capture Town Time Expires Difficulty 3: Hard/Rook - The player and the computer start with the same resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Specter of Power
3/1 Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled To Build a Tunnel 3 - Shadow of Death Accumulate Resources Lose Hero Difficulty 4: Expert/Queen - The player starts with a handicap in resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Specter of Power
2/1 Size 1 (36×36) - S Underground enabled Kreegan Alliance 3 - Shadow of Death Defeat Hero or Defeat All Enemies Time Expires Difficulty 4: Expert/Queen - The player starts with a handicap in resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Specter of Power
4/1 Size 1 (36×36) - S Underground enabled With Blinders On 3 - Shadow of Death Defeat All Enemies Lose Hero Difficulty 5: Impossible/King - The player starts with no resources, and the computer plays to the best of its ability. Specter of Power

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