Falor and Terwen

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1 - Restoration of Erathia Restoration of Erathia 1 - Restoration of Erathia
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4. Falor and Terwen
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7. The Barbarian's Wife
8. The Protectors of the Sword
The time spent in Tatalia wasn't very long, and you were quickly on your way to Erathia in search of Falor and Terwen. With any luck, the Erathians will be less hostile than the Tatalians were.
Falor and Terwen
Size 1 (36×36) - S
Underground enabled
Scenario Description
Yog must deliver the Celestial Necklace of Bliss and Lion's Shield of Courage to Falor and Terwen to win the scenario. However, if Yog is defeated in combat or loses either artifact, the scenario is lost. Yog is limited to level 21 but will carry his experience and skills on to the next scenario.
Victory Condition
Acquire Artifact Pendant of Courage.
Loss Condition
Lose Hero Yog the Wizard.
Allies: Blue
Enemies: Teal
Choose a bonus
Start with Badge of Courage
Start with 3 Ogre(s)
Start with 8 Orc Chieftain(s)
Hard / Rook
Carried to next scenario
Yog (Wizard)
Level cap

Prologue[edit | hide | hide all]


Yog Yog: I gave up the first piece of the Sword, although I had to resist all of my wizardly training to do so. Now I am to find the hut of a seer named Falor and give him two more pieces: the Celestial Necklace of Bliss and the Lion's Shield of Courage. This will be no simple errand, for the Erathians don't take kindly to large armies traipsing across their country.

Scenario[edit | hide]

Timed events[edit | hide]

Day Title Message
Day 1 Intro Before leaving Tatalia you sent a messenger off to deliver the Pendant of Courage to Winston Boragus so that he would know you have successfully completed the first part of your quest. After dismissing the messenger, you marched off to Erathia to complete the second part. You now been in Erathia for several days, but you have been unable to locate Falor and Terwen. The best clue you have to their whereabouts is a hazy recollection from a peasant that they live somewhere underground.
Day 4 Journal Entry 16 Journal Entry 16: Fortifying my position wasn't difficult, for the mountains make an effective barrier. However, my scouts brought back information that suggests the rest of my quest will not be as easy. For me to gain access to Falor and Terwen's underground lair, I must visit a Keymaster's tent located deep in enemy territory.

Objects[edit | hide]

Events[edit | hide]

Location Message
18, 8, 1 Journal Entry 17: It has been a while since my last journal entry, but I have been very busy. The Erathian army attacked me sooner than I thought. It looks as if my luck is taking a turn for the better, though. I found a cave in the middle of the lake. It was good thing too because Falor and Terwen are both down here somewhere.

Towns[edit | hide]

Location Player Type Name
3, 4, 0 Blue Stronghold -
23, 23, 0 Teal Castle -
24, 7, 0 Teal Castle -
6, 21, 0 Castle -

Heroes[edit | hide]

Location Player Hero
3, 5, 0 Blue Yog Yog the Wizard
23, 24, 0 Teal Tyris Tyris the Knight

Seer's Huts[edit | hide]

Location Quest Reward Messages

25, 18, 1
Return with:
Lion's Shield of CourageLion's Shield of Courage

Celestial Necklace of BlissCelestial Necklace of Bliss

Pendant of CouragePendant of Courage Proposal: "Hello. I am Falor, and this is Terwen. Duke Winston Boragus informed us you might be coming here. You are to give us the Lion's Shield of Courage and the Celestial Necklace of Bliss, I believe."
Progress: Nothing, eh? I'm sure you will find the Celestial Necklace of Bliss and Lion's Shield of Courage soon. Please keep looking.
Completion: Well, don't just stand there! Give us the Shield and Necklace and be on your way! Oh, wait! Take this and give it to the Duke so that he will know you have visited us and done what you were supposed to do.

As you reach the door Falor comes up and apologizes for Terwen's rude behavior.

"Please excuse Terwen. He gets into moods sometimes. Good luck on the rest of your quest."

With that, Falor shakes your hand. You are now on your way in search of Beleg and Orruk to complete your quest.

Quest Guards[edit | hide]

Location Quest Reward Messages

27, 35, 0
Yog Yog the Wizard
(remove) Proposal: The guards here say they have orders to only let Yog pass.
Progress: The guards here will only let Yog pass.
Completion: At last, it is Yog. Do you wish to pass?