Unless specified by the mapmaker, towns will generate with a random name. Cove towns will use one of these following names:
Brown's Bay
Port Crowland
Port Evendore
Sleepy Creek
Westland Pier
If there are more Cove towns on the map than possible names, they will use names taken from other towns.
Official Renders
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Cove's strategy revolves around offensive powers, with troops having excellent attacking skills and Nix and Nix Warriors acting as tanks. Their tactics and strategies often involve Sea Dogs. Playing against Cove, force them into melee: otherwise they will easily kill your powerful units (which is especially harmful in Rampart and Dungeon as Gold and Black Dragons are immune to Resurrection). Forgetfulness is also a very strong debuff for Cove.
2 fast ranged attackers, with very nice specialties.
Strong and offensive units. (Cove units have the highest attack ratings of all town creatures).
Sea Dogs with their ability can easily kill any creatures, including 7 level units, from a distance. Accurate shot is even better than Mighty Gorgons' Death stare, as it is a ranged attack, causing therefore no retaliation, and affects undead and non-living creatures unlike Death stare.
Ayssids are very useful if someone has took the retaliation, as they may kill a unit twice with impunity.
Highly dependent on Ammo Carts due to extremely low amount of shots of Pirates until upgraded to Sea Dogs (4 shots); they are too fragile for melee. In long battles, Sea Witches' 12 shots are also insufficient, and they are completely useless in melee as they have extremely low Defense and HP. Cannon also has very few shots.
A lot of resources is needed to fully upgrade Pirates. Otherwise, player won't get the Cove's primary unit, and before upgrade Pirates aren't the strongest even among 3 level ranged creatures (attack worse than Wood Elves).