User:Kapteeni Ruoska/Sandbox

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The Test Area

Advanced Armorer:

Lord Haart Death Knight Lord Haart Death Knight

Secondary skill picture in hero template

File:Advanced Earth magic.png Advanced Earth Magic

Collapsible table

Main page

Towns Heroes
Castle Castle
Christian Christian
Edric Edric
Orrin Orrin
Sylvia Sylvia
Valeska Valeska
Sorsha Sorsha
Tyris Tyris
Lord Haart Lord Haart
Catherine Catherine
Roland Roland
Sir Mullich Sir Mullich
Adela Adela
Adelaide Adelaide
Caitlin Caitlin
Cuthbert Cuthbert
Ingham Ingham
Loynis Loynis
Rion Rion
Sanya Sanya
Rampart Rampart
Jenova Jenova
Kyrre Kyrre
Ivor Ivor
Ufretin Ufretin
Clancy Clancy
Thorgrim Thorgrim
Ryland Ryland
Mephala Mephala
Gelu Gelu
Aeris Aeris
Alagar Alagar
Coronius Coronius
Elleshar Elleshar
Malcom Malcom
Melodia Melodia
Gem Gem
Uland Uland
Tower Tower
Fafner Fafner
Iona Iona
Josephine Josephine
Neela Neela
Piquedram Piquedram
Rissa Rissa
Thane Thane
Torosar Torosar
Aine Aine
Astral Astral
Cyra Cyra
Daremyth Daremyth
Halon Halon
Serena Serena
Solmyr Solmyr
Theodorus Theodorus
Dracon Dracon
Inferno Inferno
Calh Calh
Fiona Fiona
Ignatius Ignatius
Marius Marius
Nymus Nymus
Octavia Octavia
Pyre Pyre
Rashka Rashka
Xeron Xeron
Ash Ash
Axsis Axsis
Ayden Ayden
Calid Calid
Olema Olema
Xyron Xyron
Xarfax Xarfax
Zydar Zydar
Necropolis Necropolis
Death Knights
Charna Charna
Clavius Clavius
Galthran Galthran
Isra Isra
Moandor Moandor
Straker Straker
Tamika Tamika
Vokial Vokial
Lord Haart Lord Haart
Aislinn Aislinn
Nagash Nagash
Nimbus Nimbus
Sandro Sandro
Septienna Septienna
Thant Thant
Vidomina Vidomina
Xsi Xsi
Dungeon Dungeon
Ajit Ajit
Arlach Arlach
Dace Dace
Damacon Damacon
Gunnar Gunnar
Lorelei Lorelei
Shakti Shakti
Synca Synca
Mutare Mutare
Mutare Drake Mutare Drake
Alamar Alamar
Darkstorn Darkstorn
Deemer Deemer
Geon Geon
Jaegar Jaegar
Jeddite Jeddite
Malekith Malekith
Sephinroth Sephinroth
Stronghold Stronghold
Crag Hack Crag Hack
Gretchin Gretchin
Gurnisson Gurnisson
Jabarkas Jabarkas
Krellion Krellion
Shiva Shiva
Tyraxor Tyraxor
Yog Yog
Boragus Boragus
Kilgor Kilgor
Battle Mages
Dessa Dessa
Gird Gird
Gundula Gundula
Oris Oris
Saurug Saurug
Terek Terek
Vey Vey
Zubin Zubin
Fortress Fortress
Alkin Alkin
Broghild Broghild
Bron Bron
Drakon Drakon
Gerwulf Gerwulf
Korbac Korbac
Tazar Tazar
Wystan Wystan
Andra Andra
Merist Merist
Mirlanda Mirlanda
Rosic Rosic
Styg Styg
Tiva Tiva
Verdish Verdish
Voy Voy
Adrienne Adrienne
Conflux Conflux
Erdamon Erdamon
Fiur Fiur
Ignissa Ignissa
Kalt Kalt
Lacus Lacus
Monere Monere
Pasis Pasis
Thunar Thunar
Aenain Aenain
Brissa Brissa
Ciele Ciele
Gelare Gelare
Grindan Grindan
Inteus Inteus
Labetha Labetha
Luna Luna


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 Cost per troop 


Attack 3
Defense 5
Damage 2–3
Health 6
Speed 4
Movement Ground
Size 1
Growth 12
AI Value
[[File:{{{U_name}}} portrait.gif]] [[File:{{{U_name}}} portrait (HotA).gif]]
Shadow of Death [[File:Mini Portrait {{{U_name}}}.png]]  Horn of the Abyss
Gnoll Marauder
Gnoll Marauder
 Cost per troop 


Attack 3
Defense 5
Damage 2–3
Health 6
Speed 4
Movement Ground
Size 1
Growth 12
AI Value
[[File:{{{U_name}}} portrait.gif]] [[File:{{{U_name}}} portrait (HotA).gif]]
Shadow of Death [[File:Mini Portrait {{{U_name}}}.png]]  Horn of the Abyss
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List of specal abilities

Ability Creature(s) Effect
Acidic breath Rust Dragon Reduces the target stack's defense by 3, and it has additional 30 % chance to do an extra 25 damage per attacking unit.



Artifact Class Slot Cost Att Def Pow Kno Lck Mor
File:Centaur's Axe small.gif Centaur's Axe T Weapon 2000 Gold +2 X


Cost per troop

Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text

1,1 2,1 3,1
1,2 2,2 3,2
1,3 2,3 3,3

Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Numberofedits


VERSION 2 Table 1: Damage calculation variables
Variable Description
I1 = 0.05 × (A - D) if A ≥ D
I2 = 0.00 no Archery or Offense
0.10 Basic Archery or Offense
0.20 Advanced Offense
0.25 Advanced Archery
0.30 Expert Offense
0.50 Expert Archery
VERSION 1 Table 1: Damage calculation variables
Variable Range Description
I1 = 0.00...3.00 Calculated with 0.05 × (A - D) if A ≥ D
I2 = 0.00
No Archery or Offense
Basic Archery or Offense
Advanced Offence
Advanced Arcehry
Expert Offense
Expert Archery
CURRENT VERSION Table 1: Damage calculation variables
 I1   = 0.05 × (Attack - Defense) (if A ≥ D)
 I2   = 0.10, 0.25, 0.50 for basic, advanced, expert Archery

        = 0.10, 0.20, 0.30 for basic, advanced, expert Offense 

 I3   = 0.05 × I2 × hero level for Archery/Offense specialty

     = 0.03 × (hero ÷ creature level) for Adela's bless

 I4   = 1.00 for lucky strikes
 I5   = 1.00 for Death Blow, Ballista double damage

     = 1.00 if Elemental attacks opposite Elemental type
     = 0.50 for hate
     = 0.05 × hexes travelled for Cavaliers, Champions

 R1 = 0.025 × (Defense - Attack) (if D ≥ A)
 R2 = 0.05, 0.10, 0.15 for basic, advanced, expert Armorer
 R3 = 0.05 × R2 × hero level for Armorer specialty
 R4 = 0.15 for Shield, 0.30 at advanced, expert level

   = 0.25 for Air Shield, 0.50 at advanced, expert level
   = 0.50 for shooter with (basic) Forgetfulness

 R5 = 0.50 if attacker has range or melee penalty 
 R6 = 0.50 if target is behind a wall (obstacle penalty
 R7 = 0.50 for retaliation after being Blinded

   = 0.75 for retaliation after advanced Blind

 R8 = 0.50 for Psychic Elemental vs. mind spell immunity

   = 0.50 for Magic Elemental vs. lvl 1-5 spell immunity
   = 0.50 if target is petrified
   = 0.75 for retaliation after being paralyzed


Name 1,1 1,2
2 Kissa
3 Koira