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Necropolis' [[native terrain]] is [[dirt]].
Necropolis' [[native terrain]] is [[dirt]].

=== Structures ===
== Strategy ==
Necropolis is one of the most powerful towns. It has very strong 4th, 5th and 6th level creatures. [[Vampire Lord]]s and [[Dread Knight]]s are among the strongest in their respective levels, and while having [[Power Lich]]es in an army consisting of living creatures may have problematic because of the [[death cloud]] attack, in the army of undead it is an advantage. Skeletons are around average rank of 1st level creatures, but due to [[Necromancy]] secondary skill, their numbers can be signifcantly greater than other 1st level creatures. The downside is, that [[Walking Dead]]s, [[Wight]]s, and [[Bone Dragon]]s are all among the weakest creatures of their respective levels. In fact, [[Bone Dragon]] is perhaps the weakest 7th level creature.
Necropolis has excellent magic capabilities. It can build level 5th [[Mage Guild]] and has few special spells like [[Animate Dead]] and [[Death Ripple]] to support the armies. Also, undead hordes are immune to [[mind spell]]s, which greatest advantage is that they cannot be [[blind]]ed or "[[berserk]]ed". In addition, undead do not suffer from negative [[morale]] (nor do they benefit from positive). This makes the [[Spirit of Oppression]] a useful tool for Necropolis armies.
Perhaps the most outstanding feature closely related to Necropolis is [[Necromancy]] [[secondary skill]]. It enables heroes with the skill to "harvest" [[Skeleton]]s (or [[Skeleton Warrior]]s) from enemy armies as well as allied creatures. It is possible for a hero with Necromancy skill to come out from a battle with more troops than he went to it.
An advantageous tactics with Necropolis is "harvesting" skeletons with the [[Necromancy]] [[secondary skill]]. At expert level Necromancy allows 30% of the creatures killed in combat to be brought back from the dead as skeletons. The percentage points can be increased with two structures: [[Necromancy Amplifier]](s) and [[Soul Prison]]. Amplifiers can typicallly be constructed in necropolis towns, while Soul Prison is the [[grail building]] of Necropolis. Each amplifier increases the percentage points by +10%.
There are also artifacts that can increase the skill: [[Amulet of the Undertaker]] increases the percentage points by +5%, [[Vampire's Cowl]] by +10% and [[Dead Man's Boots]] by +15%. With these increase, Necromancy secondary skill may rise up to 70%. Additionally, two heroes specialize in Necromancy, [[Isra]] and [[Vidomina]]. Combining either of them with the amplifier and artifacts, it is possible to reach 100% skill level in necromancy, which means that possibly all the creatures killed in combat will be brought back as skeletons.
Harvesting leads to a situation, where it is profitable for heroes with Necromancy (mainly Death Knights and Necromancers) to carry through combats with wandering creatures instead of letting them flee if they are substantially less creatures and want to quit the battlefield. So, special months (see [[growth]]) where some creature types population doubles is actually a boon for Necropolis skeleton harvesters. This is especially valid for low-level creatures that come in large numbers, like hobgoblins. Random units blocking pathways on the map thus become a motivational boost because those wandering creatures mean additional [[Skeleton]]s.
If you can upgrade your Estate early, you should do so. The Vampire Lords are one of the best 4th-level creatures in the game. Since they draw life from their enemy, and resurrect themselves, they can be used to single-handedly take out large numbers of low-level creatures. Combine with "counterstrike" to get even better effect.
"The month of the Hobgoblin" and the like are [[Necromancers]]' wet dream. Just take your strongest hero and stockpile Skeletons. [[Necromancy]] adds a little bit of motivation on clearing maps - who needs experience and levelups, when there's [[Skeletons]] aplenty?
The Necropolis has only a few units they can rely on, the others can wait with being bought and, in time, even be ignored. The reliable units are: [[Skeleton Warrior]]s, [[Vampire Lord]]s, [[Power Lich]]es and [[Dread Knight]]s.
You get [[Skeleton Warrior]]s only if your ranks are full at the *end* of combat and if you have a stack of [[Skeleton Warrior]]s and no stack of [[Skeleton]]s. The downpart is that you get less than if you'd get normal [[Skeleton]]s (2/3rds as many). Therefore, if it is logistically managable, it would be better to try and get a horde of normal [[Skeleton]]s first, and then upgrade them at a Necropolis or Hill Fort for the last battle.
If there are any Level 1 dwellings nearby, recruit them and take them to the Necropolis. If you have a [[Skeleton Transformer]], you're practically getting free [[skeleton]]s, and even free [[Skeleton warrior]]s if there is a [[Hill Fort]] close by too. !-->
=== Pros ===
*A variety of good heroes to choose from
*A variety of strategies available
*Units are unaffected by negative [[Morale]] thus unaffected also by [[Sorrow]] or [[Spirit of Oppression]], mixing with other [[Town]] type units still has a penalty on units of other towns.
*Unaffected by [[Mind spells]] like [[Elemental]]s, even [[Blind]] does not function on [[Undead]] units.
*[[Necromancy]] is a powerful secondary skill that only Necropolis town heroes can utilize effectively and that every [[Necropolis]] hero typically has. Given affordable [[Necromancy amplifier]] buildings (10% point building bonus to [[Necromancy]], '''unique''' town [[secondary skill]] boost building feature for all own heroes on the map, safe the [[Navigation]] centric building [[Lighthouse]] the only [[secondary skill]] bonus enhancer building available in the game) in [[Necropolis]] towns and a range of artefacts that further enhance the skill percentage like [[Vampire%27s_Cowl|Vampire's Cowl]] it is rather easy to recruit a small but steady number of [[Undead]] from most other creatures after fights. Every successfull fight will increase the number of level 1 units one has even to astronomical amounts of stack sizes for steady motivation boosts after each encounter. [[Undead]] generally are [[Animate Dead]] ressurectable during combat additionally and the [[Skeleton Transformer]] in a [[Necropolis]] town can change foreign units to [[Skeleton]]s so mixing foreign units with [[Necropolis]] town units does not make them suffer [[morale]] penality when converting them to [[Skeleton]]s first, one can recruit units off fights with the opponent and they are rather hard to kill and easily replenished given enough mana or [[Necromancy]] skill bonus points which are readily available via buildings or artefacts or even hero specials.
*[[Vampire Lord]]s are by far the most cost-efficient level 4 unit (and arguably the most cost-efficient unit in the game), as they can beat armies of much greater size as long as they are not (like [[Undead]],[[Unliving|Construct]]s or [[Elemental]]s) immune to the Vampire Lords' [[Life drain]] ability and as long as the Vampire Lords are used properly (with [[Blind]] on extra enemy stacks for example or [[Counterstrike]] on the [[Vampire Lord]]s amidst low number/low hp enemy stacks, alternated with [[Animate Dead]] to help out if the [[Life Drain]] to damage inbound ratio is proving destructive to the [[Vampire Lord]] stack - perhaps also using [[Haste]] and the [[Flying]] feature of the [[Vampire Lord]]s to switch opponent melee stacks to feasible ones or to seek a safe point to replenish via [[Animate Dead]], [[Cure]] or [[First Aid]] should [[Life Drain]] prove to be effectively ineffective due to outrageously onerous enemy aggression without rhyme and reason).
* The level 3 spell [[Animate Dead]] (which the necromancer hero [[Thant]] has built in) can resurrect units in combat, and they '''stay''' resurrected after combat. So given a good balance of [[Thant]]s undead and repairable units compared to the opponent, enough mana for the resurrects and having [[Shackles of War]] for unlimited turns (a smaller version would be using [[Blind]] on all remaining enemy units and killing one [[blind]]ed stack each turn, keeping the enemy locked until  the enemy hero is lost to the opponent and the artefacts if any are transferred) he would not lose any units in combat but also often get additional [[Necromancy]] created skeletons (which would hamper movement on the adventure map a little, as [[Skeleton]]s are slow creatures (and even with [[Town Portal]] and [[Dimension Door]] there's an [[adventure map]] movement penalty to consider)).
*There are number of artifacts that are only useful to Necropolis (artifacts enhancing the created creature number of the unique secondary skill [[Necromancy]] like [[Cloak of the Undead King]], but also [[Pendant of Death]] which counters the mini, undead-only version of [[Armageddon]], damaging all undead on the battlefield, even those recruited in no Necropolis but on the adventure map).
*Both Necropolis hero types begin with a spell book
=== Cons ===
* [[Walking Dead]] and [[Zombie]]s slow armies down
* Only one ranged attacker [[Lich]]/[[Power Lich]] which also has a [[Melee penalty]], no [[Double attack]] and cannot attack Siege Walls.
* Unaffected by positive [[Morale]]. Mixing creatures of other town types without converting them to [[Skeleton]]s via [[Skeleton Transformer]] first will get them negative [[Morale]] of course, on the other hand [[Spirit of Oppression]] is a very nice thing to have for any Necropolis hero with only Necropolis units in the party as it does not do any harm to [[Necropolis]] units. The [[Dread Knight]]s' [[Death blow]] feature works largely (no [[Luck]] bonus for the second strike) like an attack only, no movement [[Morale]] bonus would, but at a higher probability of 20% (high [[Morale]] has 12.5% of activating a second action each creature) and it is a natural feature.
* Difficulties in the early game, where your slow level 1 and level 2 creatures are not the best to conquer mines and explore the map (and in the endgame a host of in-combat ressurectable skeletons might hamper adventure map transfers (to reflag buildings for instance) safe for [[Town Portal]] which is a nice (and often ''banned'') spell to jump the adventure map))
* Bone and [[Ghost Dragon]]s are near the bottom of the Level 7's in strength and usefulness
'''WARNING!''' This town is often considered too strong and thus is ''banned'' in many multiplayer games/tournaments.
== Structures ==
'''Necropolis Creature Dwellings'''
'''Necropolis Creature Dwellings'''
*[[Necropolis creature dwellings|Cursed Temple]] - ([[Skeleton]], [[Skeleton Warrior]])
*[[Necropolis creature dwellings|Cursed Temple]] - ([[Skeleton]], [[Skeleton Warrior]])
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== Strategy ==
Necropolis is one of the most powerful towns. It has very strong 4th, 5th and 6th level creatures. [[Vampire Lord]]s and [[Dread Knight]]s are among the strongest in their respective levels, and while having [[Power Lich]]es in an army consisting of living creatures may have problematic because of the [[death cloud]] attack, in the army of undead it is an advantage. Skeletons are around average rank of 1st level creatures, but due to [[Necromancy]] secondary skill, their numbers can be signifcantly greater than other 1st level creatures. The downside is, that [[Walking Dead]]s, [[Wight]]s, and [[Bone Dragon]]s are all among the weakest creatures of their respective levels. In fact, [[Bone Dragon]] is perhaps the weakest 7th level creature.
Necropolis has excellent magic capabilities. It can build level 5th [[Mage Guild]] and has few special spells like [[Animate Dead]] and [[Death Ripple]] to support the armies. Also, undead hordes are immune to [[mind spell]]s, which greatest advantage is that they cannot be [[blind]]ed or "[[berserk]]ed". In addition, undead do not suffer from negative [[morale]] (nor do they benefit from positive). This makes the [[Spirit of Oppression]] a useful tool for Necropolis armies.
Perhaps the most outstanding feature closely related to Necropolis is [[Necromancy]] [[secondary skill]]. It enables heroes with the skill to "harvest" [[Skeleton]]s (or [[Skeleton Warrior]]s) from enemy armies as well as allied creatures. It is possible for a hero with Necromancy skill to come out from a battle with more troops than he went to it.
An advantageous tactics with Necropolis is "harvesting" skeletons with the [[Necromancy]] [[secondary skill]]. At expert level Necromancy allows 30% of the creatures killed in combat to be brought back from the dead as skeletons. The percentage points can be increased with two structures: [[Necromancy Amplifier]](s) and [[Soul Prison]]. Amplifiers can typicallly be constructed in necropolis towns, while Soul Prison is the [[grail building]] of Necropolis. Each amplifier increases the percentage points by +10%.
There are also artifacts that can increase the skill: [[Amulet of the Undertaker]] increases the percentage points by +5%, [[Vampire's Cowl]] by +10% and [[Dead Man's Boots]] by +15%. With these increase, Necromancy secondary skill may rise up to 70%. Additionally, two heroes specialize in Necromancy, [[Isra]] and [[Vidomina]]. Combining either of them with the amplifier and artifacts, it is possible to reach 100% skill level in necromancy, which means that possibly all the creatures killed in combat will be brought back as skeletons.
Harvesting leads to a situation, where it is profitable for heroes with Necromancy (mainly Death Knights and Necromancers) to carry through combats with wandering creatures instead of letting them flee if they are substantially less creatures and want to quit the battlefield. So, special months (see [[growth]]) where some creature types population doubles is actually a boon for Necropolis skeleton harvesters. This is especially valid for low-level creatures that come in large numbers, like hobgoblins. Random units blocking pathways on the map thus become a motivational boost because those wandering creatures mean additional [[Skeleton]]s.
If you can upgrade your Estate early, you should do so. The Vampire Lords are one of the best 4th-level creatures in the game. Since they draw life from their enemy, and resurrect themselves, they can be used to single-handedly take out large numbers of low-level creatures. Combine with "counterstrike" to get even better effect.

"The month of the Hobgoblin" and the like are [[Necromancers]]' wet dream. Just take your strongest hero and stockpile Skeletons. [[Necromancy]] adds a little bit of motivation on clearing maps - who needs experience and levelups, when there's [[Skeletons]] aplenty?
The Necropolis has only a few units they can rely on, the others can wait with being bought and, in time, even be ignored. The reliable units are: [[Skeleton Warrior]]s, [[Vampire Lord]]s, [[Power Lich]]es and [[Dread Knight]]s.
You get [[Skeleton Warrior]]s only if your ranks are full at the *end* of combat and if you have a stack of [[Skeleton Warrior]]s and no stack of [[Skeleton]]s. The downpart is that you get less than if you'd get normal [[Skeleton]]s (2/3rds as many). Therefore, if it is logistically managable, it would be better to try and get a horde of normal [[Skeleton]]s first, and then upgrade them at a Necropolis or Hill Fort for the last battle.
If there are any Level 1 dwellings nearby, recruit them and take them to the Necropolis. If you have a [[Skeleton Transformer]], you're practically getting free [[skeleton]]s, and even free [[Skeleton warrior]]s if there is a [[Hill Fort]] close by too. !-->
=== Pros ===
*A variety of good heroes to choose from
*A variety of strategies available
*Units are unaffected by negative [[Morale]] thus unaffected also by [[Sorrow]] or [[Spirit of Oppression]], mixing with other [[Town]] type units still has a penalty on units of other towns.
*Unaffected by [[Mind spells]] like [[Elemental]]s, even [[Blind]] does not function on [[Undead]] units.
*[[Necromancy]] is a powerful secondary skill that only Necropolis town heroes can utilize effectively and that every [[Necropolis]] hero typically has. Given affordable [[Necromancy amplifier]] buildings (10% point building bonus to [[Necromancy]], '''unique''' town [[secondary skill]] boost building feature for all own heroes on the map, safe the [[Navigation]] centric building [[Lighthouse]] the only [[secondary skill]] bonus enhancer building available in the game) in [[Necropolis]] towns and a range of artefacts that further enhance the skill percentage like [[Vampire%27s_Cowl|Vampire's Cowl]] it is rather easy to recruit a small but steady number of [[Undead]] from most other creatures after fights. Every successfull fight will increase the number of level 1 units one has even to astronomical amounts of stack sizes for steady motivation boosts after each encounter. [[Undead]] generally are [[Animate Dead]] ressurectable during combat additionally and the [[Skeleton Transformer]] in a [[Necropolis]] town can change foreign units to [[Skeleton]]s so mixing foreign units with [[Necropolis]] town units does not make them suffer [[morale]] penality when converting them to [[Skeleton]]s first, one can recruit units off fights with the opponent and they are rather hard to kill and easily replenished given enough mana or [[Necromancy]] skill bonus points which are readily available via buildings or artefacts or even hero specials.
*[[Vampire Lord]]s are by far the most cost-efficient level 4 unit (and arguably the most cost-efficient unit in the game), as they can beat armies of much greater size as long as they are not (like [[Undead]],[[Unliving|Construct]]s or [[Elemental]]s) immune to the Vampire Lords' [[Life drain]] ability and as long as the Vampire Lords are used properly (with [[Blind]] on extra enemy stacks for example or [[Counterstrike]] on the [[Vampire Lord]]s amidst low number/low hp enemy stacks, alternated with [[Animate Dead]] to help out if the [[Life Drain]] to damage inbound ratio is proving destructive to the [[Vampire Lord]] stack - perhaps also using [[Haste]] and the [[Flying]] feature of the [[Vampire Lord]]s to switch opponent melee stacks to feasible ones or to seek a safe point to replenish via [[Animate Dead]], [[Cure]] or [[First Aid]] should [[Life Drain]] prove to be effectively ineffective due to outrageously onerous enemy aggression without rhyme and reason).
* The level 3 spell [[Animate Dead]] (which the necromancer hero [[Thant]] has built in) can resurrect units in combat, and they '''stay''' resurrected after combat. So given a good balance of [[Thant]]s undead and repairable units compared to the opponent, enough mana for the resurrects and having [[Shackles of War]] for unlimited turns (a smaller version would be using [[Blind]] on all remaining enemy units and killing one [[blind]]ed stack each turn, keeping the enemy locked until  the enemy hero is lost to the opponent and the artefacts if any are transferred) he would not lose any units in combat but also often get additional [[Necromancy]] created skeletons (which would hamper movement on the adventure map a little, as [[Skeleton]]s are slow creatures (and even with [[Town Portal]] and [[Dimension Door]] there's an [[adventure map]] movement penalty to consider)).
*There are number of artifacts that are only useful to Necropolis (artifacts enhancing the created creature number of the unique secondary skill [[Necromancy]] like [[Cloak of the Undead King]], but also [[Pendant of Death]] which counters the mini, undead-only version of [[Armageddon]], damaging all undead on the battlefield, even those recruited in no Necropolis but on the adventure map).
*Both Necropolis hero types begin with a spell book
=== Cons ===
* [[Walking Dead]] and [[Zombie]]s slow armies down
* Only one ranged attacker [[Lich]]/[[Power Lich]] which also has a [[Melee penalty]], no [[Double attack]] and cannot attack Siege Walls.
* Unaffected by positive [[Morale]]. Mixing creatures of other town types without converting them to [[Skeleton]]s via [[Skeleton Transformer]] first will get them negative [[Morale]] of course, on the other hand [[Spirit of Oppression]] is a very nice thing to have for any Necropolis hero with only Necropolis units in the party as it does not do any harm to [[Necropolis]] units. The [[Dread Knight]]s' [[Death blow]] feature works largely (no [[Luck]] bonus for the second strike) like an attack only, no movement [[Morale]] bonus would, but at a higher probability of 20% (high [[Morale]] has 12.5% of activating a second action each creature) and it is a natural feature.
* Difficulties in the early game, where your slow level 1 and level 2 creatures are not the best to conquer mines and explore the map (and in the endgame a host of in-combat ressurectable skeletons might hamper adventure map transfers (to reflag buildings for instance) safe for [[Town Portal]] which is a nice (and often ''banned'') spell to jump the adventure map))
* Bone and [[Ghost Dragon]]s are near the bottom of the Level 7's in strength and usefulness
'''WARNING!''' This town is often considered too strong and thus is ''banned'' in many multiplayer games/tournaments.

[[Category: Necropolis]]
[[Category: Necropolis]]

Revision as of 12:41, 19 March 2018

Castle Castle
Rampart Rampart
Tower Tower
Inferno Inferno
Necropolis Necropolis
Dungeon Dungeon
Stronghold Stronghold
Fortress Fortress
Conflux Conflux Armageddon's Blade
Cove Cove Horn of the Abyss
Factory Factory Horn of the Abyss

Necropolis is an evil alignment town, that is overrun and ruled by undead creatures. They are the natural bases for the necromancer and death knight hero classes. Necropolis armies have many units with abilities to weaken their opponents. This may give them an advantage over an equal or even a stronger opponent. Necropolis represents Deyja.

Necropolis' native terrain is dirt.


Necropolis is one of the most powerful towns. It has very strong 4th, 5th and 6th level creatures. Vampire Lords and Dread Knights are among the strongest in their respective levels, and while having Power Liches in an army consisting of living creatures may have problematic because of the death cloud attack, in the army of undead it is an advantage. Skeletons are around average rank of 1st level creatures, but due to Necromancy secondary skill, their numbers can be signifcantly greater than other 1st level creatures. The downside is, that Walking Deads, Wights, and Bone Dragons are all among the weakest creatures of their respective levels. In fact, Bone Dragon is perhaps the weakest 7th level creature.

Necropolis has excellent magic capabilities. It can build level 5th Mage Guild and has few special spells like Animate Dead and Death Ripple to support the armies. Also, undead hordes are immune to mind spells, which greatest advantage is that they cannot be blinded or "berserked". In addition, undead do not suffer from negative morale (nor do they benefit from positive). This makes the Spirit of Oppression a useful tool for Necropolis armies.

Perhaps the most outstanding feature closely related to Necropolis is Necromancy secondary skill. It enables heroes with the skill to "harvest" Skeletons (or Skeleton Warriors) from enemy armies as well as allied creatures. It is possible for a hero with Necromancy skill to come out from a battle with more troops than he went to it.

An advantageous tactics with Necropolis is "harvesting" skeletons with the Necromancy secondary skill. At expert level Necromancy allows 30% of the creatures killed in combat to be brought back from the dead as skeletons. The percentage points can be increased with two structures: Necromancy Amplifier(s) and Soul Prison. Amplifiers can typicallly be constructed in necropolis towns, while Soul Prison is the grail building of Necropolis. Each amplifier increases the percentage points by +10%.

There are also artifacts that can increase the skill: Amulet of the Undertaker increases the percentage points by +5%, Vampire's Cowl by +10% and Dead Man's Boots by +15%. With these increase, Necromancy secondary skill may rise up to 70%. Additionally, two heroes specialize in Necromancy, Isra and Vidomina. Combining either of them with the amplifier and artifacts, it is possible to reach 100% skill level in necromancy, which means that possibly all the creatures killed in combat will be brought back as skeletons.

Harvesting leads to a situation, where it is profitable for heroes with Necromancy (mainly Death Knights and Necromancers) to carry through combats with wandering creatures instead of letting them flee if they are substantially less creatures and want to quit the battlefield. So, special months (see growth) where some creature types population doubles is actually a boon for Necropolis skeleton harvesters. This is especially valid for low-level creatures that come in large numbers, like hobgoblins. Random units blocking pathways on the map thus become a motivational boost because those wandering creatures mean additional Skeletons.


  • A variety of good heroes to choose from
  • A variety of strategies available
  • Units are unaffected by negative Morale thus unaffected also by Sorrow or Spirit of Oppression, mixing with other Town type units still has a penalty on units of other towns.
  • Unaffected by Mind spells like Elementals, even Blind does not function on Undead units.
  • Necromancy is a powerful secondary skill that only Necropolis town heroes can utilize effectively and that every Necropolis hero typically has. Given affordable Necromancy amplifier buildings (10% point building bonus to Necromancy, unique town secondary skill boost building feature for all own heroes on the map, safe the Navigation centric building Lighthouse the only secondary skill bonus enhancer building available in the game) in Necropolis towns and a range of artefacts that further enhance the skill percentage like Vampire's Cowl it is rather easy to recruit a small but steady number of Undead from most other creatures after fights. Every successfull fight will increase the number of level 1 units one has even to astronomical amounts of stack sizes for steady motivation boosts after each encounter. Undead generally are Animate Dead ressurectable during combat additionally and the Skeleton Transformer in a Necropolis town can change foreign units to Skeletons so mixing foreign units with Necropolis town units does not make them suffer morale penality when converting them to Skeletons first, one can recruit units off fights with the opponent and they are rather hard to kill and easily replenished given enough mana or Necromancy skill bonus points which are readily available via buildings or artefacts or even hero specials.
  • Vampire Lords are by far the most cost-efficient level 4 unit (and arguably the most cost-efficient unit in the game), as they can beat armies of much greater size as long as they are not (like Undead,Constructs or Elementals) immune to the Vampire Lords' Life drain ability and as long as the Vampire Lords are used properly (with Blind on extra enemy stacks for example or Counterstrike on the Vampire Lords amidst low number/low hp enemy stacks, alternated with Animate Dead to help out if the Life Drain to damage inbound ratio is proving destructive to the Vampire Lord stack - perhaps also using Haste and the Flying feature of the Vampire Lords to switch opponent melee stacks to feasible ones or to seek a safe point to replenish via Animate Dead, Cure or First Aid should Life Drain prove to be effectively ineffective due to outrageously onerous enemy aggression without rhyme and reason).
  • The level 3 spell Animate Dead (which the necromancer hero Thant has built in) can resurrect units in combat, and they stay resurrected after combat. So given a good balance of Thants undead and repairable units compared to the opponent, enough mana for the resurrects and having Shackles of War for unlimited turns (a smaller version would be using Blind on all remaining enemy units and killing one blinded stack each turn, keeping the enemy locked until the enemy hero is lost to the opponent and the artefacts if any are transferred) he would not lose any units in combat but also often get additional Necromancy created skeletons (which would hamper movement on the adventure map a little, as Skeletons are slow creatures (and even with Town Portal and Dimension Door there's an adventure map movement penalty to consider)).
  • There are number of artifacts that are only useful to Necropolis (artifacts enhancing the created creature number of the unique secondary skill Necromancy like Cloak of the Undead King, but also Pendant of Death which counters the mini, undead-only version of Armageddon, damaging all undead on the battlefield, even those recruited in no Necropolis but on the adventure map).
  • Both Necropolis hero types begin with a spell book


  • Walking Dead and Zombies slow armies down
  • Only one ranged attacker Lich/Power Lich which also has a Melee penalty, no Double attack and cannot attack Siege Walls.
  • Unaffected by positive Morale. Mixing creatures of other town types without converting them to Skeletons via Skeleton Transformer first will get them negative Morale of course, on the other hand Spirit of Oppression is a very nice thing to have for any Necropolis hero with only Necropolis units in the party as it does not do any harm to Necropolis units. The Dread Knights' Death blow feature works largely (no Luck bonus for the second strike) like an attack only, no movement Morale bonus would, but at a higher probability of 20% (high Morale has 12.5% of activating a second action each creature) and it is a natural feature.
  • Difficulties in the early game, where your slow level 1 and level 2 creatures are not the best to conquer mines and explore the map (and in the endgame a host of in-combat ressurectable skeletons might hamper adventure map transfers (to reflag buildings for instance) safe for Town Portal which is a nice (and often banned) spell to jump the adventure map))
  • Bone and Ghost Dragons are near the bottom of the Level 7's in strength and usefulness

WARNING! This town is often considered too strong and thus is banned in many multiplayer games/tournaments.


Necropolis Creature Dwellings

Necropolis Specific Buildings

Halls Fortifications Miscellaneous Mage Guilds Banned spells
Village Hall Village Hall
Fort Fort
Tavern Tavern
Mage Guild level 1 Mage Guild level 1
File:Town Hall large.gif Town Hall
Citadel Citadel
Marketplace Marketplace
Mage Guild level 2 Mage Guild level 2
City Hall City Hall
Castle Castle
Resource Silo Resource Silo ()
Mage Guild level 3 Mage Guild level 3
Capitol Capitol
Mage Guild level 4 Mage Guild level 4
Mage Guild level 5 Mage Guild level 5
Total Common Buildings:
Total Mage Guild:
Resource Basic Upgrades All
Gold 33400 25500 96400
Wood 45 25 135
Ore 65 25 135
Crystal 5 12 45
Gem 5 12 45
Mercury 5 27 60
Sulfur 15 7 40
Troop cost/week: 26920 Gold + 2 Mercury


Name Class Specialty Skill 1 Skill 2 Spell
Charna Charna  Death Knight    Wights Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Tactics  Basic Tactics    Magic Arrow 
Clavius Clavius  Death Knight    Gold Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Offense  Basic Offense    Magic Arrow 
Galthran Galthran  Death Knight    Skeletons Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Armorer  Basic Armorer    Shield 
Galthran Galthran  Map Editor  Death Knight    Skeletons Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Armorer  Basic Armorer    Shield 
Isra Isra  Death Knight    Necromancy Advanced Necromancy  Advanced Necromancy     Magic Arrow 
Moandor Moandor  Death Knight    Liches Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Learning  Basic Learning    Slow 
Straker Straker  Death Knight    Walking Dead Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Resistance  Basic Resistance    Haste 
Straker Straker  Death Knight    Walking Dead Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Interference  Basic Interference    Haste 
Tamika Tamika  Death Knight    Black Knights Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Offense  Basic Offense    Magic Arrow 
Vokial Vokial  Death Knight    Vampires Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Artillery  Basic Artillery    Stone Skin 
Lord Haart Lord Haart Armageddon's Blade Map Editor  Death Knight    Black Knights Advanced Necromancy  Advanced Necromancy     Slow 
Haart Lich Haart Lich Armageddon's Blade Map Editor  Death Knight    Black Knights Advanced Necromancy  Advanced Necromancy     Slow 
Ranloo Ranloo  Horn of the Abyss  Death Knight    Ballista Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Artillery  Basic Artillery    Haste 
Aislinn Aislinn  Necromancer    Meteor Shower Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom    Meteor Shower 
Nagash Nagash  Necromancer    Gold Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Intelligence  Basic Intelligence    Protection from Air 
Nimbus Nimbus  Necromancer    Eagle Eye Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Eagle Eye  Basic Eagle Eye    Shield 
Nimbus Nimbus  Necromancer    Eagle Eye Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Eagle Eye  Basic Eagle Eye    Shield 
Sandro Sandro  Necromancer    Sorcery Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Sorcery  Basic Sorcery    Slow 
Septienna Septienna  Necromancer    Death Ripple Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Scholar  Basic Scholar    Death Ripple 
Thant Thant  Necromancer    Animate Dead Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Mysticism  Basic Mysticism    Animate Dead 
Vidomina Vidomina  Necromancer    Necromancy Advanced Necromancy  Advanced Necromancy     Curse 
Xsi Xsi  Necromancer    Stone Skin Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy   Basic Learning  Basic Learning    Stone Skin 


All Necropolis' creatures are undead, which means that they are unaffected by morale. They are also immune to all mind spells as well as Curse, Bless, Resurrection and Death Ripple.

 Name   Town   Lvl   Att   Def   Dmg-   Dmg+   HP   Spd   Grw   AI Val   Cost   Special 

Skeleton Skeleton 1 5 4 1 3 6 4 12 60 60 Gold   Undead
Skeleton Warrior Skeleton Warrior 1+ 6 6 1 3 6 5 12 85 70 Gold   Undead
Walking Dead Walking Dead 2 5 5 2 3 15 3 8 98 100 Gold   Undead
Zombie Zombie 2+ 5 5 2 3 20 4 8 128 125 Gold   Undead, Disease
Wight Wight 3 7 7 3 5 18 5 7 252 200 Gold   Undead, Flying, Regeneration
Wraith Wraith 3+ 7 7 3 5 18 7 7 315 230 Gold   Undead, Flying, Regeneration, Mana drain
Vampire Vampire 4 10 9 5 8 30 6 4 555 360 Gold   Undead, Flying, No enemy retaliation
Vampire Lord Vampire Lord 4+ 10 10 5 8 40 9 4 783 500 Gold   Undead, Flying, No enemy retaliation, Life drain
Lich Lich 5 13 10 11 13 30 6 3 848 550 Gold   Ranged (12 shots), Undead, Death cloud
Power Lich Power Lich 5+ 13 10 11 15 40 7 3 1079 600 Gold   Ranged (24 shots), Undead, Death cloud
Black Knight Black Knight 6 16 16 15 30 120 7 2 2087 1200 Gold   Undead, Curse
Dread Knight Dread Knight 6+ 18 18 15 30 120 9 2 2382 1500 Gold   Undead, Curse, Death blow
Bone Dragon Bone Dragon 7 17 15 25 50 150 9 1 3388 1800 Gold   Dragon, Undead, Flying, Morale -1
Ghost Dragon Ghost Dragon 7+ 19 17 25 50 200 14 1 4696 3000 Gold 1 Mercury  Dragon, Undead, Flying, Morale -1, Aging