List of hero specialties

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Horn of the Abyss Only available when the unofficial expansion, Horn of the Abyss, is installed.

See also:

Mistakes in Navigation and First Aid skill descriptions are fixed. You can see the list of the in-game descriptions here.

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Specialty Specialty
Hero Hero
Specialty: Air ShieldSpecialty: Air Shield Air Shield Spell DargemDargem Dargem Casts Air Shield with effect increased by 3% for every n hero levels, where n is the level of the targeted creature.
Specialty: Animate DeadSpecialty: Animate Dead Animate Dead Spell ThantThant Thant Casts Animate Dead with effect increased by 3% for every n hero levels, where n is the level of the targeted creature.
Specialty: ArchersSpecialty: Archers Archers Creatures ValeskaValeska Valeska ERROR!!!
Specialty: ArcherySpecialty: Archery Archery Secondary Skill OrrinOrrin Orrin
MurdochMurdoch Murdoch
Receives a 5% per level bonus to Archery skill.
Specialty: ArmadillosSpecialty: Armadillos Armadillos Creatures CelestineCelestine Celestine ERROR!!!
Specialty: ArmorerSpecialty: Armorer Armorer Secondary Skill TazarTazar Tazar
NeelaNeela Neela
MephalaMephala Mephala
DuryDury Dury
Receives a 5% per level bonus to Armorer skill.
Specialty: AutomatonsSpecialty: Automatons Automatons Creatures FrederickFrederick Frederick Increases damage dealt by explosion of Automatons and Sentinel Automatons by 5% for every level (rounded up).
Specialty: AutomatonsSpecialty: Automatons Automatons Creatures ToddTodd Todd ERROR!!!
Specialty: BallistaSpecialty: Ballista Ballista War machine PyrePyre Pyre
TorosarTorosar Torosar
RanlooRanloo Ranloo
MortonMorton Morton
GurnissonGurnisson Gurnisson
GerwulfGerwulf Gerwulf
ChristianChristian Christian
ArlachArlach Arlach
Increases the Attack and Defense skills of any Ballista by 5% for every 5 levels (rounded up).
Specialty: BasilisksSpecialty: Basilisks Basilisks Creatures BronBron Bron ERROR!!!
Specialty: BehemothsSpecialty: Behemoths Behemoths Creatures KilgorKilgor Kilgor Behemoths or Ancient Behemoths receive +5 Attack, +5 Defense, and +10 Damage.
Specialty: BeholdersSpecialty: Beholders Beholders Creatures AjitAjit Ajit ERROR!!!
Specialty: Black KnightsSpecialty: Black Knights Black Knights Creatures Haart LichHaart Lich Haart Lich Black Knights or Dread Knights receive +5 Attack, +5 Defense, and +10 Damage.
Specialty: Black KnightsSpecialty: Black Knights Black Knights Creatures TamikaTamika Tamika ERROR!!!
Specialty: BlessSpecialty: Bless Bless Spell AdelaAdela Adela Increases damage of units with Bless effect by 3% for every n hero levels, where n is the level of unit creature.
Specialty: BloodlustSpecialty: Bloodlust Bloodlust Spell InteusInteus Inteus
AshAsh Ash
Casts Bloodlust with effect increased by 3 for 1-2 level creatures, by 2 for 3-4 level creatures, and by 1 for 5-6 level creatures.
Specialty: CannonSpecialty: Cannon Cannon War machine JeremyJeremy Jeremy Increases the Attack and Defense skills of any Cannon by 5% for every 6 levels (rounded up).
Specialty: CavaliersSpecialty: Cavaliers Cavaliers Creatures TyrisTyris Tyris ERROR!!!
Specialty: Chain LightningSpecialty: Chain Lightning Chain Lightning Spell SolmyrSolmyr Solmyr Casts Chain Lightning with damage increased by 3% for every n hero levels, where n is the level of the targeted creature.
Specialty: CloneSpecialty: Clone Clone Spell EovaciusEovacius Eovacius Each battle the first cast of Clone spell summons 2 clones of target unit.
Specialty: Crew MatesSpecialty: Crew Mates Crew Mates Creatures DerekDerek Derek ERROR!!!
Specialty: CrystalSpecialty: Crystal Crystal Resource SephinrothSephinroth Sephinroth
AndalAndal Andal
Increases kingdom's Crystal production by 1 per day.
Specialty: CureSpecialty: Cure Cure Spell UlandUland Uland
AstraAstra Astra
Casts Cure with effect increased by 3% for every n hero levels, where n is the level of the targeted creature.
Specialty: CyclopesSpecialty: Cyclopes Cyclopes Creatures YogYog Yog ERROR!!!
Specialty: Death RippleSpecialty: Death Ripple Death Ripple Spell SeptiennaSeptienna Septienna Casts Death Ripple with damage increased by 3% for every n hero levels, where n is the level of the targeted creature.
Specialty: DemonsSpecialty: Demons Demons Creatures MariusMarius Marius ERROR!!!
Specialty: DendroidsSpecialty: Dendroids Dendroids Creatures RylandRyland Ryland ERROR!!!
Specialty: DevilsSpecialty: Devils Devils Creatures XeronXeron Xeron Devils and Arch Devils receive +4 Attack, +2 Defense, and +1 Speed.
Specialty: DiplomacySpecialty: Diplomacy Diplomacy Secondary Skill MelchiorMelchior Melchior Receives a 5% per level bonus to Diplomacy skill percentage when surrendering.
Specialty: Disrupting RaySpecialty: Disrupting Ray Disrupting Ray Spell AenainAenain Aenain The effect of Disrupting Ray is increased by 2.
Specialty: DragonsSpecialty: Dragons Dragons Creatures MutareMutare Mutare
Mutare DrakeMutare Drake Mutare Drake
All dragons receive +5 Attack, and +5 Defense.
Specialty: DwarvesSpecialty: Dwarves Dwarves Creatures UfretinUfretin Ufretin ERROR!!!
Specialty: Eagle EyeSpecialty: Eagle Eye Eagle Eye Secondary Skill TivaTiva Tiva
SerenaSerena Serena
SanyaSanya Sanya
OrisOris Oris
NimbusNimbus Nimbus
MalcomMalcom Malcom
GeonGeon Geon
Receives a 5% per level bonus to Eagle Eye skill.
Specialty: Earth ElementalsSpecialty: Earth Elementals Earth Elementals Creatures ThunarThunar Thunar
ErdamonErdamon Erdamon
Earth and Magma Elementals receive +2 Attack, +1 Defense, and +5 Damage.
Specialty: EfreetSpecialty: Efreet Efreet Creatures RashkaRashka Rashka ERROR!!!
Specialty: ElvesSpecialty: Elves Elves Creatures IvorIvor Ivor ERROR!!!
Specialty: EnchantersSpecialty: Enchanters Enchanters Upgrade DraconDracon Dracon Can upgrade Monks or Zealots and Magi or Arch Magi to Enchanters .
Specialty: EstatesSpecialty: Estates Estates Secondary Skill Lord HaartLord Haart Lord Haart Receives a 5% per level bonus to Estates skill.
Specialty: Fire MagicSpecialty: Fire Magic Fire Magic Secondary Skill AdrienneAdrienne Adrienne Starts with expert Fire Magic.
Specialty: Fire ElementalsSpecialty: Fire Elementals Fire Elementals Creatures IgnissaIgnissa Ignissa
FiurFiur Fiur
Fire and Energy Elementals receive +1 Attack, +2 Defense, and +2 Damage.
Specialty: Fire WallSpecialty: Fire Wall Fire Wall Spell LunaLuna Luna Damage from Fire Walls is increased by 25%.
Specialty: FireballSpecialty: Fireball Fireball Spell XarfaxXarfax Xarfax
ManfredManfred Manfred
Casts Fireball with damage increased by 3% for every n hero levels, where n is the level of the targeted creature.
Specialty: First AidSpecialty: First Aid First Aid Secondary Skill VerdishVerdish Verdish
RionRion Rion
GemGem Gem
FloribertFloribert Floribert
Receives a 5% per level bonus to First Aid skill.
Specialty: ForgetfulnessSpecialty: Forgetfulness Forgetfulness Spell ZilareZilare Zilare Casts Forgetfulness with double duration.
Specialty: FortuneSpecialty: Fortune Fortune Spell MelodiaMelodia Melodia
DaremythDaremyth Daremyth
Casted by hero, Fortune spell always increases unit`s Luck by 3.
Specialty: FrenzySpecialty: Frenzy Frenzy Spell WrathmontWrathmont Wrathmont Casts Frenzy with Attack bonus increased by 3% for ever n hero levels, where n is the level of the targeted creature.
Specialty: Frost RingSpecialty: Frost Ring Frost Ring Spell AdelaideAdelaide Adelaide Casts Frost Ring with damage increased by 3% for every n hero levels, where n is the level of the targeted creature.
Specialty: GargoylesSpecialty: Gargoyles Gargoyles Creatures PiquedramPiquedram Piquedram ERROR!!!
Specialty: GemsSpecialty: Gems Gems Resource SaurugSaurug Saurug Increases kingdom's Gems production by 1 per day.
Specialty: GeniesSpecialty: Genies Genies Creatures ThaneThane Thane
IonaIona Iona
Specialty: GnollsSpecialty: Gnolls Gnolls Creatures DrakonDrakon Drakon ERROR!!!
Specialty: GoblinsSpecialty: Goblins Goblins Creatures GretchinGretchin Gretchin ERROR!!!
Specialty: GogsSpecialty: Gogs Gogs Creatures CalhCalh Calh ERROR!!!
Specialty: GoldSpecialty: Gold Gold Resource OctaviaOctavia Octavia
NagashNagash Nagash
LeenaLeena Leena
JenovaJenova Jenova
GrindanGrindan Grindan
GelareGelare Gelare
DamaconDamacon Damacon
ClaviusClavius Clavius
CaitlinCaitlin Caitlin
BertramBertram Bertram
AineAine Aine
Increases kingdom's income by 350 gold per day.
Specialty: GolemsSpecialty: Golems Golems Creatures JosephineJosephine Josephine ERROR!!!
Specialty: GorgonsSpecialty: Gorgons Gorgons Creatures AlkinAlkin Alkin ERROR!!!
Specialty: GriffinsSpecialty: Griffins Griffins Creatures EdricEdric Edric ERROR!!!
Specialty: GunslingersSpecialty: Gunslingers Gunslingers Creatures TancredTancred Tancred ERROR!!!
Specialty: HalflingsSpecialty: Halflings Halflings Creatures HenriettaHenrietta Henrietta ERROR!!!
Specialty: HarpiesSpecialty: Harpies Harpies Creatures LoreleiLorelei Lorelei ERROR!!!
Specialty: HasteSpecialty: Haste Haste Spell TerekTerek Terek
CyraCyra Cyra
BrissaBrissa Brissa
Casts Haste with effect increased by 3 for 1-2 level creatures, by 2 for 3-4 level creatures, and by 1 for 5-6 level creatures.
Specialty: Hell HoundsSpecialty: Hell Hounds Hell Hounds Creatures FionaFiona Fiona ERROR!!!
Specialty: HypnotizeSpecialty: Hypnotize Hypnotize Spell AstralAstral Astral Casts Hypnotize with effect increased by 3% for every n hero levels, where n is the level of the targeted creature.
Specialty: Ice BoltSpecialty: Ice Bolt Ice Bolt Spell AlagarAlagar Alagar Casts Ice Bolt with damage increased by 3% for every n hero levels, where n is the level of the targeted creature.
Specialty: ImpsSpecialty: Imps Imps Creatures IgnatiusIgnatius Ignatius ERROR!!!
Specialty: InfernoSpecialty: Inferno Inferno Spell XyronXyron Xyron Casts Inferno with damage increased by 3% for every n hero levels, where n is the level of the targeted creature.
Specialty: IntelligenceSpecialty: Intelligence Intelligence Secondary Skill EllesharElleshar Elleshar
AydenAyden Ayden
AndraAndra Andra
Receives a 5% per level bonus to Intelligence skill.
Specialty: InterferenceSpecialty: Interference Interference Secondary Skill GiselleGiselle Giselle Receives a 5% per level bonus to Interference skill.
Specialty: Land MineSpecialty: Land Mine Land Mine Spell VictoriaVictoria Victoria Casts Land Mine with damage increased by 3% for every n hero levels, where n is the level of the targeted creature.
Specialty: LearningSpecialty: Learning Learning Secondary Skill KinkeriaKinkeria Kinkeria Learning skill percentage is doubled.
Specialty: LichesSpecialty: Liches Liches Creatures MoandorMoandor Moandor ERROR!!!
Specialty: Lightning BoltSpecialty: Lightning Bolt Lightning Bolt Spell ZiphZiph Ziph Casts Lightning Bolt with damage increased by 3% for every n hero levels, where n is the level of the targeted creature.
Specialty: LizardmenSpecialty: Lizardmen Lizardmen Creatures WystanWystan Wystan ERROR!!!
Specialty: LogisticsSpecialty: Logistics Logistics Secondary Skill KyrreKyrre Kyrre
GunnarGunnar Gunnar
DessaDessa Dessa
Receives a 5% per level bonus to Logistics skill.
Specialty: MagiSpecialty: Magi Magi Creatures TheodorusTheodorus Theodorus ERROR!!!
Specialty: Magic ArrowSpecialty: Magic Arrow Magic Arrow Spell CieleCiele Ciele When cast, Magic Arrow damage is increased 50%.
Specialty: ManticoresSpecialty: Manticores Manticores Creatures SyncaSynca Synca ERROR!!!
Specialty: MechanicsSpecialty: Mechanics Mechanics Creatures SamSam Sam ERROR!!!
Specialty: MercurySpecialty: Mercury Mercury Resource RissaRissa Rissa Increases kingdom's Mercury production by 1 per day.
Specialty: Meteor ShowerSpecialty: Meteor Shower Meteor Shower Spell DeemerDeemer Deemer
AislinnAislinn Aislinn
Casts Meteor Shower with damage increased by 3% for every n hero levels, where n is the level of the targeted creature.
Specialty: MinotaursSpecialty: Minotaurs Minotaurs Creatures DaceDace Dace ERROR!!!
Specialty: MonksSpecialty: Monks Monks Creatures InghamIngham Ingham ERROR!!!
Specialty: MysticismSpecialty: Mysticism Mysticism Secondary Skill RosicRosic Rosic
JaegarJaegar Jaegar
HalonHalon Halon
AxsisAxsis Axsis
Receives a 5% per level bonus to Mysticism skill.
Specialty: NagasSpecialty: Nagas Nagas Creatures FafnerFafner Fafner ERROR!!!
Specialty: NavigationSpecialty: Navigation Navigation Secondary Skill VoyVoy Voy
SylviaSylvia Sylvia
ElmoreElmore Elmore
Receives a 5% per level bonus to the basic sea movement.
Specialty: NecromancySpecialty: Necromancy Necromancy Secondary Skill VidominaVidomina Vidomina
IsraIsra Isra
Receives a 5% per level bonus to Necromancy skill.
Specialty: NixSpecialty: Nix Nix Creatures TarkTark Tark ERROR!!!
Specialty: NymphsSpecialty: Nymphs Nymphs Creatures CassiopeiaCassiopeia Cassiopeia ERROR!!!
Specialty: OffenseSpecialty: Offense Offense Secondary Skill TavinTavin Tavin
GundulaGundula Gundula
Crag HackCrag Hack Crag Hack
CorkesCorkes Corkes
Receives a 5% per level bonus to Offense skill.
Specialty: OgresSpecialty: Ogres Ogres Creatures VeyVey Vey
KrellionKrellion Krellion
BoragusBoragus Boragus
Specialty: OrcsSpecialty: Orcs Orcs Creatures JabarkasJabarkas Jabarkas ERROR!!!
Specialty: PegasiSpecialty: Pegasi Pegasi Creatures AerisAeris Aeris ERROR!!!
Specialty: PiratesSpecialty: Pirates Pirates Creatures AnabelAnabel Anabel ERROR!!!
Specialty: Pit FiendsSpecialty: Pit Fiends Pit Fiends Creatures NymusNymus Nymus ERROR!!!
Specialty: PrayerSpecialty: Prayer Prayer Spell LoynisLoynis Loynis Casts Prayer with effect increased by 3 for 1-2 level creatures, by 2 for 3-4 level creatures, and by 1 for 5-6 level creatures.
Specialty: PrecisionSpecialty: Precision Precision Spell ZubinZubin Zubin Casts Precision with effect increased by 3 for 1-2 level creatures, by 2 for 3-4 level creatures, and by 1 for 5-6 level creatures.
Specialty: Psychic ElementalsSpecialty: Psychic Elementals Psychic Elementals Creatures PasisPasis Pasis
MonereMonere Monere
Psychic and Magic Elementals receive +3 Attack, and +3 Defense.
Specialty: ResistanceSpecialty: Resistance Resistance Secondary Skill ThorgrimThorgrim Thorgrim Receives a 5% per level bonus to Resistance skill.
Specialty: ResurrectionSpecialty: Resurrection Resurrection Spell JedditeJeddite Jeddite
AlamarAlamar Alamar
Casts Resurrection with effect increased by 3% for every n hero levels, where n is the level of the targeted creature.
Specialty: RocsSpecialty: Rocs Rocs Creatures ShivaShiva Shiva ERROR!!!
Specialty: SandwormsSpecialty: Sandworms Sandworms Creatures AgarAgar Agar ERROR!!!
Specialty: ScoutingSpecialty: Scouting Scouting Secondary Skill WynonaWynona Wynona
MiriamMiriam Miriam
BeatriceBeatrice Beatrice
Increases the scouting range by 1 every 6 levels.
Specialty: Sea DogsSpecialty: Sea Dogs Sea Dogs Upgrade BidleyBidley Bidley Can upgrade Pirates and Corsairs to Sea Dogs .
Specialty: Sea WitchesSpecialty: Sea Witches Sea Witches Creatures CasmetraCasmetra Casmetra ERROR!!!
Specialty: Serpent FliesSpecialty: Serpent Flies Serpent Flies Creatures KorbacKorbac Korbac ERROR!!!
Specialty: SharpshootersSpecialty: Sharpshooters Sharpshooters Upgrade GeluGelu Gelu Can upgrade Archers or Marksmen and Wood Elves or Grand Elves to Sharpshooters .
Specialty: SkeletonsSpecialty: Skeletons Skeletons Creatures GalthranGalthran Galthran ERROR!!!
Specialty: SlayerSpecialty: Slayer Slayer Spell CoroniusCoronius Coronius
Specialty: SorcerySpecialty: Sorcery Sorcery Secondary Skill ZydarZydar Zydar
StygStyg Styg
SpintSpint Spint
SandroSandro Sandro
MalekithMalekith Malekith
GirdGird Gird
Receives a 5% per level bonus to Sorcery skill.
Specialty: SpeedSpecialty: Speed Speed Speed Sir MullichSir Mullich Sir Mullich All creatures receive +2 speed.
Specialty: Stone SkinSpecialty: Stone Skin Stone Skin Spell XsiXsi Xsi
MeristMerist Merist
LabethaLabetha Labetha
DarkstornDarkstorn Darkstorn
Casts Stone Skin with effect increased by 3 for 1-2 level creatures, by 2 for 3-4 level creatures, and by 1 for 5-6 level creatures.
Specialty: StormbirdsSpecialty: Stormbirds Stormbirds Creatures IllorIllor Illor ERROR!!!
Specialty: SulfurSpecialty: Sulfur Sulfur Resource CalidCalid Calid Increases kingdom's Sulfur production by 1 per day.
Specialty: SwordsmenSpecialty: Swordsmen Swordsmen Creatures SorshaSorsha Sorsha
RolandRoland Roland
CatherineCatherine Catherine
Specialty: TroglodytesSpecialty: Troglodytes Troglodytes Creatures ShaktiShakti Shakti ERROR!!!
Specialty: UnicornsSpecialty: Unicorns Unicorns Creatures ClancyClancy Clancy ERROR!!!
Specialty: VampiresSpecialty: Vampires Vampires Creatures VokialVokial Vokial ERROR!!!
Specialty: Walking DeadSpecialty: Walking Dead Walking Dead Creatures StrakerStraker Straker ERROR!!!
Specialty: Water ElementalsSpecialty: Water Elementals Water Elementals Creatures LacusLacus Lacus
KaltKalt Kalt
Water and Ice Elementals receive +2 Attack.
Specialty: WeaknessSpecialty: Weakness Weakness Spell OlemaOlema Olema
MirlandaMirlanda Mirlanda
EanswytheEanswythe Eanswythe
CuthbertCuthbert Cuthbert
Casts Weakness with effect increased by 3 for 1-2 level creatures, by 2 for 3-4 level creatures, and by 1 for 5-6 level creatures.
Specialty: WightsSpecialty: Wights Wights Creatures CharnaCharna Charna ERROR!!!
Specialty: Wolf RidersSpecialty: Wolf Riders Wolf Riders Creatures TyraxorTyraxor Tyraxor ERROR!!!
Specialty: WyvernsSpecialty: Wyverns Wyverns Creatures BroghildBroghild Broghild ERROR!!!