Restoration of Erathia Manual Page 10
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Victory/Loss Conditions
Usually, you can win a scenario by taking all enemy castles and defeating all enemy heroes. Some
scenarios have special victory conditions you can complete to win. You lose a scenario if you control no
towns when your last hero is defeated. Some scenarios have additional loss conditions.
Special Victory Conditions
Acquire a Specific Artifact
You must find a specific artifact. Win by placing the
artifact in one of your heroes' backpacks.
Accumulate Creatures
Your kingdom must acquire X number of creatures.
Accumulate Resources
Your kingdom must acquire X amount of a specific resource.
Upgrade a Specific Town
The hall and castle of a given town must be upgraded to a
specified level.
Build a Grail Building
You must find the Grail and build a grail building in one of
your towns.
Defeat a Specific Hero
You must defeat a specified hero.
Capture a Specific Town
You must occupy a specified town.
Defeat a Specific Creature
You must defeat a specified wandering monster.
Flag All Creature Generators
You must control all the creature generators on the map.
Flag All Mines
You must control all the mines on the map.
Transport a Specific Artifact
You must acquire a specific artifact and transport it to a
specified town.
Special Loss Conditions
Lose a Specific Hero
You lose if the specified hero is defeated.
Lose a Specific Town
You lose if the specified town is occupied by an enemy.
Time Limit
You lose if you have not won the scenario within the
specified number of days.