Deus Ex Machina

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Horn of the Abyss Only available when the unofficial expansion, Horn of the Abyss, is installed.
1 - Restoration of Erathia Restoration of Erathia 1 - Restoration of Erathia
1. Homecoming
2. Guardian Angels
3. Griffin Cliff
1. A Devilish Plan
2. Groundbreaking
3. Steadwick's Fall
1. Borderlands
2. Gold Rush
3. Greed
1. Steadwick's Liberation
2. Deal With the Devil
3. Neutral Affairs
4. Tunnels and Troglodytes
1. A Gryphon's Heart
2. Season of Harvest
3. Corporeal Punishment
4. From Day to Night
1. Safe Passage
2. United Front
3. For King and Country
1. The Grail
2. The Road Home
3. Independence
2 - Armageddon's Blade Armageddon's Blade 2 - Armageddon's Blade
1. Catherine's Charge
2. Shadows of the Forest
3. Seeking Armageddon
4. Maker of Sorrows
5. Return of the King
6. A Blade in the Back
7. To Kill A Hero
8. Oblivion's Edge
1. Culling the Weak
2. Savaging the Scavengers
3. Blood of the Dragon Father
4. Blood Thirsty
1. Crystal Dragons
2. Rust Dragons
3. Faerie Dragons
4. Azure Dragons
1. Razor Claw
2. Taming of the Wild
3. Clan War
4. For the Throne
1. Farming Towns
2. March of the Undead
3. Burning of Tatalia
1. Lost at Sea
2. Their End of the Bargain
3. Here There Be Pirates
4. Hurry Up and Wait
3 - Shadow of Death Shadow of Death 3 - Shadow of Death
1. Clearing the Border
2. After the Amulet
3. Retrieving the Cowl
4. Driving for the Boots
1. Graduation Exercise
2. Cutthroats
3. Valley of the Dragon Lords
4. A Thief in the Night
1. Bashing Skulls
2. Black Sheep
3. A Cage in the Hand
4. Grave Robber
1. On the Run
2. The Meeting
3. A Tough Start
4. Falor and Terwen
5. Returning to Bracada
1. Target
2. Master
3. Finneas Vilmar
4. Duke Alarice
1. Harvest
2. Gathering the Legion
3. Search for a Killer
4. Final Peace
5. Secrets Revealed
6. Agents of Vengeance
7. Wrath of Sandro
8. Invasion
9. To Strive, To Seek
10. Barbarian Brothers
11. Union
12. Fall of Sandro
1. Poison Fit for a King
2. To Build a Tunnel
3. Kreegan Alliance
4. With Blinders On
4 - Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss 4 - Horn of the Abyss
1. Pirates and Palms
2. Master of the Island
3. Devil Sunrise
1. Prisoner of Doom
2. Evenmorn
3. The Shores of Hell
4. The Freedom of the Nix
5. In Search of the Horn
6. Treachery
1. Frontier
2. Heart of Water
3. Horn of the Abyss
4. All Hands on Board!
1. World on Fire
2. Beyond the Horizon
3. Dead or Alive
4. Tomb Raiders
5. Deus Ex Machina
6. Tarred and Feathered
7. New Order
8. Homecoming
⏵ All In
1. A Friendly Visit
2. The Life Guard
3. The Tree Killer
4. Knee-Deep In The Undead
5. Chasing the Dream
5 - Heroes Chronicles Heroes Chronicles 5 - Heroes Chronicles
1. A Barbarian King
2. The Criminal King
3. Ultimatum
4. The War for the Mudlands
5. Siege of the Wallpeaks
6. Trapped!
7. Slash and Burn
8. Steelhorn
1. Cerberus Gate
2. The Boatman
3. Truth Within Nightmares
4. Twisted Tunnels
5. Jorm's Ambush
6. Old Wounds
7. The Queen's Command
8. Never Deal with a Demon
1. The Trouble with Magic
2. Walking on Clouds
3. Don't Drink the Water
4. Hard Place
5. The Secret in the Flames
6. The Magic that Binds
7. Birds of Fire
8. Masters of the Elements
1. The Dragontalker
2. Dragon's Blood
3. The Dragon Mothers
4. Dragons of Rust
5. Distrust
6. Dragons of Gossamer Wings
7. Dragons of Deepest Blue
8. Clash of the Dragons
1. A Distant Cry
2. Senseless Destruction
3. The World Within
4. The Roots of Life
5. Rebirth
1. The Endless Sands
2. The Nameless Land
3. The Sparkling Bridge
4. The Fiery Moon
5. Vorr, the Insane
1. Hopewielder
2. The First Law
3. By Royal Decree
4. The King's Son
5. The Ransom
6. Beyond the Borders
7. Naming a Nation
8. The First Tatalian War
1. Tarnum the Overlord
2. The Land of the Vori
3. A New Enemy
4. A New Ally
5. The Capture
6. Tunnels of Ice
7. The Barbarian's Wife
8. The Protectors of the Sword
The artifact recovered from the ancient tomb helped develop a project for a new type of weapon. The artificers Todd and Bertram are the main horses in the race for a working model of battle gear that could turn the tide of battle.
Deus Ex Machina
Size 2 (72×72) - M
Underground enabled
Scenario Description
The artificers Todd and Bertram crave to create the first Dreadnought. The plan of Todd is to immediately use the engineering resources, while Bertram prioritizes economy. To win the scenario, outride your opponent. The level of heroes is unlimited.
Victory Condition
Accumulate Creatures (1 Dreadnought).
Loss Condition
Opponent fulfills victory condition or Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
Allies: BlueOrange
Enemies: 1: TanPink
Choose a bonus
Expert / Queen
Carried to next scenario
Level cap

Note: This campaign scenario is one of two that you may choose the side you play for (Greed and Deus Ex Machina).

Note: Bertram's Shop starts with a Town Hall, Marketplace, Mage Guild (Level 1), Bank, and Halfling Adobe; while Todd's Shop starts with only a Blacksmith and Foundry. The victory condition is specifically to have at least one Dreadnought; however you are allowed to build the upgraded Gantry. This means that you can build Juggernauts and they will not trigger the end of the map, allowing you to play with them against the very tough enemy heroes that get released in the third month.

Prologue[edit | hide | hide all]


Todd Todd: The golden proportion. The gauge of all the mechanisms. No artificer has managed to calculate it yet; you can only feel it as you take off the excess metal, move after move, until your entire being begins chanting: here it comes, the perfection! Then you inevitably find a defect in other part, and so it goes day after day, year after year… I nearly lost my mind in this endless cycle, but as I was coming to the brink, someone sent me this scheme. I have no idea what sort of imperfection it holds. Maybe I don’t have the right knowledge. However, one thing I do know for sure; no one has ever come closer to bringing such a thing to life than me.


Bertram Bertram: Ah, if only the scientists knew how much their theories cost... If they ever tried to plan the purchases, the hiring, the rent in advance, saving themselves the trouble of paying hundredfold in rush fees. So many ambitious projects succumbed to wasted resources before my eyes! And many a projct did I save, lending the creators a hand in the form of bias-free expertise, and, of course, some coin. No, I dare not call myself the biggest driver of progress; still, there's only one dwarf in Burton who can pull off such a monumental project.

Scenario[edit | hide]

Timed events[edit | hide]

Day Title Message
Day 1 At (AI):
AI - minus res
(Repeats every 1 days)
Effect: -500 Wood Wood, -500 Ore Ore, -500 Mercury Mercury, -500 Sulfur Sulfur, -500 Crystal Crystal, -500 Gem Gems
Day 1 At Blue:
Todd Intro
Todd Todd: I have long gotten my name inked into history. Sure, there was a time back in the day when that dwarf Bertram kept appropriating my inventions and profiting from them, despite having put no effort into them, save for a handful of gold. Much water has passed under the bridge since. Today, you’d scarcely find one in Jadame who hasn't heard of my self-propelled steam engines, the Automatons! Ol’ Redbeard may insinuate that I merely took apart and put back together what Frederick had done before me all he wants... Nonsense, all of it! Granted, I indeed got the prototypes from Frederick, but, for crying out loud, they are based on a theory developed a good two centuries ago by our common ancestor! And what a great, undeservedly forgotten man he was—but ended up getting blotted out of the Bracadian annals. Only his diary, signed with the enigmatic initials—D.P., and a portrait, which I keep in a special place in my workshop, have survived. Frederick proposed the powerplant solution, but the mechatronics, the strength calculations, the control equipment, the unique hydraulic logic machine—that was all me!

It is now time to prove once and for all to that peddler, and to all of Jadame—no, to the whole world—that talent can't be bought! Either you have it, or your name is Bertram. I've been waiting for this for a long time, too long. Here was my chance to finally get even with that wheeler-dealer for his patronizing tone and vile irony; tread him down and humiliate him so that everyone can see his shame! My invaluable experience as an inventor, my golden hands—and a little elbow grease, but that's up to Sam; I'll admit she's not a bad mechanic.... All we have to do is to perfect what’d been brewing in my head for so many years. Now that’ll be a proper snub on the nose for this so-called "Guild," only good for snatching honest bread out of the hands of humble geniuses like me.

Day 1 At Orange:
Bertram Intro
Bertram Bertram: Lamp oil that burns brighter than any candle—just a cup of it will keep your home lit all night. Rope woven from the finest unicorn hair, with a core of pure spider silk, that can keep even a black dragon at bay. Bombs that can tear up rock in your mines or turn hordes of your enemies into so much mush. You want it? It’s all yours, my friend. As are hundreds of other items offered by the Merchant Guild of Alvar! I was wealthy and successful in business back in Antagarich, but I had not the slightest idea of the possibilities membership in such a powerful company offered. Our artificers here wouldn't have been doing half as well if it hadn't been for the Merchant Guild. It was I who reached an agreement with its representatives, and they now cover the supply of rare materials and reagents from all over Jadame. This deal gave me a seat and a vote on the Captain-Director Council.

I've always said it, and I'm ready to reiterate it again: budget planning is key to any inventor's work, and at least half of his success depends on it. Now consider Todd's recent accomplishments: almost all credit for them should go to those who have taken it upon themselves to fill out the boring paperwork, the uninterrupted supply of materials, and the outfitting of his shops. This puerile, careless… moth in a man's body… he flew down to Burton and somehow persuaded his kinsman that he could run a manufactory! Had I not long known Frederick myself, and had I not read in his eyes the silent plea to help the old airhead out... Look at him now: he has just barely made something out of himself, and makes it look like he doesn’t need the Guild anymore! Like we’re now irrelevant, only remembered of when he decides to whine some more about the interest rates! Highway robbery, he dares to call it! Little does he know that our rate accounts for dozens of criteria and uses formulas several times longer than the most complex thing he had ever been able to write in his entire life! You know what, buddy? That’s it. I've got a waiting room full of guys like you right now. Each one smarter and quicker than the last. Where would you be with your steam-spitting stilt-walkers, hadn't I sneaked three of my best process engineers onto your team? Men I invested ten years of my life into, hammering the understanding of how a real factory works into their heads? You would still be out there, polishing and grinding every rivet and nut, for you were never capable of stopping and soberly assessing the prospects of what you do. The artificer is just a cogwheel in the machine, and I can easily find one whose teeth won’t strip. Money is not of concern, for taking an ingrate down a notch is priceless. What can he do without us backing him? Make people laugh as his newest contraption stumbles a few steps, cuts a loud one and falls apart?! Meanwhile, we the Guild can guarantee you: however challenging the order, it will be completed on time and to the highest standard!

Day 2 Todd and Bertram - Part I Todd was giving his newest invention a trial. With each new run, the mechanism worked better and better. In his dreams, he was already riding the mechanical beast away, to some place where wooded mountains meet the blue sky. Ah, if only he ever was able to complete just one device in its entirety! Not just another peculiar buzzing motor with legs, but a proper... he had long ago come up with a word for his dream machine: a sentinel, one of his very own design!

As Todd was alone with his thoughts, the workshop’s owner, Bertram, was sitting at a desk in the corner, tallying up the books and jingling coins.

Todd shook off his dreamy attitude and spoke, as if to no one in particular: “Have you, just once in our life, created anything that you could be truly proud of?”

The dwarf wrinkled his nose and silently went on about his thing.

“No, listen to me, you paper worm; have you ever dreamed of an alloy that makes chisels stronger than granite; of a perfect gear tooth shape that just works, without any backlash or seizure; of a tool whose touch instantly vaporizes the part of a metal workpiece you want gone? Ever begged the tip of a hair-thing drill bit not to break when failure would mean a year's work wasted?”

The dwarf grimaced. He was almost done counting the proceeds.

“Hey you old ginger mop, do you know the feeling when the last roughness in your mechanism rubs together, making it sing like a magic cricket from the forests of AvLee? Of welding a solid seam in two passes where no one else would have used less than five!”

The dwarf was done counting the money. Down to the last coin. He locked the pouch in the drawer, looked up and asked:

“Got any idea why no one likes us dwarves?”

Todd replied:

“‘Cause you're fat, boring, earthbound!”

- ...and greedy," Todd added and turned to the window. Something glistened on his cheek.

Bertram stroked a curl of intricate carving with his finger and whistled. The desk made a long, rattling sound and stomped off into the far room, with smoke billowing out of the inkwell. The dwarf pulled his glasses down to the tip of his nose and eyed Todd up. The young inventor sighed heavily and waddled over to the drawing board.

Day 2 Todd and Bertram - Part II It had been decades since. Todd no longer worked for Bertram; he had moved back to his homeland of Bracada. He struggled to find any like-minded alchemists there, however, and continued his research alone. He lived a life of modesty, but his wants were meager, and he was able to cover the cost of tools and materials by occasionally selling amusing mechanical toys to the well-to-do and aristocrats. He was ignorant, however, of the fact that the very same dwarf was behind advertising his creations. Bertram no longer had hope for his former protege to ever master the art of handling serious projects, yet still he was loath to let him out of sight—after all, Todd’s head was positively brimming with invaluable insights. Besides, somewhere in the back of his mind, he retained a semblance of warm regard for the man who had once come to his workshop as a skinny, doltish teenager. Todd eagerly studied everything the dwarf had to offer before coming to believe that he had left his mentor far behind and that it was time for him to leave this golden cage. Cage or not, it was golden indeed; Bertram didn't pay Todd much in terms of money, but the apprentice never wanted for anything, and not even the smallest request of his was ever refused, provided he could explain how it would benefit the work. Precisely this last point was, however, often the root of the problem: Todd felt the mechanisms like his own gut, but to explain the essence of this or that achieved or supposed effect clearly and consistently? That was beyond him. Humans... so hurried, so unreliable, so fickle, and their lifespans so short. Todd was graying already, and his head trembled visibly as he thought, while Bertram was still in the prime of his dwarven years. Still, the years seemed to have only reinforced their desire to prove something to each other.

The former companions had parted ways long ago but eventually ran into each other again—in Burton. One had grown used to thinking that he was capable of anything and that all he needed was to let his thought fly free, so it would return stronger and find material embodiment. The other believed that a solid base was primary; in his opinion, with work well organized from the outset, success would surely follow, however hard the job. Little did they know that there was also a third person in this equation—he, however, chose to remain in the shadows for the time being. He put himself on the other side of the equal sign; the entire sum of efforts by the former two was meant to go to him.

Day 6 Minotaurs Burton was once founded near an ore mine, a scarce luxury in the region, but now its reserves are almost depleted. The wastelands are not called the wastelands for nothing: they are poor in resources, and we now must trade for them, paying with our factories’ products. Most of them go to cover internal needs, as development swallows rolled metal, castings and everything else like a bottomless pit, leaving only meager crumbs of the total output to be traded. Of course, customers are willing to pay for them very dearly, but construction on this scale takes a lot of resources. And by that I mean a whole lot. And then there are the surprise attacks on our supply trains by minotaurs and other rabble. The minotaurs of Jadame had never previously been overtly hostile to their new neighbors; they seemed to be content with keeping to their underground labyrinths, only ever coming to the surface out of some dire need.
Whatever the reason for these depredations, the timing couldn’t have been worse; the competition of the century is at risk!
Day 14 Kastore and Frederick Today is a big day. Sure, when deadlines are tight, every hour counts, but this day is truly exceptional, so I had no choice but to halt the work for a bit. We had to get prepared and clean up at least a little bit, so as to avoid making asses out of ourselves with the distinguished guest watching. Frederick arrived at my workshop with his new acquaintance, Kastore, the king of faraway Deyja, for a joint inspection. I had always imagined that kings were all about indulging in luxury and slapping their servants around; imagine my surprise when I learned that even before the competition began, Kastore had been personally involved in research into the artifact Henrietta had brought back from the Tomb and developing the beam generator prototype. I have no idea how, but this warlock seems to know way more about technology and process physics than all of us put together!

So it must be true what they say: these sorcerers make a deal with the devil to gain their knowledge. Or the devils... Frederick had shared with me some observations he'd made while examining the odd celestial bodies these uninvited guests had arrived here on. Ah, never mind that. Today, the two men looked around my workshop, checked out the blueprints, and entered into an argument. Once done with that, they turned their attention to me, and Frederick was the first to speak. He was clearly pleased by the pace at which the construction was progressing; invested as usual, he asked me countless questions about the minutiae and my plans for the future. Kastore, however, was the complete opposite. Nary a muscle moving on his face, he just crossed out a few formulas in the calculations and values on the drawings, filling in others instead. Then, with the same deadpan expression, he inquired whether I needed any new materials or tools, commented that our work processes dearly needed adjusting, and left. By evening, I learned from my trusted connections in Burton that I had passed the inspection, but so did my rival. The entire town’s workflow was to be reorganized, with Kastore leading the project personally.

Day 22 At Blue:
Todd Ore Hint
Todd Todd: It was still dark when wagons appeared outside Bertram's Shop. Of course they did! Those were dark elves, Bertram's "colleagues" in the Merchant Guild. Probably delivering another shipment of rare materials.

If only things were going as smoothly for me! The first few days of work on the gantry design I'd invented went as well as could be expected. Then, I realized that the intended plan might call for way too much metal. Alas, our smelters are not operating at full capacity, as Burton's mines are almost depleted. Sure, raw materials can always be gotten on the market, but the greedy merchants charge an arm and a leg. Damn elves!

I was walking back to my shop when one of the mechanics called out to me.

Todd!”, he shouted. "We found out something about the minotaurs that attacked the mining camp. They came from the caves nearby. And that’s what’s weird about it... See, Balthazar's minotaurs had left those caves a long time ago—try decades. So I'm guessing the attacks aren't their doing.

“Maybe it's some bandits or renegades?”, I suggested, "Wait… What were you saying about the caves?”

“Those are in fact old mines of the Dark Dwarves, the Minotaurs’ longtime enemies. They are known to have once been very rich in iron ore, rock crystal and other minerals. Half a century ago, the Dark Dwarves kicked the horned ones out of there and have since been sitting on those priceless materials like a dog in a manger.

I pondered.

“Odd indeed. How did the Minotaurs end up there again, then? It’s worth a thought... Is there much ore left there? Maybe that's where we could get the materials to build the gantry.”

I gave the mechanic a smack on the shoulder and went to my workshop, laid out the drawings on the table and plunged into reflection.

Day 22 At Orange:
Bertram Ore Hint
Bertram Bertram: I had to get up early, for a caravan of Dark Elves from Ravenshore was arriving in the morning! My colleagues in the Merchant Guild were delighted to treat me to regular supplies of select raw materials for my experiments... for a price, of course.

...I knew something had gone wrong the moment I saw the empty wagons. Caravans were usually accompanied by guards, but this time there were none around. Moreover, the wagons themselves were suspiciously few.

“What happened?”, I finally implored one of the merchants.

“I mean, isn’t it kind of obvious? We got jumped by ogres and minotaurs on our way here, that’s what happened! Their leader, Rumeon, demanded that we give over the goods immediately. We barely made it out alive.”

What bother! Things weren’t going in accordance with my plans. The gantry design I had come up with called for a great deal of construction materials, primarily metals, including rare alloying additives such as stalt and kergar, rare commodities on the market.

On my way back to my workshop I met one of the gunslingers I had hired to guard the place.

Jangaard," I called out to him, "Know anything about a Rumeon? It seems he’s the bandit who's been robbing our merchants.”

The mercenary grinned.

“Damn right I know about him, but not from here. From back in Antagarich. That minotaur was a mercenary in service of Nighon during the war with Erathia, before switching over to Deyja.”

Deyja, you say?”

I pondered. Some thought was bothering me.

“Never mind, though. Have you found out anything about the other minotaurs?”

“I've been watching those bandits lately. They seem to be crawling out of the old Dark Dwarf mines. I hear there's still a bunch of precious stuff to be had down there. Those were the minotaurs’ mines before the dwarves, but that was a long time ago... we weren't even in Jadame then.”

I lit a pipe and began thinking. Is there much iron ore left there? Maybe that's where we should look for the materials to build the gantry.

I retired to my shop, pulled out the plans, and plunged deep into thought.

Day 50 At Blue:
Todd Deadline Warning (311-317)
Todd Todd: Things are going from bad to worse. My sources close to Bertram report that his first gantry is nearing completion and that he is about to begin assembling the first dreadnought.

I have only a few days left. I must put everything I have in me on the line, or it will all be just a big waste.

Day 50 At Orange:
Bertram Deadline Warning (311-317)
Bertram Bertram: Things are going from bad to worse. Jangaard’s been watching Todd's Shop lately, and he reports that my rival’s first gantry is nearing completion. He is almost ready to begin assembling the first dreadnought.

I have only a few days left. It's time to switch my shops to 24-hour operation and increase overtime pay, or all the great work I’ve done will be for naught.

Rumors[edit | hide]

Title Message
Charles Quixote Clue In the north, they say, a war has broken out between dragons and Erathian dragonslayers. Also, another pack of winged beasts has moved to our lands.
Garrote Gorge The dragons of Jadame are more unified than their relatives elsewhere. They have built a mighty society in the mountains north of Ravage Roaming.
Gunslingers Gunslingers built their fort to the south.
Kastore Clue I heard that one of the villages was attacked by ogres and minotaurs. But they have long been at war with each other; what made them unite against us all of a sudden?
Monsters Warlocks and monsters have settled in the local caves, but right now it’s impossible to wipe them out completely.
Ogre Robbers Ogres have sacked a trading post north of here. I wonder if there's anything left there?
Sandro and Thant come to power More and more necromancers have been emerging around here recently. It is said that they were expelled from the Guild after its new leaders came to power.
Strange Minotaurs Lately, I’ve been hearing more and more often about minotaurs raiding from dungeons. How odd. Balthazar's minotaurs never attacked us. Perhaps these ones came from other lands?
Time of Wonders Every artificer dreams of creating machines like those from the Time of Wonders before the Silence. At least some semblance of that dream now seems to be coming true.

Objects[edit | hide]

Events[edit | hide]

Location Message
25, 37, 0

28, 40, 0

Note: ONLY applies to HUMAN Blue player.

You crooked challenger! You really think you can sneak into my workshop and claim my inventions just like that? Guards, get him!

Guardians: 150 Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunters, 2400 Sentinel Automaton Sentinel Automatons

40, 40, 0

43, 36, 0

Note: ONLY applies to HUMAN Orange player.

You crooked challenger! You really think you can sneak into my workshop and claim my inventions just like that? Guards, get him!

Guardians: 150 Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunters, 2400 Sentinel Automaton Sentinel Automatons

44, 36, 0 Note: ONLY applies to AI Blue player.

Allied AI bonus

Contents: +5  Attack skill, +5  Defense skill, +2  Knowledge skill, +2  Power skill

24, 37, 0 Note: ONLY applies to AI Orange player.

Allied AI bonus

Contents: +5  Attack skill, +5  Defense skill, +2  Knowledge skill, +2  Power skill

Subterranean Note: ONLY applies to AI Pink player.

Slow pink AI

Contents: -500 Movement Movement points

Towns[edit | hide]

Location Player Type Name
40, 34, 0 Blue Factory Todd's Shop
27, 35, 0 Orange Factory Bertram's Shop
Inaccessible towns[edit | hide]
Location Player Type Name
32, 43, 1 Tan Dungeon -
0, 0, 1 Pink Dungeon -
Town timed events[edit | hide]
Day Title Message
Day 3 At Blue Todd's Shop:
113 - Tavern
Todd Todd: As production grows, so does the amount of work required, which means that I can't do it alone anymore. It's time to consider... whatchamacallit... delegation, that’s the word. A tavern opened its doors near my shop; perfect timing, too. It’ll supply me with both the crafty men I need to explore the wastelands and the toilers who will haul iron beams instead of myself. I'm not a man who goes about his job with kid gloves, unlike some… but I've only got one pair of these skillful hands. If only... Nah, forget about that. Our competition is being closely watched: a bribed man at the rival's construction site will be exposed instantly, and my investment will go up the chimney like black smoke from burning blueprints. There must be a better use for these funds.

Todd's Shop has built a Tavern.

Effect: Tavern
Day 3 At Orange Bertram's Shop:
113 - Tavern
Bertram Bertram: As production grows, so does the amount of work required, which means that I can't do it alone anymore. It's time to get more personnel. A tavern opened its doors near my shop; perfect timing, too. It’ll supply me with both the crafty men I need to explore the wastelands and the toilers to haul the heavy iron beams wherever they need to go. If only... Nah, forget about that. Our competition is being closely watched: a bribed man at the rival's construction site will be exposed instantly, and my investment will go up the chimney like black smoke from burning securities. There must be a better use for these funds.

Bertram's Shop has built a Tavern.

Effect: Tavern
Day 5 At BlueOrange (AI):
115 - Town Hall
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Town Hall.
Effect: Town Hall
Day 7 At BlueOrange (AI):
117 - Fort
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Fort.
Effect: Fort
Day 9 At BlueOrange (AI):
122 - Halfling Adobe
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Halfling Adobe.
Effect: Halfling Adobe
Day 11 At BlueOrange (AI):
124 - GM 1
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Mage Guild Level 1.
Effect: Mage Guild (level 1)
Day 13 At BlueOrange (AI):
126 - Marketplace
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Marketplace.
Effect: Marketplace
Day 15 At BlueOrange (AI):
131 - Ranch
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Ranch.
Effect: Ranch
Day 17 At BlueOrange (AI):
133 - Manufactory
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Manufactory.
Effect: Manufactory
Day 19 At BlueOrange (AI):
135 - Upg. Adobe
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built an Upg. Adobe.
Effect: Upg. Halfling Adobe
Day 21 At BlueOrange (AI):
137 - City Hall
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a City Hall.
Effect: City Hall
Day 23 At BlueOrange (AI):
142 - Upg. Foundry
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built an Upg. Foundry.
Effect: Upg. Foundry
Day 25 At BlueOrange (AI):
144 - Catacombs
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Catacombs.
Effect: Catacombs
Day 27 At BlueOrange (AI):
146 - Citadel
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Citadel.
Effect: Citadel
Day 29 At BlueOrange (AI):
211 - Upg. Ranch
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built an Upg. Ranch.
Effect: Upg. Ranch
Day 31 At BlueOrange (AI):
213 - GM 2
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Mage Guild Level 2.
Effect: Mage Guild (level 2)
Day 33 At BlueOrange (AI):
215 - Mana Generator
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Mana Generator.
Effect: Mana Generator
Day 35 At BlueOrange (AI):
217 - Watchtower
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Watchtower.
Effect: Watchtower
Day 37 At BlueOrange (AI):
222 - Bank
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Bank.
Effect: Bank
Day 39 At BlueOrange (AI):
224 - Castle
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Castle.
Effect: Castle
Day 41 At BlueOrange (AI):
226 - Upg. Manufactory
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built an Upg. Manufactory.
Effect: Upg. Manufactory
Day 43 At BlueOrange (AI):
231 - Capitol
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Capitol.
Effect: Capitol
Day 45 At BlueOrange (AI):
233 - Silo
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Resource Silo.
Effect: Resource Silo
Day 47 At BlueOrange (AI):
235 - GM 3
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Mage Guild Level 3.
Effect: Mage Guild (level 3)
Day 49 At BlueOrange (AI):
237 - Upg. Catacombs
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built an Upg. Catacombs.
Effect: Upg. Catacombs
Day 51 At BlueOrange (AI):
237 - GM 4
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Mage Guild Level 4.
Effect: Mage Guild (level 4)
Day 53 At BlueOrange (AI):
242 - Artifact Merchants
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built an Artifact Merchants.
Effect: Artifact Merchants
Day 55 At BlueOrange (AI):
244 - Upg. Watchtower
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built an Upg. Watchtower.
Effect: Upg. Watchtower
Day 57 At BlueOrange (AI):
246 - GM 5
Todd's/Bertram's Shop has built a Mage Guild Level 5.
Effect: Mage Guild (level 5)

Heroes[edit | hide]

Location Player Hero
40, 35, 0 Blue Todd Todd the Artificer
27, 36, 0 Orange Bertram Bertram the Artificer
25, 2, 0 BlueOrange Imprisoned Lyadra Lyadra the Wizard
39, 70, 0 BlueOrange Imprisoned Thulig Thulig the Druid
9, 57, 1 Tan Endrello Endrello the Warlock
14, 4, 1 Tan Rumeon Rumeon the Warlock
18, 58, 1 Tan Pyragast Pyragast the Warlock
22, 2, 1 Tan Tharud Tharud the Warlock
48, 52, 1 Tan Razargal Razargal the Warlock
51, 1, 1 Tan Skrell Skrell the Warlock
55, 57, 1 Tan Theard Theard the Warlock
62, 4, 1 Tan Reventyr Reventyr the Warlock
26, 2, 0 Pink Iust Iust the Death Knight
40, 70, 0 Pink Semkat Semkat the Necromancer
5, 67, 1 Pink Torosar Torosar the Alchemist
7, 41, 1 Pink Thrond Thrond the Overlord
33, 4, 1 Pink Thorrd Thorrd the Overlord
39, 22, 1 Pink Nahia Nahia the Necromancer
39, 64, 1 Pink Thjard Thjard the Overlord
54, 37, 1 Pink Ysedore Ysedore the Overlord

Seer's Huts[edit | hide]

Location Quest Reward Messages

0, 66, 0
Return with:
1 Green Dragon Green Dragon
1 Gold Dragon Gold Dragon Proposal: The strange hut turns out to be one of the entrances to a huge cave. You tread carefully through the cave with weapons in your hands, ready to engage in battle.

Suddenly you run right into a huge dragon that has been slumbering in the caves until now. You prepare to fight back, but the dragon doesn't seem keen on attacking.

“I know who you are, and that's the only reason I let you in my cave," the winged wyrm growls softly. “I've been watching you and your army for some time now. As far as I can tell, your opponent is ahead of you. You don't want him to come first, do you? Now listen.

The last few months have been hard on our pack. Recently, several young dragons have disappeared while hunting. Find my missing packmates, and I'll help you.”
Progress: (none)
Completion: “I thought you'd never come back. You say a hostile pack attacked them? How odd. There hasn't been such strife among the dragons of Jadame for centuries.

I mentioned a reward; haven’t I? I'll never give up my treasure, but I can help you in other ways. One of my packmates is willing to join your cause.”

Return with:
1 Green Dragon Green Dragon
1 Gold Dragon Gold Dragon Proposal: Bring the young dragons to me, and one of my fellow gold dragons will join your cause.
Progress: (none)
Completion: Will you accept a Gold dragon into your army, replacing a Green dragon?

2, 35, 0
Return with:
 Wood  Mercury  Ore  Sulfur 15 Crystal 15 Gem  Gold
SleepkeeperSleepkeeper Proposal: I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 15 Crystal and 15 Gems, I would be most grateful.
Progress: (none)
Completion: Finally! Here, give the 15 Crystal and 15 Gems to me, and I'll give you this in return.

9, 14, 0
Giant Giants at (38, 2, 0)
Orb of the FirmamentOrb of the Firmament Proposal: Giants are menacing the northern region of this land. If you could be so bold as to defeat them, I would reward you richly.
Progress: (none)
Completion: At last, you defeated the Giants, and the countryside is safe again! Are you ready to accept the reward?

32, 5, 0
  Level 16
4  Defense skill Proposal: I am old and wise, and I do not admit just anyone into my home. You may enter when you have reached experience level 16.
Progress: (none)
Completion: I thought you had promise. You have indeed reached level 16. Come in, come in. Here, I have something to reward you for your efforts. Do you accept?

35, 65, 0
  Level 16
4  Defense skill Proposal: I am old and wise, and I do not admit just anyone into my home. You may enter when you have reached experience level 16.
Progress: (none)
Completion: I thought you had promise. You have indeed reached level 16. Come in, come in. Here, I have something to reward you for your efforts. Do you accept?

63, 44, 0
Return with:
 Wood  Mercury  Ore  Sulfur 15 Crystal 15 Gem  Gold
SleepkeeperSleepkeeper Proposal: I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 15 Crystal and 15 Gems, I would be most grateful.
Progress: (none)
Completion: Finally! Here, give the 15 Crystal and 15 Gems to me, and I'll give you this in return.

Quest Guards[edit | hide]

Several Quest Guards have been omitted from this list due to their role in being AI tools that the player will not interact with.

Such Quest Guards either: free various enemy heroes from confinement of their starting tile; or allow enemy heroes to unlock specific bonuses with resources and after a certain date has passed.

Location Quest Reward Messages

1, 13, 1
69, 68, 1
Return with:
(remove) Proposal: A powerful wizard owns this tower. He refuses to let you pass unless you bring him the Sleepkeeper.
Progress: The wizard is adamant. Without the Sleepkeeper, none will pass.
Completion: The wizard agrees to let you by in exchange for the Sleepkeeper. Do wish to pass at this time?

2, 29, 0
Return with:
10000 Gold Gold
(remove) Proposal: The guards here are charging a toll of all travelers. They will let you pass for 10000 Gold.
Progress: Since you have not brought 10000 Gold, the guards forbid you passage.
Completion: The guards here are charging a toll of all travelers. They will let you pass for 10000 Gold. Do you wish to pay the toll?

5, 6, 0
Tharud Tharud the Warlock
(remove) Proposal: The guards here protect the lands beyond from the depredations of Tharud. They will not let anyone pass so long as the threat remains.
Progress: The guards still fear Tharud, so you cannot pass.
Completion: Now that you have vanquished Tharud, the threat is gone. Do you wish to pass?

6, 69, 0
Endrello Endrello the Warlock
(remove) Proposal: The guards here protect the lands beyond from the depredations of Endrello. They will not let anyone pass so long as the threat remains.
Progress: The guards still fear Endrello, so you cannot pass.
Completion: Now that you have vanquished Endrello, the threat is gone. Do you wish to pass?

26, 48, 0
Return with:
10 Wood  Mercury  Ore  Sulfur  Crystal  Gem 5000 Gold
(remove) Proposal: The halfling adobe lies in ruins after a raid by the ogres from the wastelands. The halflings seek your help: it will take 10 wood and 5000 gold to rebuild their huts.
Progress: The halfling adobe lies in ruins after a raid by the ogres from the wastelands. The halflings seek your help: it will take 10 wood and 5000 gold to rebuild their huts.
Completion: Do you wish to restore the Halfling Adobe?

31, 37, 0
37, 37, 0
Return with:
by Month 1, Week 1, Day 3
(remove) Proposal: {On difficulty level Difficult and below, you will receive additional artifacts and additional troops}
Progress: {On difficulty level Difficult and below, you will receive additional artifacts and additional troops}
Completion: {Receive?}

39, 3, 0
Mercenary Mercenary or
Artificer Artificer
(remove) Proposal: The guards here say they will only let Mercenary or Artificer pass.
Progress: The guards here will only let Mercenary or Artificer pass.
Completion: The guards note that you are Mercenary or Artificer and offer to let you pass. Do you accept?

49, 40, 0
Return with:
10 Wood  Mercury  Ore  Sulfur  Crystal  Gem 5000 Gold
(remove) Proposal: Todd's foundry took severe damaged in a fire. The mechanics ask for 10 wood and 5000 gold to rebuild the destroyed structure.
Progress: Todd's foundry took severe damaged in a fire. The mechanics ask for 10 wood and 5000 gold to rebuild the destroyed structure.
Completion: Do you wish to rebuild the Foundry?

66, 69, 0
Theard Theard the Warlock
(remove) Proposal: The guards here protect the lands beyond from the depredations of Theard. They will not let anyone pass so long as the threat remains.
Progress: The guards still fear Theard, so you cannot pass.
Completion: Now that you have vanquished Theard, the threat is gone. Do you wish to pass?

68, 8, 0
Skrell Skrell the Warlock
(remove) Proposal: The guards here protect the lands beyond from the depredations of Skrell. They will not let anyone pass so long as the threat remains.
Progress: The guards still fear Skrell, so you cannot pass.
Completion: Now that you have vanquished Skrell, the threat is gone. Do you wish to pass?

69, 54, 0
Return with:
(remove) Proposal: The guards here are charging a toll of all travelers. They will let you pass for 5 Wood, 5 Ore, 3 Sulfur and 5000 Gold.
Progress: Since you have not brought 5 Wood, 5 Ore, 3 Sulfur and 5000 Gold, the guards forbid you passage.
Completion: The guards here are charging a toll of all travelers. They will let you pass for 5 Wood, 5 Ore, 3 Sulfur and 5000 Gold. Do you wish to pay the toll?

20, 68, 1
56, 17, 1
Return with:
1 Cyclops Cyclops
(remove) Proposal: The King wants to see some 1 Cyclops. In order for him to do so we need to look outside the kingdom. Bring us them and we'll let you through.
Progress: I am sorry, but the King wants to only see 1 Cyclops, nothing else will do.
Completion: Excellent! You have found the 1 Cyclops the King is so anxious to see. Let them go with us and you may pass.

20, 68, 1
Return with:
3 Cyclops Cyclopes
(remove) Proposal: The King wants to see some 3 Cyclopes. In order for him to do so we need to look outside the kingdom. Bring us them and we'll let you through.
Progress: I am sorry, but the King wants to only see 3 Cyclopes, nothing else will do.
Completion: Excellent! You have found the 3 Cyclopes the King is so anxious to see. Let them go with us and you may pass.

Quest Gates[edit | hide]

Location Quest Reward Messages

31, 11, 0
40, 22, 1
42, 1, 1
Mercenary Mercenary or
Artificer Artificer
(pass) Proposal: The guards here say they will only let Mercenary or Artificer pass.
Progress: The guards here will only let Mercenary or Artificer pass.
Completion: The guards note that you are Mercenary or Artificer and offer to let you pass. Do you accept?

34, 36, 0
Return with:
1 Dreadnought Dreadnought
(pass) Proposal: Agreement.

We, the undersigned, Bertram Hard Word, son of Bolton Silver Belly, son of Benoit Deep Pocket [11 lines omitted] of the Twice-Belted Goldsmiths Clan of Mount Lesser Smoked Head (hereinafter referred to as "Bertram"), and Todd (hereinafter referred to as "Todd"), covenant that until either of us has built a prototype weapon, the specifications for which are set forth in Appendix 15.6 to this Agreement, we will not cross the boundaries of each other's laboratory compounds by any means, including but not limited to foot, horse, air, or magic (the respective territories shall be delineated in accordance with Section 7.12 of this Agreement). The above likewise applies to our Allies, hereafter referred to as "Spies."

[several dozen more pages of choicest legal verbiage]

The violator will be shamed and get the lash.


Progress: (same as proposal message)
Completion: The mercenaries agree to let you pass in exchange for 1 Dreadnought as recruits. Do you wish to make the exchange now?

32, 46, 1
Tan player
(pass) Proposal: The guards here say they will only let those who fly the tan flag pass.
Progress: The guards here say they will only let those who fly the tan flag pass.
Completion: The guards note your tan flag and offer to let you pass. Do you accept?

Pandora's Boxes[edit | hide]

Location Type Message
Note   Several Pandora's Boxes have been omitted from this list due to their role in being AI bonuses that the player will not interact with.
33, 36, 0 Pandora's Box
Contents: +5  Attack skill, +5  Defense skill, +7  Power skill, +7  Knowledge skill, Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed,  Scroll of Town Portal Scroll of Town Portal

150 Halfling Grenadier Halfling Grenadiers, 50 Bellwether Armadillo Bellwether Armadillos, 20 Sandworm Sandworms, 5000 Gold Gold, 7 Wood Wood, 7 Ore Ore

33, 36, 0 Pandora's Box
Contents: +7  Attack skill, +7  Defense skill, +5  Power skill, +5  Knowledge skill, Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed,  Scroll of Town Portal Scroll of Town Portal

80 Engineer Engineers, 35 Automaton Automatons, 25 Sentinel Automaton Sentinel Automatons, 5000 Gold Gold, 7 Wood Wood, 7 Ore Ore

2, 16, 1 Pandora's Box
Contents: +3  Attack skill, +3  Defense skill, +3  Power skill, +3  Knowledge skill, 12 Green Dragon Green Dragons, 10 Ore Ore, 10 Crystal Crystal

2, 24, 1 Pandora's Box
Contents: +2  Attack skill, +2  Defense skill, +2  Power skill, +2  Knowledge skill, Plate of Dying LightPlate of Dying Light, 5000 Gold Gold, 4 Wood Wood, 4 Ore Ore, 2 Mercury Mercury, 2 Sulfur Sulfur, 2 Crystal Crystal, 2 Gem Gems

67, 71, 1 Pandora's Box
Contents: +2  Attack skill, +2  Defense skill, +2  Power skill, +2  Knowledge skill, Boots of PolarityBoots of Polarity, 5000 Gold Gold, 4 Wood Wood, 4 Ore Ore, 2 Mercury Mercury, 2 Sulfur Sulfur, 2 Crystal Crystal, 2 Gem Gems

Epilogue[edit | hide]

0:44 0:44

Kastore Kastore: Find yourself short on genius? Take a dozen of capable minds, help them get rid of superstitions, and they will do no worse. Once again, this proved to be working, even in a backwater world like this. They had no idea how inferior their talent and knowledge were to those of the great minds who had once created this wonder. They simply convinced themselves the task was within their power. What insolence! I love such people. Play the strings of their vanity right, and you can lead them anywhere... or have them blaze a trail for yourself, even to the heaven.