| scenario = Barbarian Brothers
| description = Crag Hack and Yog must find the Sword of Judgment, Armor of Wonder, and Lions Shield of Courage to win the scenario. However, if either hero is defeated in combat, the scenario is lost. They are limited to level 37 but will carry their experience, skills and spells on to their next scenario.
| underground = enabled
| num_play = 4/1
| size = M
| source = sod
| victory = Acquire Artifacts Sword of Judgement, [[Armor of Wonderand Lion's Shield of Courage.
|<span style="color:#E2C967" title="Armor of Wonderand Lion's Shield of Courage.
">Armor of Wonderand Lion's Shield of Courage.
Yog: Crag and I have been scouring the contested border between Erathia and Krewlod for three Barbarian brothers, each holding one of the artifacts we seek. However, we have been warned that the brothers hardly trust each other, let alone outsiders. They will not give up the artifacts without a fight. For that is what we Barbarians do best.
Yog and Crag Hack discovered that three of the six artifacts that Yog thought he was rid of forever have resurfaced, bought by three Barbarian brothers living in a small contested area of Krewlod. The brothers might think they have a legal right to the artifacts, but it is just too dangerous for them to be in possession of these pieces, especially if Sandro finds out.
Day 1
As Yog and Hack enter the region where the Barbarian Brothers live, a flash flood strikes and separates the heroes. Yelling across the rapids, they agree to meet further up the river, if possible, believing it must thin or end somewhere.
Day 21
Scouts report that the brothers are bringing in reinforcements from other parts of Krewlod to help defend their artifacts. Conquering their castles here might not mean they're utterly defeated.