Master of the Island

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1 - Restoration of Erathia Restoration of Erathia 1 - Restoration of Erathia
1. Homecoming
2. Guardian Angels
3. Griffin Cliff
1. A Devilish Plan
2. Groundbreaking
3. Steadwick's Fall
1. Borderlands
2. Gold Rush
3. Greed
1. Steadwick's Liberation
2. Deal With the Devil
3. Neutral Affairs
4. Tunnels and Troglodytes
1. A Gryphon's Heart
2. Season of Harvest
3. Corporeal Punishment
4. From Day to Night
1. Safe Passage
2. United Front
3. For King and Country
1. The Grail
2. The Road Home
3. Independence
2 - Armageddon's Blade Armageddon's Blade 2 - Armageddon's Blade
1. Catherine's Charge
2. Shadows of the Forest
3. Seeking Armageddon
4. Maker of Sorrows
5. Return of the King
6. A Blade in the Back
7. To Kill A Hero
8. Oblivion's Edge
1. Culling the Weak
2. Savaging the Scavengers
3. Blood of the Dragon Father
4. Blood Thirsty
1. Crystal Dragons
2. Rust Dragons
3. Faerie Dragons
4. Azure Dragons
1. Razor Claw
2. Taming of the Wild
3. Clan War
4. For the Throne
1. Farming Towns
2. March of the Undead
3. Burning of Tatalia
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2. Their End of the Bargain
3. Here There Be Pirates
4. Hurry Up and Wait
3 - Shadow of Death Shadow of Death 3 - Shadow of Death
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2. After the Amulet
3. Retrieving the Cowl
4. Driving for the Boots
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2. Cutthroats
3. Valley of the Dragon Lords
4. A Thief in the Night
1. Bashing Skulls
2. Black Sheep
3. A Cage in the Hand
4. Grave Robber
1. On the Run
2. The Meeting
3. A Tough Start
4. Falor and Terwen
5. Returning to Bracada
1. Target
2. Master
3. Finneas Vilmar
4. Duke Alarice
1. Harvest
2. Gathering the Legion
3. Search for a Killer
4. Final Peace
5. Secrets Revealed
6. Agents of Vengeance
7. Wrath of Sandro
8. Invasion
9. To Strive, To Seek
10. Barbarian Brothers
11. Union
12. Fall of Sandro
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2. To Build a Tunnel
3. Kreegan Alliance
4. With Blinders On
4 - Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss 4 - Horn of the Abyss
1. Pirates and Palms
2. Master of the Island
3. Devil Sunrise
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2. Evenmorn
3. The Shores of Hell
4. The Freedom of the Nix
5. In Search of the Horn
6. Treachery
1. Frontier
2. Heart of Water
3. Horn of the Abyss
4. All Hands on Board!
1. World on Fire
2. Beyond the Horizon
3. Dead or Alive
4. Tomb Raiders
5. Deus Ex Machina
6. Tarred and Feathered
7. New Order
8. Homecoming
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2. The Criminal King
3. Ultimatum
4. The War for the Mudlands
5. Siege of the Wallpeaks
6. Trapped!
7. Slash and Burn
8. Steelhorn
1. Cerberus Gate
2. The Boatman
3. Truth Within Nightmares
4. Twisted Tunnels
5. Jorm's Ambush
6. Old Wounds
7. The Queen's Command
8. Never Deal with a Demon
1. The Trouble with Magic
2. Walking on Clouds
3. Don't Drink the Water
4. Hard Place
5. The Secret in the Flames
6. The Magic that Binds
7. Birds of Fire
8. Masters of the Elements
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2. Dragon's Blood
3. The Dragon Mothers
4. Dragons of Rust
5. Distrust
6. Dragons of Gossamer Wings
7. Dragons of Deepest Blue
8. Clash of the Dragons
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2. Senseless Destruction
3. The World Within
4. The Roots of Life
5. Rebirth
1. The Endless Sands
2. The Nameless Land
3. The Sparkling Bridge
4. The Fiery Moon
5. Vorr, the Insane
1. Hopewielder
2. The First Law
3. By Royal Decree
4. The King's Son
5. The Ransom
6. Beyond the Borders
7. Naming a Nation
8. The First Tatalian War
1. Tarnum the Overlord
2. The Land of the Vori
3. A New Enemy
4. A New Ally
5. The Capture
6. Tunnels of Ice
7. The Barbarian's Wife
8. The Protectors of the Sword

Master of the Island is the second scenario of the Under the Jolly Roger campaign in Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss.



Jeremy didn't yet think of what awaits him in the future. He was simply enjoying his life now. However, somewhere far away on the continent, humongous hordes of Kreegan demons was beginning to stir. They were preparing for a final move, for an ultimate incarnation of their plan of destroying this world. Now, they were sending their scouts in all word's corners. And as it turns out, this little island is in their way, with a fort standing in the middle, with Jolly Roger insidiously grinning from a black pirate flag.

In order to survive, Jeremy has to take over the island. Will he succeed this time?


Map description

To win, capture all external dwellings within 3 months. Jeremy will be limited to level 12, but will continue on to the next scenario of the campaign.

Starting options

Timed events

Day 1 - Day 1
The Jolly Roger was waving proudly atop Utopia. Me and the boys haven't left this place for a few days now. That might have something to do with all this coconut rum...but it would be a crime to let it go to waste! To hell with all cares!

"Hey cap'n, a party of gnolls is approaching!" yelled one of the guards on the walls.

"Shoot those bastards and be done with it!" I yelled back and hit the bottle of rum.

"They come bearing a white flag!" the guard insisted.

I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and sighed. "Fine, let their leader in. I don't know what they want."

A strapping, tawny-hided gnoll entered the fort yard. Unlike others we had seen, he was wearing chainmail and had a sword hanging from his belt. He also wasn't wearing the usual collection of bone amulets and other garbage. This one was definitely different.

"Abgrrrh?" I asked sarcastically, recalling my last conversation with a gnoll.

"What?" the gnoll responded in confusion. "Do you speak Erathian at all, human?"

I do. You had to be there," I chuckled, feeling pleased with my joke. "State your business quickly, and then get lost."

"My name is Alkin. I am the warchief of the largest gnoll tribe on the island," he answered, glancing at the bottle in my hand.

"I'm Jeremy Albatross, commander of the most well-defended fort on the island!" I replied.

"These fortifications are a joke," the gnoll shot back, licking his chops.

"Should a sufficiently large group of those creatures out there decide to attack, you and your fort will crumble back into the earth."

"That sounds a threat?"

"Absolutely not. I came for two reasons: I'd to offer you an alliance, and to give you some friendly advice."

There was a brief moment or silence.

"An alliance!" I laughed. "Did you hear that boys? The gnolls want an alliance! You know, Abgrrrh, I cant really see any reason to form an alliance with you."

"I'm Alkin," replied the gnoll calmly. "And there are strong reasons for an alliance; you simply fail to understand them right now. If you don't act, this island will soon become a scorched wasteland. It would to face this threat together. And you cant escape from the island anyway."

"And who threatens the island?" I demanded to know.

"One of our shamans had a vision of hordes of horned monsters landing here--Kreegans. I am convinced they will get here sooner or later. Eeofol is very close, you see, and this island is a perfect place to lay ambush for the ships of Erathia and their allies."

"How are you so knowledgeable about the outside world?" I asked, taking another swig from the bottle. The tart taste stung my tongue and nose. "Matters not," the gnoll said dismissively.

"I suggest you stop drinking yourself into a stupor and try to get the island's inhabitants under one flag. That will do some good for the cause."

"Listen Abgr... Alkin. Why should we risk our lives stumbling through the swamp? If the Kreegans come, we'll handle them."

"There will be many of them, with powerful magic and mighty creatures, and all you have is a band of swashbucklers. Think about my offer."

With that, Alkin took his leave.

Day 2 - Day 2
I decided to talk to Patris about the gnolls' offer.

"Ya know Cap'n, regardless of what Alkin said, there is a point to consider. We must gain the locals' respect. By the way, the island smugglers and bandits are already thinking of joining us. All that's left is to find them some room in Utopia," Patris remarked.

"The less there are of those ambushes, the easier our lives will be," I agreed.

"One more thing, Patris. Order the men to hide the rest of that rum as far away as possible."

'Why?" asked Patris, almost shocked.

"It gave me a terrible headache."

Day 7 - Day 7
The scouts report that small creatures that look like imps have been spotted near Utopia. If this is true, then the Kreegans have already sent their scouts here and the invasion could be a real threat.
Day 14 - Day 14
Alkin visited me again today--alone this time.

"I see you have followed my advice! Good decision. Efreet, imps and demons were spotted near my tribe's settlement. They're not an army yet, just a scout group--likely mapping out their attack," Alkin warned.

"Listen, I know I was drunk the first time we talked, so I need to ask again: how can you be sure of all this?" I asked.

"'Ha. You're talking to a former sergeant of the Tatalian army," Alkin grinned, disappearing back into the jungle night before I could ask more.

Day 20 - Day 20
"Cap'n!" Patris hailed me. "l saw a large bird over the jungle--it was covered in scales instead of feathers."

"That's an ayssid," I replied.

"I figured. I also thought, if Regna lords use them Erathians use griffins, why not us?"

"We'll have to find a nest of the birds and tame them," I agreed. "We might breed them later on."

Day 28 - Day 28
Scouts have been informing me of some disturbing news. In the middle of the night, deep within the jungle, strange lights and sounds have been observed. During the day, the scouts encounter the bloody remains of bodies strewn across altars. This is obviously some form of ritual. Rumors have been swirling that this could mean the Kreegans are working to open portals for imps, cerberi and other foul creatures. It's giving me the creeps.
Day 42 - Day 42
I felt a sudden pain in the back of my head and turned to see Alkin sitting on a rock. He had a handful of nuts in his hand.

"The hell are you waiting for, pirate?" he asked sharply, throwing another nut at me. I dodged this time.

"I heard that Kreegan ships will be here in a month and a half. Everyone is preparing for the invasion."

"Calm down, can't you see I'm doing my best?"

"Do better," grinned Alkin, standing up from the rock. "Next time we meet, I hope we'll be heading an allied army."





Type Name
Cove Utopia


Type Message
Lizardman Lizardmen text


Player Hero
Tan Jeremy Jeremy the Captain
