Obtain the Eversmoking Ring of Sulfur for the Kreegans to win the scenario. However, if Sandro is defeated in combat, the scenario is lost. Heroes are limited to level 24, but Sandro and three of his lieutenants will carry their experience, skills and spells on to the next scenario.
Victory condition: Defeat Hero or Defeat All Enemies:
Loss condition: Time Expires: 3 months OR Lose
Choose a bonus:
Carried to next scenario: 3
Max level: 24
Sandro: Kreegans are so arrogant, but I have need of their creatures to invade Erathia and crush her military. Without their brute strength I would not be able to carry out all my plans. So I will play their little game and find their precious artifact, the Eversmoking Ring of Sulfur.
Timed events
Day 1
Day 1
The Kreegans have demanded that the Necromancers prove their worth by hunting down the Eversmoking Ring of Sulfur. They apparently need this item to construct some of their buildings, (although to the Necromancers, it is a mere token). You have been sent to fetch this particular item personally because Finneas doesn't trust anyone else with the task. Kreegan support is essential to the plans of Deyja.
Day 1
At (AI): Computer Resources
(Repeats every 1 days) This will give the computer resources every day.
You have discovered why the Kreegans have not gotten the Ring back. A powerful Druid named Melodia has captured the item and dug herself into a very secure location. Using her powerful magic, Melodia has created a series of teleporters to keep intruders out. The Ring is rumored to always be on her person.
Day 12
A scouting party returned early in the morning. They were too slow to catch the Silver Pegasi flying overhead from the direction of the Rampart town where Melodia resides. If they took a message to the other AvLee lords you will soon face more than just a single Druid.
Day 15
Best Spy
It is always best to know your enemy, which is why you often use spies to find out what you can about them, especially this Druid. It will be a few days before the spy returns.
Day 20
Your spy returned today. The news was not good. Or at least that's what you gather from the dismembered corpse tossed on your front doorstep in the predawn hours. It would be extremely prudent to learn more about this mysterious Druid.
Day 28
Speed is of the essence
You must move quickly or face overwhelming odds. If you do not complete your mission in the next two months then the AvLee forces will have time to organize and drive you permanently from this realm of existence. It is essential to get the ring and leave the area as quickly as possible.
It is always good to know someone who will retain and sell information. Fortunately you know such a person, a thief named Dethmar who makes it his business to know about the background of all who dwell in these lands. Jotting down a little of you know about the DruidMelodia, you send off the parchment via a dead crow.
Day 56
Dethmar has obtained some history on the Druid, but his price for revealing it to you is steep-- 3,000 gold and 4 sulfur. You send off the payment, hoping the information will be worth such a lofty sum. Soon afterwards Dethard sends the following message in reply:
Melodia is a veteran Hero of AvLee. That she has survived so many battles suggests that she is lucky to say the least. She has powerful magic abilities with a full compliment of spells in her repertoire. Any magic user would salivate to have even the briefest peek at her spell book. Her reputed skills are excellent, with her having mastered the four magical arts as well as studying combat tactics.